here's a sample of my... playstyle?
zoba, fig, or whoever else is willing, can you take a look and assess how i can improve?
after i viewed it, i know i can improve on map awareness (as i don't know the corners very well) and awareness in general, as i literally ran into/past some opponents.... eesh. what else?
i'm a video-recording scrub - the action starts at 5:23 on this one
repost for a new page
Started watching at 5:23
At 5:45 there was no reason to not throw your grenade against a wall there. Odds were the enemy was going to push towards you. That would either have gotten you a kill, or at least scared him off for you to get situated again.
At 6:25 you'd probably be better off slowing down your shots and aiming them a bit more. You seem to be blind firing in hopes that Thorn will just do the work for you.
At 7:30 you've now died 3 times with a full super. Use that shit! Make some orbs for your teammates, and get an easy kill so you can start charging your super for another.
At 7:40 again, you had a great chance to use your super for a multikill.
At 9:43 you've thrown your trip-mine on the ground twice now. Don't do that. Trip mines work best thrown against a wall or some other vertical surface. It gives them a larger danager zone to enemy players.
At 10:25 you charged out into enemy territory without having reloaded your weapon. You only had 1 in the chamber. Only time I've seen you do that though, so probably not a habit of yours.
General notes:
You only pulled out your special weapon once. Find a Special weapon that compliments your play style. Thorn is a great weapon, but it isn't 100% versatile.
You never used your super. This deprives your team of points in a big way. You aren't making orbs, you aren't getting bonus points for super kills, and you aren't using the "free kills" the game basically gives you.
In general, you need to slow down with your thorn shots. You seem to shoot expectantly a lot. Try waiting a bit for a target to actually pop up around the corner, so you can land that dot on them. Shooting first is just going to scare them away.
Please don't take this too harshly. I'm just pointing out things I would do differently. You did a lot of things right in this game. I'm strictly just focusing on the things you could do differently.