Thanks! What are the kinds of drops? Is it like (1) Armor Core (2) Queen Weapon/Armor (3) ??? (4) ???
It's RNG, but from results it's a mix of cores weapons and amour. Maybe smart loot as per Crota too.
Thanks! What are the kinds of drops? Is it like (1) Armor Core (2) Queen Weapon/Armor (3) ??? (4) ???
there could be either an idle timer, or performance check option. If someone is idle, or has rigged their controller to spin around, then a performance check right before the final boss could kick in and give the fire team members the option to boot the idler.
It's RNG, but from results it's a mix of cores weapons and amour. Maybe smart loot as per Crota too.
F--- the Vex Mythoclast. Seriously.
what's with the haterade for the Vex? it's my go-to for crucible. i love the animation of headshot-ing someone and watching their heads roll back from the impact!!!It's the only exotic I have multiples of. Only one fully leveled and two in the Vault, my other characters have no use for it but I can't bring myself to shard them.
there's no stigma - at least none that i've perceived. the week after ToO streamed, we all were stoked to practice and there were all manner of PvP-GAF trains on the tracks.You sonova..
When I'm not at work/on my phone I'd like to have a civil discussion about ToO and the stigma behind looking for pvp-centric groups here.
Well all my raiding and nightfalls are done for the week, and I will now be focusing on crucible until HoW, really need to get better. I'm not horrible, but not great either....
If I had a mouse + keyboard though... GG
Also, this is the last week we are running level 30 nightfalls, and hard mode crota will become significantly easier as a level 33
So close!
I got matched up with a decent pair.barking up the wrong tree there, mate
Thank you, Traveler!
I got matched up with a decent pair.
I still have to do it two more times. Let's see how lucky I am.well, you're luckier than most
I still have to do it two more times. Let's see how lucky I am.
what's with the haterade for the Vex? it's my go-to for crucible. i love the animation of headshot-ing someone and watching their heads roll back from the impact!!!
you've chosen wiselyNami....I am now a disciple of hawk
I hope it won't take half a year like what happen with the praxic to see this:
Although there's no pictures of the bottom (I don't think) the top part looks amazing imo.
Aw yis! Witcher 3 fully installed. Now to do Weekly. God help me with these randoms...
I love the Vex. One of my favorite guns in the game.
Welcome, BrotherNami....I am now a disciple of hawk
Do you need a lady with a strong back?
Do I?
He sure've chosen wisely
For all systems. I bought it digitally for PS4. You just have to go to the PS Store page or your Library and hit download. Will download the game + day 1 patch.Is the pre-load up for PS4 or PC only?
Crota nm
1 Mickeyphree
2 agent trio
Anyone playing Crucible today?
Also bit of an offtopic question but I don't feel like it needs a topic of its own. I have three movies that I want to watch i.e. Avengers, Fast and Furious and Mad Max but I can only go see one right now. I can watch the rest later after my exams (Tomorrowland and Jurassic World will be out too by that time so will need to see those as well lol).
Which one should I go see today?
aw, sorry ich - i think i grabbed the only 4th horseman to drop during our raids on tuesday. :|
I personally can't wait to be able to 3 man crota on hard. I can do crota on normal 3 man no problem. But to be able to do it on hard with a small group will be great.
Probably why I like VoG so much, because it almost forces you to have 4-6 people to make it work. Plus it is just a fun raid that is interesting to boot and has a pretty slick style of teleporting you around. Corta raid is kinda like 4 hallways, not as fun.
Mad Max!
I believe you are correct, it's all good tho, it wasn't sharded immediately so I'm not too salty =D
I agree with both statements here. There's not much for me to get in the Crota raid, and I have a few people that I play with very regularly that used to do normal Crota with just three all the time. Plus it can get a little difficult to find a full fireteam for hm, being able to 3 man it will be great.
VoG is just a fun time. The mechanics are different each encounter (for the most part) and it's a team effort to get done. Crota on the other hand relies too much on individual performance. Plus it can be soloed fairly easily.
I'd like to join this if it's still open.
PSN Jignxs
For all systems. I bought it digitally for PS4. You just have to go to the PS Store page or your Library and hit download. Will download the game + day 1 patch.
Mad Max!
Me doing PVP as Hunter: Casually getting double kills with 1 golden gun shot, sticking knives in heads and watching people burn. "Best Around"
Me doing PVP as TITAN: Lightning Grenade, hey stop running, get back here, LET ME PUNCH YOU!... why are my arms so short? I could waste my super and just kill you, or i can wait for a group. *continues to never run into a single group*
Me doing PVP as Warlock: what are guns? High five! "Point B Neutralized" Hey be there in a min, just gonna float on over there, I hope no one--- *sniped*. You get a grenade and you get a grenade EVERYONE GETS A GRENADE!
there's not stigma - at least none that i've perceived. the week after ToO streamed, we all were stoked to practice and there were all manner of PvP-GAF trains on the tracks.
I believe you are correct, it's all good tho, it wasn't sharded immediately so I'm not too salty =D
I agree with both statements here. There's not much for me to get in the Crota raid, and I have a few people that I play with very regularly that used to do normal Crota with just three all the time. Plus it can get a little difficult to find a full fireteam for hm, being able to 3 man it will be great.
VoG is just a fun time. The mechanics are different each encounter (for the most part) and it's a team effort to get done. Crota on the other hand relies too much on individual performance. Plus it can be soloed fairly easily.
And usually the answer is dead.
If you're losing, sure. If you're winning they are probably off attempting to cap the third zone and ruining the spawns.
*team is off in the distance capping A while you have B and C*
My teams lose quite often, unfortunately.
That feel when the full auto on your TLW glitches out and you get killed by a FB.
I love the Vex. One of my favorite guns in the game.
Might be my first ascension, we will see
That feel when the full auto on your TLW glitches out and you get killed by a FB.
:c I haven't actually seen any of the vids you've posted but I'll assume you're rocking in them? We should team up. I will do my best not to be your dead teammate off in the distance.
2nd Weekly random team wasn't as good as the first...![]()
one left just after we went upstairs to deal with the wave of Fallen. He came back later. The other stayed back and let me take most of the ads.What the... Were they idling or something?
It's not their fault. Bungie never programmed the much needed "show respect to Warlocks our Saviors" command in Destiny. I will tweet Deej to fix this mess for Destiny 2.
On a serious note. Since I am nothing more than a crazy glutton for punishment. I want to work on the Destiny GAF communities presence on Xbox. A call to arms to all XboxOne Destiny players. We should commit to a particular time once a week and do crazy stuff.
Might be my first ascension, we will see
Oh no, that honor goes to Ballerhorn.
Gonna ascend some armor first, though.