Thats good to hearDay started with waking up with my newly-purchased Red Death and running some Roc Strikes. Having just reached 30, I was surprised by how much easier they were. I'd been running them at 26-28, and they took a while to beat and were pretty much a grind. Well, there difference between running them at level vs. max level differential is amazing. Doing the strike on the moon into the pit with Phosgoth or whatever his name is went down in like 3 minutes with 2 31s. It was ridiculous. It was also relaxing and made me feel like all my hard work patrolling to level up my gear was well worth it. The practice I had put in to learning the strikes at lower levels allowed me to really master them with better gear. It felt damn good. And I got a legendary engram that turned into Do Gooder, not the best gun but a sign of a good day.
Then I hit the Crucible. I'm usually terrible there. But going from a 123 Syzygy as a main to Red Death (even the vanilla version with no healing) was amazing. I could take dudes down in 2 good bursts when it had been taking twice that much. I went up into the top half of the leaderboards and stayed there for the duration of the play session. Got another legendary engram which turned into Truth. At first I thought I was going to shard it to complete my exotic arms, because I had only heard about Gally and Dragon's Breath. But when you guys explained to me that the gun is awesome for PVP, I realized I just got 1/3 of the setup I need to complete the Thorn bounty when I get it (more on that later). Went from no exotic weapons to 2 in 12 hours. Felt fucking great.
Then I got a message from my BFF on PSN Domesplitter13 saying he was going to carry me through CE HM because I had made it to 30 with some hard cases who didn't need a 6th who was going to contribute a lot. Bottom line: it was a grind, but I came out of it with Word of Crota!!! I'm so fired up—finally my first legendary/exotic hand cannon. Feeling good about RNG at this moment at least . . .
Yeah its pretty easy IMO to be carried thro Crota HM. BTW just for my own curiosity, did you guys encounter alot of weird lag and glitches during the Crota encounter??
Yeah was really fun. stupid sword bearer going nuts!
Ugh dont get me started... I did another Crota HM kill a little bit ago and the whole time it was a massive teleporting, glitch and lag fest.