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Destiny |OT18| CA$H-4-CROTA

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It's that bad? :(


Just throw it in the vault and hope it gets buffed. It's perk is worthless - it's basically a solar grenade. While it has a large blast radius, it has no tracking. Apart from it looking "cool" it offers very little value in PvE or PvP.

Better to use any RL with either the horseshoes or hand grenades perk (proximity detonation) or tracking.

Plus if you have a maxed 331? IB rocket launcher, use your Exotic slot on Ice Breaker, or Hawkmoon, or Thorn - or
Universal Remote



I'm starting to feel the Bloodborne hype inside me.

I will do all weekly activities at Tuesday to play this fucking game.


no offense, but o_O
None taken.
I'm not too keen on playing with people I don't know, so for the moment I've done both raids only once, with a group of friends and friends of my girlfriend. They're not so "hardcore" on the game as I am, so it's quite a rare thing to have us all free at the same time. Had an awesome time both times, though, and I'm looking forward for future sessions.
In the meantime, I play the weekly content with my girlfriend, and I've soloed my way through the first two parts of the CE raid many, many times. I quite enjoy it this way, and that's the main reason why I want a Horn so much, so that I can solo the end of the raid as well, without having it feel like too much of a chore.
But the itch of joining a GAF group one day is slowly growing... I'm actually torn between having more chances at a Horn each week doing it this way, versus leaving me some weapons to farm as an incentive to do CE solo once I finally get it. ^^
Thanks again for the runs stb! This is the third week in a row or so that I haven't pulled anything of note out of all the raiding and NFs. Considering I'm still missing 5 droppable exotic weapons, it's starting to get a bit frustrating. I'll be back next week though!

I hear you, this week was a bust for me too, unless you count getting the Crux as something of note. I am getting beyond frustrated with not getting my last needed raid piece. My Titan has gotten at least 2 of every other piece. Just no boots. Took me less than two weeks to get to level 31, going on a month with no progress.
Once you are the same level as an enemy, being above them by one, two, etc. levels makes no difference in any way, right?

the very, very, very slight boost on defense. so you can take one, maybe 2 extra hits from enemies a couple levels below you. but as anyone who has gone to earth for patrol can attest. even level 2 enemies can kill you if you let them shoot you long enuogh

EDIT: damn, double post again, sorry

double edit:
I hear you, this week was a bust for me too, unless you count getting the Crux as something of note. I am getting beyond frustrated with not getting my last needed raid piece. My Titan has gotten at least 2 of every other piece. Just no boots. Took me less than two weeks to get to level 31, going on a month with no progress.

I just got warlock gloves for the 1st time yesterday, now I can be 32 with oblivion helm, LBN, or HoPF!

took me since december
See my quote above, Wood. I've got a gazillion hours in and have never double looted them either.

Failure runs deep, amigo. ;)

I knew you could do it twice, but I always thought the Hard version did two pulls. You get 3 mats per chest, or 6 if you just do Hard. There is also the class mark chance and an Exotic.

I don't know if you double up your Exotic chance doing a Hard only.
Kor's guide to PvP Matchmaking manipulation:
The below applies primarily to Solo play.

So here you are, a good player. You've found yourself with a pretty good amount of Best around and Bright side medals, yet for some reason lately you've been getting more and more Bright Side medals and less actual victories. In fact, somehow, most of the victories you've gotten are when you are playing terrible and you end up in the bottom half of the scoreboard on your team. So why does this keep happening?

First lets talk about matchmaking. Bungie has a pretty good default matchmaking system. I would even argue that most matches that have no drop-outs end up being very close matches. This system, as it stands, works well. The problem actually comes about shortly after a game starts.

So the game has started, the initial wave is over and you find yourself kicking ass. The score is already 850v120 in your favor, you even have half a super bar already. And then it happens, your game is about to go to shit and you don't even realize it yet.

xXxRandom_EnemyxXx has left the game

Hey, no big deal right? That just gives you an advantage of a 6v5 in your favor, and right around the time of heavy ammo? Sweet deal. Then Heavy pops. You really have the advantage now. You got one heavy crate and neutralized the second. You've got a little over a 2K lead, and then you see it again:

iTzGuy_on_Other_Team has left the game
Pro_Snipez_Opponent has left the game

Wow, a 6v3? Well, the advantage is there, except now it's become so hard to find somebody that the game has slowed down. You aren't really gaining a bigger lead because of it as well. Now comes the turning point of the game:

U_gunna_get_wrecked has joined enemy team
1HKO_sniper_guy has joined the enemy team
Crazy_Aggresive_Shotgun_guy has joined the enemy team

Around now your team score probably looked something like this:

1800 - You
600 - Teammate 1
545 - Teammate 2
300 - Teammate 3
165 - Teammate 4
100 - Teammate 5

You, being a pretty good player, have been cleaning house this whole game. Bungie noticed, as did their matchmaking formula. In fact, it noticed so well, that it found 3 people on your level to match you against in an effort to get an even match. Sure you can square off against 1 of them, maybe even 2 of them. But your teammates? Those poor bastards are about to get violated more than a hot chick crowd surfing during Mardi Gras.

