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Destiny |OT18| CA$H-4-CROTA

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The Cryptarch's Bane
Ye olde raid group tonight, those of you who are around: how would you feel about 2x HM Abyss and Bridge, then a full HM VoG? Still desperate for a raid chest on my warlock, but wouldn't mind the chance at the Foil.

edit: Definitely want to try some Inferno tonight and will be looking for groups.


hmmm as in the really small collision hit marker? I don't think so but not 100%, I'll post if I notice something, going through saved videos right now anyway since my system storage has been maxed out.... need to free up some space.

yup that one. If my theory is correct that number should be affected, though if it's too small we probably wont see it unless we get a good rounding of decimals.

Serious scientific stuff right here.

Also, go and buy a usb3.0 external drive for your captures. helps greatly.
@Pwn: I'll let you know once I check some old videos, got a few in mind that should give clear indications. Thanks for the heads up about the 3.0 also, need to get my laptop fixed and start transferring stuff...

Interesting. My experience with Inferno has been very different so far. I actually like it a lot

It was fun to play with a Gaf Crucibulldozer but it was completely silly. Literally running circles around maps with nobody to kill, other team quitting matches constantly, triple-capp'ing Domination almost every round. Control has always been a hugely imbalanced mode but in Inferno a full fireteam that communicates is absurdly OP.

Checked destinytracker.com "Recent Matches" and we went 19-0. Only a handful were not Decisive Victories, some were as low as 15k to 3k. Just got really boring after a while :p

edit: it did bump my Hunter's Crucible win% up to 69.41%...
yup that one. If my theory is correct that number should be affected, though if it's too small we probably wont see it unless we get a good rounding of decimals.

Serious scientific stuff right here.

Also, go and buy a usb3.0 external drive for your captures. helps greatly.

You mean, you can transfer your ps4's hdd vid captures to a usb via the console?

Edit: can test theory on the ogre before the end of the DLC mission. Unless it really doesn't display.


@Pwn: I'll let you know once I check some old videos, got a few in mind that should give clear indications. Thanks for the heads up about the 3.0 also, need to get my laptop fixed and start transferring stuff...

It was fun to play with a Gaf Crucibulldozer but it was completely silly. Literally running circles around maps with nobody to kill, other team quitting matches constantly, triple-capp'ing Domination almost every round. Control has always been a hugely imbalanced mode but in Inferno a full fireteam that communicates is absurdly OP.

Checked destinytracker.com "Recent Matches" and we went 19-0. Only a handful were not Decisive Victories, some were as low as 15k to 3k. Just got really boring after a while :p

We need to come up with CA$H-FOR-CRUCIBLE we will carry you
We need to come up with CA$H-FOR-CRUCIBLE we will carry you

lol I like it :)

If only that one asshole hadn't ruined Share Play for everyone, you could definitely make some bank completing Thorn bounties and Crucible trophies for people...

Ye olde raid group tonight, those of you who are around: how would you feel about 2x HM Abyss and Bridge, then a full HM VoG? Still desperate for a raid chest on my warlock, but wouldn't mind the chance at the Foil.

edit: Definitely want to try some Inferno tonight and will be looking for groups.

I think Checkpointasaurus saved the Oracles CP? If the Foil is the only thing you really want... definitely worth trying for, I still love using it especially in VoG. Great FR.


This is what I don't understand. How is edict any better?
Me'n either. Especially since the Timepiece only costs two bullets from the mag per burst if you land all three shots. If you just hit an enemy with every shot from the mag of the timepiece, you get twenty one bursts with field scout. Stupidly good because of that, plus arc damage like the edict. Edict doesn't have a good perk like that.


Butthurt? Yeah, I'm pretty sure there is no better way to define my feelings toward this game right now. Haha.

Same. The lack of content shows when you actually have everything. I just wished they had 2 Raid Gear sets. Like the blue, unused VoG armor.

I Also wish they did not nerf the Auto Rifles. Hand Cannons now feel like Hand Peashooters :( AR feel like you have a cross-eyed Guardian. Sjeesh...
Thanks to iRawr, I'll be loading up the Oracle cp in a feeble attempt to obtain a foil. Going to run it 3x. Have a couple others who will be joining me. We can do the Templar if people want it, but I just need to do Oracles. If anyone is interested, my PSN is Reignofsparrows.


Once I have the Crux, I will have everything.

Still missing Gjallarhorn, Red Death, The 4th Horseman and Necrochasm. I've never got the shotgun to drop, didn't buy Gjallarhorn the one week it was on sale (Back then I wanted a primary exotic and didn't have many strange coins), didn't buy Red Death because when it was around there wasn't much use for it and I'm still waiting on a Crux to drop from HM Crota's End. I have every exotic armor I want.
Ye olde raid group tonight, those of you who are around: how would you feel about 2x HM Abyss and Bridge, then a full HM VoG? Still desperate for a raid chest on my warlock, but wouldn't mind the chance at the Foil.

edit: Definitely want to try some Inferno tonight and will be looking for groups.

I think Checkpointasaurus saved the Oracles CP? If the Foil is the only thing you really want... definitely worth trying for, I still love using it especially in VoG. Great FR.

Haha dat foil thirst! Or maybe its a foil and fatebringer thirst ;) Yeah I still got the oracles CP. I can give it to you guys whenever now.


Since my hunt for Exotic and Legendary weapons is over I started paying attention to some rare drops from roc strikes and crucible like this:

Really good Sniper, hits like a truck:


Speaking of trucks, I found a baby Gjallahorn:



@Pwn: I'll let you know once I check some old videos, got a few in mind that should give clear indications. Thanks for the heads up about the 3.0 also, need to get my laptop fixed and start transferring stuff...
I seem to buy a new external drive every 3-4 months. You can find some good deals on amazon or if you prefer in-store, Best Buy is usually where i buy mine.

