I've done everything I could possibly want to do in Destiny this week,
and I literally have everything I want in the game too...
I have every exotic weapon except the Necro (which is crap anyway).
I have every exotic armor that I want now that I got Saint14.
I have three of every Crota Raid Weapon (except I have only two Fang
because RNG...)
I have a full set of Max Crota Raid armor on each Toon. And 26 Exotic Shards.
This week I did Gorgons 3x, Atheon 3x, NM Crota 3x, HM Crota 3x, NF 3x, Weekly 30 3x, and I have been doing the Daily 3x every day. I don't play PvP. My Grimoire score is 2705 and I consider that close enough to Max because the rest of the Grimoire stuff I don't care about... I'll reach max pulse rifle kills and max shotgun kills eventually but I'm in no rush for that... I have over 300 of each class material, and I have over 600 of each planetary material (my goal of over 800 of each will be obtained soon by continuing to do the Daily). I have over 1200 weapons parts, and 300 heavy ammo packs, and close to max glimmer... I find myself maxing duplicate weapons because I am at the glimmer cap and have nothing else to do with it. I reached max Vanguard Marks on all three toons this week because of speed ROC train.
... and yet somehow I wish there was more...