"soon, look forward to ot, guardians.""in the weeks to come"
"soon, look forward to ot, guardians.""in the weeks to come"
Yes, I initially had to re-input my log on info. Now I am getting time out errors.Anyone else having issues logging into the mobile app? Giving me "Authrlentication" errors.
Bungie should buff a lot of weapons to get attention from people. Reinvigorate the game.
Anyone else having issues logging into the mobile app? Giving me "Authrlentication" errors.
So much this, a lot of lackluster weapons still out there :/
"in the weeks to come"
"soon, look forward to ot, guardians."
Oh, no worriEs. Load times in BB are long enough for you to get a daily in, anyways."After your finished with BB"
i'm with you, Shito.I prefer it to Omnigul. Greatly.
At least with arc Phogoth the "difficult" and tedious part is right at the beginning. Once you've cleared that room, it's an easy sprint straight to the boss, and you can easily cheese him while taking no risk at all.
In all honesty, i prefer anything to omnigul, even Crota's soul story Misson. Which i fricking hate.i'm with you, Shito.
How many strange coins is "enough"?
I have 334.
wow! you've got 491% more than i doHow many strange coins is "enough"?
I have 334.
I'd say 4 weeks' worth of Primary+3 Armor purchases.How many strange coins is "enough"?
I have 334.
578 as of yesterday. Still not enough.How many strange coins is "enough"?
I have 334.
How many strange coins is "enough"?
I have 334.
578 as of yesterday. Still not enough.
What would you want buffed? I'd honestly be more attentive to an invigoration of the vendors with damage type and stat re-rolls like some were talking about yesterday. As a non-PvP player, I'm pretty happy with weapons as they are, but Crucible might change my mind.Bungie should buff a lot of weapons to get attention from people. Reinvigorate the game.
Damn, I've been hovering around 100 and thought I was sitting pretty.How many strange coins is "enough"?
I have 334.
What would you want buffed? I'd honestly be more attentive to an invigoration of the vendors with damage type and stat re-rolls like some were talking about yesterday. As a non-PvP player, I'm pretty happy with weapons as they are, but Crucible might change my mind.
Damn, I've been hovering around 100 and thought I was sitting pretty.
How many strange coins is "enough"?
I have 334.
544 coins for me since finishing up weeklies yesterday, plenty but I want MOAR!
578 as of yesterday. Still not enough.
Exotics, mainly, for me.What would you want buffed?
Necrochasm, get assault rifles back, bring back the Mythoclast to its former glory, tons of exotics need to be buffed (Hardlight, NLB, etc) - basically make all weapons useful.
Right, exotics. I've had Hard Light in the vault for some time now, never bothered to use it much. I've got several great exotics that I haven't found the time to level up (Vex, Hawkmoon, TLW, Red Death, Suros, etc.), so I haven't even thought about the ones I haven't bothered to use much.Exotics, mainly, for me.
Would be nice to give back to auto rifles and fusion rifles some way to shine in PVE as well.
But mostly, the vast majority of the exotic weapons that are just crap, to the exception of a few ones that really outshine their legendary counterparts, and are worth using a slot for them.
[EDIT] Yeah, I basically agree with E92 M3's answer.![]()
They've shown they can buff pvp and pve separately... just buff the weak guns in pve and leave them alone for pvp. I understand not wanting one gun or one loadout to be the default choice because they're so powerful, but on the other side of the coin, you have a bunch of weapons no one wants to touch and as a result, you get people who only stick with one loadout. We look at it as "This loadout is all I want to use because all the other guns are terrible" and they look at it as "They're only using this one loadout because those guns are too powerful! Nerf them! That'll balance everything out!"
Right but balance for what? PvP or PvE?Not really. On a codebase level, the most obvious method is to add a damage multiplier that triggers depending on the enemy type (or damage type, for burns or Lightswitch i would posit). This does nothing to address balance regarding range, accuracy, recoil, etc. Those probably cannot be easily abstracted, since pvp and pve use the same values.
They've shown they can buff pvp and pve separately... just buff the weak guns in pve and leave them alone for pvp. I understand not wanting one gun or one loadout to be the default choice because they're so powerful, but on the other side of the coin, you have a bunch of weapons no one wants to touch and as a result, you get people who only stick with one loadout. We look at it as "This loadout is all I want to use because all the other guns are terrible" and they look at it as "They're only using this one loadout because those guns are too powerful! Nerf them! That'll balance everything out!"
so... throwback anybody?
And of course...
You had to be there...
Sure, but balancing damage only is a.very slapdash method. Shotguns just got a damage buff because they are high-risk/high-reward.Right but balance for what? PvP or PvE?
As you said, damage multiplier applied to PvE enemies is possible (and they've done this)... so why wouldn't they continue doing this to "balance" the rest of the weapons for PvE? Mythoclast was way too strong in PvP, so they nerfed it across the board. Seems like adding back a multiplier for PvE enemies would suffice. Leave it alone in PvP.
