Get ready for lots of replies guys....
Hehe, it's not an easy fight even with void burn, but we got through it like the champions we are though!
Also, sorry that I kept calling you captain over and over again haha.
Sorry Noomi, logged off an hour or so before your post, had date night with my gal yesterday, so... yeah
Will be online today tho, if you still need anything
No worries bits, we got it all. I'm all set for PoE for this week
Now, it's all about getting through trials and finding people to play with that can help me get that damn solar hand cannon
That roll sounds awesome!
I got field choke, final round and smallbore on my party crasher.
It's known as the God Roll or Scumbag Roll lol, gets the job done... every time. I figured everyone else is using shotgun to kill my ass, it's about time I do the same to them....
Buhh, I guess i spent all my luck getting The Ram pretty quickly :<
Hey dude, thanks for letting me hop into your daily today, I wanted those 20 marks for some extra relic iron. I just got that AR the other day too, it's actually kind of nice....
I gots my Purifier Robes so I'm happy
Woo, congrats! Sadly there is no exotic chest piece for hunters this time around, so it's a pass for me. Coins saved.
When are we drunk raiding? I've already started..
I was hoping to do it this weekend, but I've been a bit lazy about contacting everyone and figuring out time zones. It'll probably just end up being "hey guys lets drink and raid... now"
It's 7:00am here, I could start drinking.... but then people would judge me