I can do this, have not heard from brianjones yet. I will check the thread in ~3 hours to see if there are any more people interested in this.I can join in on this if you have space for 1 more around or after 4PM GMT today (about 3 hours from now)... also will be available later in the evening (7PM onwards) if that is more suitable.
I can do this, have not heard from brianjones yet. I will check the thread in ~3 hours to see if there are any more people interested in this.
I can do this, have not heard from brianjones yet. I will check the thread in ~3 hours to see if there are any more people interested in this.
Lag everywhere for us last night too. We had 6 horns last night though, and at one point 5 titans, that was fun.Bubbles everywhere.http://xboxclips.com/Revolver+Ned/cfafc9dc-3ae2-4dbe-8a3b-550751d52df2
That lag though. I love it. Somehow makes the encounter much more awesome.
I'm here for another 2 hours. That makes 4 of us, any more for oracles/templar/atheon?
I'm here for another 2 hours. That makes 4 of us, any more for oracles/templar/atheon?
Anyone for inferno? Have one spot
Not sure if the open spot is to fill my absence or someone else dropped but I need to work on my internet a bit now, I'll be back on hopefully soon, no worries if you fill up in the meantime.
Make a post once there's enough people or invite me![]()
There are enough people now, you and Navid aren't online though...and who's got the checkpoint?
Goddamn, just spent 45 minutes carrying two random 29's through the Weekly. They'd clearly never heard of the Lightswitch modifier before, because they kept rushing in and getting their asses smacked, blown up and/or otherwise incapacitated. One of them actually quit out because he rushed into the middle of the area with the Spider tank and I was taking my time whittling down the tank before coming to get him.
I should've brought some better weapons, though. Kept running out of heavy and special.
I must have died 4 times during todays daily. I'm so used to doing it as the level 16 difficulty,to knock out the bounty quickly... I was not prepared....
It is really hard adjusting to NF difficulty. Took my team 3 wipes before finally settling in. Also, I did not know Patience and Time was so good. My Ice Breaker looked like a pea shooter next to this guys P&T.
Pulling a hat trick on the gorgon chest last night was amazing after the dry spell I've had the past 6 or so weeks. Back to back Hawkmoons and another Ice Breaker. Would have been nice to get different items on second and third, but my first HM finally I was too pumped to care. Think I may buy a lottery ticket today
Didn't get to play at all yesterday so I have 3 Nightfalls and weeklies ahead of me, anyone still need to do them?
Lol right, I couldn't go to sleep after that! My Gallarhorn carried me for the last few weeks. Now I just need to level up HM until I get another good dropThat high should carry you for the next few weeks lol.
She'll do the same thing right before the level 4 cap. Frustrating as hell.Eris plz:
WoL increases wolfpack round damage right?
Congrats on the 4th H Ortho, saw a few of those drop during our runs yesterday.
WoL increases wolfpack round damage right?
It actually got an 'accidental nerf'. Hopefully it is fixed soon.Thanks, a couple weeks ago this would have elicited an eye rill, but post Shorgun buff, I am legit excited.
It actually got an 'accidental nerf'. Hopefully it is fixed soon.
Nerfed in what way?
Need one more for Nightfall + Weekly, I'll be doing 2 more runs so if you have more than one character still needing Nightfalls even better.
Any other crazy, foil-less guardians have an interest in doing oracles?
Anyone want to run x3 Nightfalls? Just join me
I will save the oracles checkpoint for you and whomever wants it.
HigXx join Inkn52 and I for Nightfalls and Weekly
I'll be attempting the Nightfall with boy my Warlock and Titan in about an hour, hour and an half. If you feel like helping out, add BlueNinja BE.