Bullet sponge enemies and AI are the last of my (and several others') complaints though. My problems are with encounter design for hard difficulty, bungie cannot design hard mode without artificial difficulty...they've never been able to do it.
The PvE is amazing when it's creative like VoG or even the new strike. But it's awful and cheap when it isn't.
I ran with Darryl and Sploatee, just got finished on PoE 34. I had an amazingly fun time despite wiping many (oh so many) times at round 4. It's frustrating but I don't really think it's cheap design. Having you cap those points with so much going on forces you to think up strategies, which I think is this game at its finest. Rambo won't do it. We ended up doing the following:
Darryl went invisible ninja with his Hunter. We'd clean out all but 1 Thrall on wave 1. That way we'd all recover supers, ammo, and get in position. Before killing that last Thrall, Darryl would go to one end of the room and Sploatee and I (both Titans) would stay at the other end. If A spawned by him, he'd invisi-cap it then retreat to safety. A Wizard would always come just before the B marker arrived, which Sploat and I would rocket immediately. Then depending on where B and C appeared I'd go pop an Armor bubble to cap it, shotgun out in case anyone challenged it, Darryl invisibly getting the other point at the same time.
All that done, retreat to original position to kill enemies, leave 1 alive. Since wave 3 is the same thing, we'd repeat the process. Recover heavy, supers etc.
There is so much in that room that can kill you in a second that you're forced to play it safe, study the environment for cover and movement options, evaluate which perks you want on your subclass (took a while to figure out Armor was working better than blessing since Arc burn made even us die quick even with blessing as 33s). I dropped Gift for Bastion so my bubble would last longer. You'd have a Hunter dropping his Horn in favor of P&T just in case a clutch invis was required.
It was by far the hardest encounter I've yet faced in the game. I raged. But I liked it! It wasn't a gear or level check. It was a scenario completely decked against us which we managed to overcome by trial and error, along with some patience (and time, yay).
PoE 34 is hard. Or at least it was for me, I'm not a pro. I don't even use Auto Rifles, I didn't stick through it for the loot. I just really wanted to beat an encounter that challenging using the tools at my disposal and we did it! It was refreshing and felt more satisfying than anything in Crota's End for me.
VoG is still the game's apex and brightest hour. This is, however, a thrilling addition. Can't wait to see what fucked up stuff they'll make us overcome next week. A lot more of us will be 34 by then so it won't be as hard (we were 3 33s) but I think it'll still manage to make us strategize and try different approaches.