You do realize by posting Strongbad that reveals our age. Anyone that gets him as a reference is old.
God we are old.
Not old, wise.
You do realize by posting Strongbad that reveals our age. Anyone that gets him as a reference is old.
God we are old.
The keys shall be the next Husk of the Pit for me. 12 hours of looting chests.
if your still on later tonight, around 8pst, ill be down to help
gots to get hyped too!
correct me if im wrong but the passage coins are to BUY gear from ToO vendor right? as in level 34 gear
Not old, wise.
You can tell how starved for new content the destiny community was...
Everyone is having fun, exploring, learning new things, asking questions.
What a great time to be a part of Destiny.
Haha keep up the great work DestinyGAF. Our ideal situation is that Nami has no keys come DLC release!My key got stolen twice more after I posted that!
I knew there was reason I had to download 7 GBs unlike you guys!
I bet each key gets you a random queens weapon with random perks from the treasure room. I'm not farming them until I know what they do for certain.
Well I completed the one at forgotten shores and then couldn't find the chest![]()
I bet each key gets you a random queens weapon with random perks from the treasure room. I'm not farming them until I know what they do for certain.
its for treasure of course, how could you not want treasure
or the queens chastity belt as mentioned earlier, either way. alot of fun
I bet each key gets you a random queens weapon with random perks from the treasure room. I'm not farming them until I know what they do for certain.
the hunger!
this is litterly the only new content we have recieved since January's epic fuck up that was HM Crota that nearly broke this community in peices. its nice to have something fun to do
I will get my damn key!
wtf am I doing?
How long do I have to wait around to do these bounties?
I bet each key gets you a random queens weapon with random perks from the treasure room. I'm not farming them until I know what they do for certain.
its for treasure of course, how could you not want treasure
or the queens chastity belt as mentioned earlier, either way. alot of fun
forgotten shores is a beast of an area with lotts of nooks and crannies. ruthless said if your farming chests. the best place to do it is ember cliffs and citadel as they are really close to each other and the eareas arent that big
wtf am I doing?
How long do I have to wait around to do these bounties?
Yeah... I'm not going to go crazy about these keys either. Would be cool to have one at least, but.... meh....
Tonight I owe my wife some time anyway, and I bet they will "hotfix" chest farming very soon.
Holy shit, I can't believe it's been 5 months since hard mode crota came...
Yeah brother.... those were some dark times![]()
Not going to lie, I was one of those guys that was losing it because of hard mode....
Yeah... I'm not going to go crazy about these keys either. Would be cool to have one at least, but.... meh....
Tonight I owe my wife some time anyway, and I bet they will "hotfix" chest farming very soon.
Holy shit, I can't believe it's been 5 months since hard mode crota came...
Yeah brother.... those were some dark times![]()
Not going to lie, I was one of those guys that was losing it because of hard mode....
You need to wait for a blue fallen drop ship to come to the area. Then it's wave upon wave of ships. You're gonna need a team to do the bounties cause the jerk in Forgotten shores has a bullshit am I doing?
How long do I have to wait around to do these bounties?
or the queens chastity belt as mentioned earlier, either way. alot of fun
This sounds like fun! I'm getting online tonight.
You need to wait for a blue fallen drop ship to come to the area. Then it's wave upon wave of ships. You're gonna need a team to do the bounties cause the jerk in Forgotten shores has a bullshit shield.
me too Cosmos! ill be online about 8pst if you wanna join up! plan on doing these boutnies for some sweet rep and grinding for keys and passage coins
Alright DGaf, going to eat dinner and spend some quality time with the misses.
Glad to see the thread moving so quickly and everyone having such a good time
<3 you guys
See you all in the AM!
wtf am I doing?
How long do I have to wait around to do these bounties?
You need to wait for a blue fallen drop ship to come to the area. Then it's wave upon wave of ships. You're gonna need a team to do the bounties cause the jerk in Forgotten shores has a bullshit shield.
10-15 min for each spawn to happen
Right about what?Lol blue. See that Unstable... we were right all along!
are they all arc shields.
what should I bring for these bounties.
what level are the enemies
Hmm, can't sign back into Destiny. Sits at 'Connecting', then gives me a PSN error.
Might just need to reboot my router.