Anyone in the mood for a Normal CE run?
no but are you in the mood for A HARD MODE DEATHSINGER?
no but are you in the mood for A HARD MODE DEATHSINGER?
Anyone in the mood for a Normal CE run?
I'm in!Well, I would like to do Normal mode first for a chance at the coveted BH.
Crota kill onlyCan I get it from any loot drop location?
Ill jump in if there's space2 more people Hard Mode Crota, full of fun and um... fun!
At the Witch.
Crota kill only
Alright, it's happening!
Full Normal CE run, guaranteed* BH drop for everyone!
1. EvilKalamari
2. Waters_100
3. Agent_tiro
*guaranteed eventually if you keep running normal mode
Alright, it's happening!
Full Normal CE run, guaranteed* BH drop for everyone!
1. EvilKalamari
2. Waters_100
*guaranteed eventually if you keep running normal mode
Room for one in a NF run. Join in. PSN: phantom8324
Alright, it's happening!
Full Normal CE run, guaranteed* BH drop for everyone!
1. EvilKalamari
2. Waters_100
3. Sentinalprimus
*guaranteed eventually if you keep running normal mode
What the hell.
PSN Khorgano
Well, I would like to do Normal mode first for a chance at the coveted BH.
I'm keen.
Yup, one more spot for Full normal CE run!
I'll be on soon as well.Narmer, STB, ichabod, rasengan, adamkoy and whoever else I should be on in a little over an hour, depending on how well my son goes down. Hoping to start with some normal CE
Are you applying the sword teachings from Master Hawkian?
Well, I was gonna run this on my 30 warlock, but I will try to pass on the secret sword techniques of the great Master Hawkian for those who require it.
Alright, it's happening!
Full Normal CE run, guaranteed* BH drop for everyone!
1. EvilKalamari
2. Waters_100
3. HidingMyThunder
*guaranteed eventually if you keep running normal mode
I want to play!
According to the internet, we can't turn off auto screenshots for trophies. This is actually true?
Figured I ask here.
lol I remember being psyched to do the same thing... for the ~2 days between mats-for-marks economy and the exotic reset face plant.
At HM Gorgons now if anyone needs.
If anyone is running a normal or hard crota in down.
Psn: manicstreet
You'd think the hooks needed to update/change the weekly and daily activities (and xur) would have been thoroughly developed and tested prior to release.
That, or they didn't have the foresight to see the need for this ability until recently and it's too risky to implement at this point.
Ugh, why do people still use the cheese spot behind the crates for this strike? Takes so long :/
Anyone want to group up for the weekly? Tired of shitty randoms.
Psn name?
Ryck007 here