You mean, you can transfer your ps4's hdd vid captures to a usb via the console?

Edit: can test theory on the ogre before the end of the DLC mission. Unless it really doesn't display.

yeah you can back them up to a USB device. and then delete them from your system after you check the drive.


Maybe i missed it but what is xur predicted to sell this weekend? I heard something about Saint 14 but i can't be sure. Anyone have any links to the guy that has been predicting?


I've got all armor exotics, all VoG armor, All VoG weapons, all Crota armor except hunter helm, all crota weapons, and all exotic weapons except Hard Light.

After 3 Normal crota kills, 1 hard crota kill, and 1 nightfall. I've yet to get either of the 2 things im still missing.
Haha dat foil thirst! Or maybe its a foil and fatebringer thirst ;) Yeah I still got the oracles CP. I can give it to you guys whenever now.

Could I snag that Oracles CP real quick actually?

I'm helping an LFG group... for reasons.... haha

edit: if you can't get on right now, no worries. We were going to do normal VoG fresh --> Gorgons right now, then I told them I could give them the HM Oracles CP.
Ye olde raid group tonight, those of you who are around: how would you feel about 2x HM Abyss and Bridge, then a full HM VoG? Still desperate for a raid chest on my warlock, but wouldn't mind the chance at the Foil.

edit: Definitely want to try some Inferno tonight and will be looking for groups.

I'm super in on the raids if you have room.

Not sure on inferno...I went in solo a bit yesterday and had an awful time.
Same. The lack of content shows when you actually have everything. I just wished they had 2 Raid Gear sets. Like the blue, unused VoG armor.

I Also wish they did not nerf the Auto Rifles. Hand Cannons now feel like Hand Peashooters :( AR feel like you have a cross-eyed Guardian. Sjeesh...

I hadn't really noticed the HC nerf until I was running the NF last night with my FB. Yikes.


Maybe i missed it but what is xur predicted to sell this weekend? I heard something about Saint 14 but i can't be sure. Anyone have any links to the guy that has been predicting?

March 6th

Helm of Saint 14 (106/114 Int)
Young Ahamkara's Spine (91/98 Dis)
Skull of Dire Ahamkara (94/101 Int)
Chest Engram
Heavy Ammo

March 13th

No Backup Plans (77/83 Str)
Crest of Alpha Lupi - Hunter (157/169 Str!!!)
Light Beyond Nemesis (108/115 Str)
Universal Remote
Gauntlet Engram
No Heavy Ammo

According to this guy's post on Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheG...ussion_xurs_stock_and_nightfall_mods_for_the/


The Cryptarch's Bane
Haha dat foil thirst! Or maybe its a foil and fatebringer thirst ;) Yeah I still got the oracles CP. I can give it to you guys whenever now.
Thanks! I'm not home until 7EST unfortunately. Wouldn't mind skipping to the Oracles one bit

I don't know why we set society up this way. It should be mainly time for playing addictive videogames, with some office work set aside for a few hours each week.


March 6th

Helm of Saint 14 (106/114 Int)
Young Ahamkara's Spine (91/98 Dis)
Skull of Dire Ahamkara (94/101 Int)
Chest Engram
Heavy Ammo

March 13th

No Backup Plans (77/83 Str)
Crest of Alpha Lupi - Hunter (157/169 Str!!!)
Light Beyond Nemesis (108/115 Str)
Universal Remote
Gauntlet Engram
No Heavy Ammo

According to this guy's post on Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheG...ussion_xurs_stock_and_nightfall_mods_for_the/

Thanks for your post! I can't complain about any of that, especially helm of Saint 14!

Only thing needed is getting a hawkmoon before Phaethon does...
Looking to do NF and possibly weekly x2.

Can help people run the sword on Crota afterwards if needed.

Just need 1 more, let me know if you're interested.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm super in on the raids if you have room.

Not sure on inferno...I went in solo a bit yesterday and had an awful time.
Send me (Hawkian) a FR if you haven't yet, I don't know who's showing up or not.

I find it very difficult to have fun solo in the Crucible except in Rumble, which I love. GAF groups are always great even if I really just don't like Control as a gametype.
I hadn't really noticed the HC nerf until I was running the NF last night with my FB. Yikes.
I haven't found Fatebringer to be particularly affected over others (or really even that noticeably affected at all), what's the deal with it in the NF?
Me'n either. Especially since the Timepiece only costs two bullets from the mag per burst if you land all three shots. If you just hit an enemy with every shot from the mag of the timepiece, you get twenty one bursts with field scout. Stupidly good because of that, plus arc damage like the edict. Edict doesn't have a good perk like that.

It's not so much better that I would use it over my Scout rifle, but Full Auto and the Knight Shield break perks are enough to give it a nod over Timepiece.

I love how the timepiece fires on a hair trigger and seems lighter and snappier. The edict is just fat and bulky. It uses a different frame and larger frame is kind of intrusive imo takes up more screen real estate. I don't know, just don't like the edict at all
weekly matchmaking is cool. first game and i had a bubblebro with me so it went by smoothly....except for the other guy who wanted to punch things with lightswitch on.


I hadn't really noticed the HC nerf until I was running the NF last night with my FB. Yikes.

I ran NF with Fate and was doing around 4.5k precision dmg IIRC the only thing that throws me off is that after each reload my aim is a little off the target and don't always land a precision hit, but after 2 shots it becomes a headshot machine
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