just got this
i didn't know there was another timebreaker from crota. is this new?
I got that I think the second week hard crota was out, basically before I 'quit' lol
just got this
i didn't know there was another timebreaker from crota. is this new?
just got this
i didn't know there was another timebreaker from crota. is this new?
If the destinations for The Taken King are still accurate like they were for HoW, then it seems like the expansion will take place on the Moon, Mars and Venus.
It's been there since December, Zoba. It's just a rare drop. