Ocho and I about to do some nightfalls, got a spot open!
PSN - TheApatheticOne
PSN - TheApatheticOne
Hahaha. I'm tempted to keep it, just in case it ever becomes awesome.
I have no idea, there's no radar right?
Walked in on first Nightfall cleanup duty. No Land Beyond Shards.
The Assassination public event is kind of silly now. Popped heavy ammo because that's what I always do. 1Gjallarhorn took down the Cabal target's shields. The rest was shotgun. Really still can't believe they made shotguns this strong without a few incremental steps.
I know I dont post here much. But this is getting ridiculous. Im personally coming to YOUR checkpoint. Holy fucking cow.Don't scare us like thatDGAF still needs to evolve into BBGAF... hibernating another 3 weeks...
Next week will be your week.... Yeah Hall of Famer got 2 drops, still don't think I've ever seen anyone go 3 for 3. Definitely seen a lot of exotics so far this week.
edit: speaking of which, almost forgot I got #6 this morning...
Ocho and I are at the tank in our first nightfall run, need one more!
2 NF: Red Hand IX, and fucking 9 ass energy. How is this even reasonable?
Ocho and I are at the tank in our first nightfall run, need one more!
The chest just before the Gorgon Maze has a chance to give Exotic weapons.
People swap in 3 characters for a better than nothing shot.
The chest there can drop an exotic.
It's mostly ascendant materials. Mostly.
That's how it always is for me. For the longest time, I didn't even know people ran the NF for anything other than the XP boost and the (occasionaly useful) Legendary item.
Not much risk really. Everything dies. The only time I die is when I forget to check my ammo.They made them useful actually. Still a lot of risk involved with being so close up.
I know I dont post here much. But this is getting ridiculous. Im personally coming to YOUR checkpoint. Holy fucking cow.
Is anyone doing HM crota?
Is anyone doing HM crota?
I want to, there are two three more people interested. Add me on PSN (unless I already have you, are you Greyblade ?)
Room for 2. Starting up Normal Crota from deathsinger checkpoint. Going to run it 3x. PSN is reignofsparrows.
Need 3x for HM Crota from Thrall Hallway section.
Is Inferno a permanent mode in PvP?
Inferno Control will be active in your Director for one week, to return in rotation with other playlists you know.
I'll join if you have room.
Yep. What is your psn?
Need 3x for HM Scrota from Thrall Hallway section. Unless someone has a Scrota checkpoint.
Also don't mind running a fresh HM raid.
Any spot yet?Room for 2. Starting up Normal Crota from deathsinger checkpoint. Going to run it 3x. PSN is reignofsparrows.
Need 1 more for Crota HM kill. lvl 32 with good rocket pls
CE full runs tonight?
The usual crew?
1) stb (PSN Berried_treasurE)
2) stb's pal (PSN Capt_Verde)
3) Dave_6 (PSN DaveS78)
4) GRIP (PSN GriP17-)
5) captscience (PSN captscience)
6) schwagger15 (PSN spyder_ur)
a1) ich00 (PSN Ichabod00) ??
a2) StereoType (PSN Haybro_) ??
a3) manicstreet (PSN manicstreet) ??
Same time (8:30 Eastern)? A little earlier (8? 7:30?)?
Full runs? 2x NM, 1x HM?
schwagger15 said:
Next week it's his turn to shoot the chest with a Thunderlord so you can getHudson Jr: Hey Drizzy, shoot your GHorn at the chest so I can get a GHorn.
Me: Sure, why not. *pops a synth*
Hudson Jr. finds a TLord, my White Whale. Funny/crazy moments like these are the only thing I care about for loot drops. No sense in getting upset about things out of your control (just my 2 cents of course).
Space for one more Nightfalls x3
Hudson Jr: Hey Drizzy, shoot your GHorn at the chest so I can get a GHorn.
Me: Sure, why not. *pops a synth*
Hudson Jr. finds a TLord, my White Whale. Funny/crazy moments like these are the only thing I care about for loot drops. No sense in getting upset about things out of your control (just my 2 cents of course).
Hudson Jr: Hey Drizzy, shoot your GHorn at the chest so I can get a GHorn.
Me: Sure, why not. *pops a synth*
Hudson Jr. finds a TLord, my White Whale. Funny/crazy moments like these are the only thing I care about for loot drops. No sense in getting upset about things out of your control (just my 2 cents of course).
Hudson Jr: Hey Drizzy, shoot your GHorn at the chest so I can get a GHorn.
Me: Sure, why not. *pops a synth*
Hudson Jr. finds a TLord, my White Whale. Funny/crazy moments like these are the only thing I care about for loot drops. No sense in getting upset about things out of your control (just my 2 cents of course).