It means that if you are ever playing solo, you can much more likely garuntee a win.What does that even mean?
I'm down.Anyone up for the normal Crota speed run?
Anyone up for the normal Crota speed run?
I'm down.
A few unscientific recordings of mass Chest rewards did show Gjallarhorn dropping more than others. Of course, sample size may have been too low and those getting the Horn may be more likely to report. This was a similar set of stats which did show NLB and Dragons Breath have a higher drop rate in Crota Raid, which seems to be true based on all data collected. I don't know if I can find the thread, but there was some data and analysis on a while ago.
well looks like we got it mostly together then. NLB only VOG. This saturday afternoon. we'll decide on the time.
deafmedal (might be interested)
will need to decide the rules. Rodiard mentioned he would use a blue secondary instead of supers. if we use shotgun secondaries would be acceptable. but ill let everyone help decide the rules.
Where is the rest of the Tues speed crew?
Btw, strange coins for NF drop now? WTF wad that, lol
Only need 3 for super quick run, looking to beat 40 mins and want to start asap, lol.
Normal Crota? I can run that. Lemme switch to my hunter.
I'm down for crota 32 Titan psn is Hurt_and_ScaredOnly need 3 for super quick run, looking to beat 40 mins and want to start asap, lol.
Crux at last! Thanks you greatly Hawk and friends! Have fun with the Husk farming
I guess I better get on that now.... D:
Sweet 2 more for speed run?
I'm down for crota 32 Titan psn is Hurt_and_Scared
I can join, PSN Moridhin
DAT Efreet Spear on Atheon... it give more damage than Ice Breaker.
Use black hammer. Get 3 crits. Witness the magic.
Only gun that does more dps than horn
i am up for a weekly.Anyone looking to run the nightfall or weekly?
Looks like show off is a no show we have room for one more for Crota normal
Sounds good. Can you tell me the time in GMT since I'm in a different time zone than most?
Also, good idea to watch this video of VoG no gun run to get some tips and ideas.
We'll need Titans. Lots of titans
i am up for a weekly.
PSN Zyzomys
Two Vexes in a row.
Okay thanks for the run people.
Anybody up for Normal Crota full first go, then Deathsinger and Crota twice more?
So far....
1. Moi
2. Forrest
3. Sentinalprimus
Joining nowTwo more now.
One more now........
Will watch the video. In pacific so its 845 now do yours one hour ahead right
Haha I'm GMT +10.