As the game progresses, you'll find that you've lost that lead, but you hope that you can maintain an even game. Except around 7500v7500 they break away. The enemy team starts using supers and all collectively picked up heavy while your team runs right past it. You end the game around 8700v10000, all because you played too well in the beginning.

So what can you take away from this?
It's actually pretty simple. You want to be the slacker on the losing team here. Believe it or not, the best thing you can do is play like shit the first 1/3rd of the game. Basically until the first heavy pops. If done correctly, you're more lackluster teammates will abandon ship and be replaced by competent players. Then you can actually play to your normal skills and reclaim the advantage.

So what makes me think this works?
I'll be honest, I've done some testing, but not enough to claim this as a sure fire method yet. Yesterday alone I played 17 games of Clash. Of those 17 I was on the winning team twice. Both times I was on the lower half of the score board. Of the 15 times I lost, I received 14 "Bright Side medals"

This morning I played three games and "threw" the match for the first 2 minutes. I won all 3 because my teammates jumped ship and I got some good replacements.

Final Notes
There seems to be several problems that need attention here:
-Players should have some sort of repercussions when abandoning a game
-Matchmaking needs to fill empty slots with players on equal levels of the entire team and not the better/best player
-Some sort of visible rank could help mitigate some of these situations.

And that pretty much concludes my theory. I will continue to test said theory for some time. As a final note, all my experiments took place in Clash. I'm not sure if other game types would work the same way.

5 Games in and I haven't lost a match yet. Still crossing my fingers. The trick is definitely to lead the enemy team into a false sense of security until the first heavy ammo drop. Thats when you start actually playing.
Once you've clicked on your guardian, you should see a "Recent Games" tab on the right side of the screen. Click on the game and it should show you the duration.

While I disagree, I will admit that I obviously have no hard evidence to backup my claims in this regard. Outside of personal anecdote of course.

Don't know if it truly is used for anything, but Bungie's system does keep a Combat Rating for each character.


But the itch of joining a GAF group one day is slowly growing... I'm actually torn between having more chances at a Horn each week doing it this way, versus leaving me some weapons to farm as an incentive to do CE solo once I finally get it. ^^

stares in at Shito...

Yet you are in a fabulously amazing group of Destiny-ers here, in case you were previously unaware. Some of the most patient, funny, quasi-insane people play this game and I have nearly my entire friends list populated from this very community. If you've never had the pleasure of

Watching Dhruv sword Crota to death
with a lightsaber
Boguester/DrDrizzay explain how many points of damage each sword swing at Crota does while doing so on no sleep whatsoever
Listening to Unknown laugh uncontrollably and hearing the Epic Sax guy
Hearing Narmer yell "I GOT THIS" immediately prior to
killing Crota LOL
Witnessing Hawkian go all Ninja-style on any enemy either in PvE or PvP
Grabbing a checkpoint from Chekpointasaurus while listening to his smoke detector beep :p
Witnessing either Figadapaura or Zoba(Twilight Gap) or Kor or Rubenov make quick work of any enemy squad in PvP
Watching Rodiard and Namikaze clear a weekly using HORRIBLE WEAPONS Horrible I say! Horrible!

EDIT: Almost forgot hearing deafmedal sing the RITUAL OF NEGATION SONG (oh gosh)

You're missing out. :)

Feel free to hop in my game at will. And I think that would go for nearly anyone here. I don't think anybody will bite you. :p
I've heard rumors though LOL j/k

PSN: ColonelOCorn
Got my second Hard Light from the Gorgon Chest.

Oh well, another Exotic Shard won't hurt.

stares in at Shito...

Yet you are in a fabulously amazing group of Destiny-ers here, in case you were previously unaware. Some of the most patient, funny, quasi-insane people play this game and I have nearly my entire friends list populated from this very community. If you've never had the pleasure of

Watching Dhruv sword Crota to death
with a lightsaber
Boguester/DrDrizzay explain how many points of damage each sword swing at Crota does while doing so on no sleep whatsoever
Listening to Unknown laugh uncontrollably and hearing the Epic Sax guy
Hearing Narmer yell "I GOT THIS" immediately prior to
killing Crota LOL
Witnessing Hawkian go all Ninja-style on any enemy either in PvE or PvP
Grabbing a checkpoint from Chekpointasaurus while listening to his smoke detector beep :p
Witnessing either Figadapaura or Zoba(Twilight Gap) or Kor or Rubenov make quick work of any enemy squad in PvP
Watching Rodiard and Namikaze clear a weekly using HORRIBLE WEAPONS Horrible I say! Horrible!

You're missing out. :)

Feel free to hop in my game at will. And I think that would go for nearly anyone here. I don't think anybody will bite you. :p
I've heard rumors though LOL j/k

PSN: ColonelOCorn

And then you have Xbone DestinyGAF. We're all pretty much a bunch of bastards.


Got my second Hard Light from the Gorgon Chest.

Oh well, another Exotic Shard won't hurt.

And then you have Xbone DestinyGAF. We're all pretty much a bunch of bastards.

No way, they are awesome! I just have never been able to play with them. :( E92, randomraawr and a bunch of others. The list is supposed to be stickied here somewhere. :)
Interesting, and they are separate per character.


Curious to hear what some ppl's Combat Ratings are. Mine are pretty poverty...

Warlock: 88.18CR 1.18KD
Titan: 93.43CR 1.39KD
Hunter: 89.63CR 1.23KD

The very definition of "mediocre" in PvP lol (at best). My warlock would be higher but he was kind enough to feed a bunch of Rumble kills to a pair of friends working on Thorn bounties.


Is there another way to get Radiant Shards than doing Crotas End? My hunter is 30 and all whats between me and level 32 are those damn shards. I'm unsure if I should try to go Crotas End HM because of the level but I dont want to wait another week to hit 32.
Is there another way to get Radiant Shards than doing Crotas End? My hunter is 30 and all whats between me and level 32 are those damn shards. I'm unsure if I should try to go Crotas End HM because of the level but I dont want to wait another week to hit 32.

Crota's End exclusively.
Can join in as well if you still have space.

What are combat ratings, is it shown in the game or via the website/app?

It's on the site (and probably app but haven't looked there) under each characters Crucible stats. Bungie.net defines it as "An assessment of your skill and teamwork. It factors in your score compared to others in each match and penalizes you for quitting."
Curious to hear what some ppl's Combat Ratings are. Mine are pretty poverty...

Warlock: 88.18CR 1.18KD
Titan: 93.43CR 1.39KD
Hunter: 89.63CR 1.23KD

The very definition of "mediocre" in PvP lol (at best). My warlock would be higher but he was kind enough to feed a bunch of Rumble kills to a pair of friends working on Thorn bounties.

Titan: 138.56CR 1.76k/d
Hunter: 134.73CR 1.64k/d
Warlock: 159.14CR 1.78k/d

dB Viper

Curious to hear what some ppl's Combat Ratings are. Mine are pretty poverty...

Warlock: 88.18CR 1.18KD
Titan: 93.43CR 1.39KD
Hunter: 89.63CR 1.23KD

The very definition of "mediocre" in PvP lol (at best). My warlock would be higher but he was kind enough to feed a bunch of Rumble kills to a pair of friends working on Thorn bounties.

Warlock: 140.31CR, 2.08 K/D, 3.27 W/L
Hunter: 147.02CR, 2.22 K/D, 2.54 W/L
Titan: don't play on him
Got my second Hard Light from the Gorgon Chest.

Oh well, another Exotic Shard won't hurt.

And then you have Xbone DestinyGAF. We're all pretty much a bunch of bastards.

The Bastards of DestinyGAF. The PS4 users acknowledge you guys but are afraid of any legitimized Xbox One players since we fear you may take over ;)
Reading through that massive post.... If this is true, that's fucking bullshit. But it makes sense. Goddamit Bungie.

And how do you find your combat rating?


Curious to hear what some ppl's Combat Ratings are. Mine are pretty poverty...

Warlock: 88.18CR 1.18KD
Titan: 93.43CR 1.39KD
Hunter: 89.63CR 1.23KD

The very definition of "mediocre" in PvP lol (at best). My warlock would be higher but he was kind enough to feed a bunch of Rumble kills to a pair of friends working on Thorn bounties.

Titan: 80.61 0.74 k/d

I declare myself King Scrub!
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