They've shown they can buff pvp and pve separately... just buff the weak guns in pve and leave them alone for pvp. I understand not wanting one gun or one loadout to be the default choice because they're so powerful, but on the other side of the coin, you have a bunch of weapons no one wants to touch and as a result, you get people who only stick with one loadout. We look at it as "This loadout is all I want to use because all the other guns are terrible" and they look at it as "They're only using this one loadout because those guns are too powerful! Nerf them! That'll balance everything out!"
so... throwback anybody?
waaaaaay back
popping that exotic cherry
if only we knew....
first hard vault loot (too bad i didnt like hawkmoon)
look at that scrubby guardian
hot tub time's vengeance
And of course...
You had to be there...
This. Dont give damage increases, those are boring. Give unique effects that justify an exotic slot; make buildchangers, such as obsidian mind+bad juju.In terms of buffs: They could get rid of that stupid Cascade perk and change it with something unique like a permanent Arc Burn when shooting Hive. Boom - no PVP changes, but a great change for PVE.
*HM Crota Swordbearing Tips*
Right but you'd agree some thought went into balancing the damage vs reload vs range etc for each gun before it made it into the game correct? When most people are describing a gun as weak and in need of a buff, it's due to damage. Yes guns like NLB are a complete disaster and need to be reworked from the ground up, but I'm talking about pea-shooter guns like the hard light, nechrocasm, AR's in general (now), whose damage has been nerfed into the ground.Sure, but balancing damage only is a.very slapdash method. Shotguns just got a damage buff because they are high-risk/high-reward.
Let us say necrochasm gets a 30 percent damage increase for pve, that makes it instantly better than literally anything in its effective type, barring ultra-long range encounters. Net result, broken weapon, more people bitching and moaning.
Basically, damage boosts only are not always a great idea, and tying damage to impact was a wonky as fuck design decision imho.
Ah, but see the points you have made - fatebringer and gjallarhorn are spectacular because thwy have wonderfully working perks that justify their use of a slot.Right but you'd agree some thought went into balancing the damage vs reload vs range etc for each gun before it made it into the game correct? When most people are describing a gun as weak and in need of a buff, it's due to damage. Yes guns like NLB are a complete disaster and need to be reworked from the ground up, but I'm talking about pea-shooter guns like the hard light, nechrocasm, AR's in general (now), whose damage has been nerfed into the ground.
If 30% is too much, then 20%? I mean, I don't see why you have to go up the damage so much that it becomes the only weapon anyone wants to use and then say "well it's too powerful now, scrap the whole project." And again, right now, tons of people just use fatebringer due to the exact situation you described above. "It's instantly better than literally anything in its effective type, barring ultra-long range encounters." My point is, these guns you're describing as "broken" is because they're better than 95% of the others exist right now. Instead of nerfing fatebringer and gjallarhorn damage output to bring them down to the same level as the rest of the pack, why not look at adding back some damage multipliers to the "weaker" guns for PvE?
I certainly see your point that for guns like NLB, where one of the big issues is reload speed, if you buff that in PvE, you're buffing it in PvP and now you have a "powerful" weapon as a primary in PvP with a quicker reload speed because you wanted more people to use it in PvE. I'm really only discussing the weak damage output guns and why these should be addressed in PvE (and how). There's just too many guns that are way too weak in terms of damage out there that I will never replace my fatebringer, fang or a couple others for any somewhat difficult content. Nechrocasm is a fun gun to use, but I have to imagine they thought it would be something better than a patrol-only novelty weapon considering it is one of the most difficult guns to obtain in the game.
Black Hammer is a wonderful and exciting weapon, that should totally have been an exotic.Ah, but see the points you have made - fatebringer and gjallarhorn are spectacular because thwy have wonderfully working perks that justify their use of a slot.
Unfortunately, not every weapon can or is a gamechanger, but every weapon should be worth using until you get that one that can change your playstyle, or expand upon it.
A blanket damage increase would not make sense for most weapons (nlb for instance should have white nail instead of black hammer, and a reload speed increasing perk) but would make it so that the generic stuff is at least usable, i do agree woth you there.![]()
Absolutely, but if NLB had White Nail and a perk that increases reload speed when you do damage? I would use.that as a primary.Black Hammer is a wonderful and exciting weapon, that should totally have been an exotic.
I'm happy as fuck I can use it alongside the horn or another fun exotic, mind you, but it's crazy they kept such a cool perk / concept out of the exotics pool.
Yes and they also do significant damage. Nechrocasm's perk would be a lot closer to "wonderfully working" if it didn't take 3000 shots to kill a dreg to get it to proc.Ah, but see the points you have made - fatebringer and gjallarhorn are spectacular because thwy have wonderfully working perks that justify their use of a slot.
Black Hammer is a wonderful and exciting weapon, that should totally have been an exotic.
I'm happy as fuck I can use it alongside the horn or another fun exotic, mind you, but it's crazy they kept such a cool perk / concept out of the exotics pool.
Yes and they also do significant damage. Nechrocasm's perk would be a lot closer to "wonderfully working" if it didn't take 3000 shots to kill a dreg to get it to proc.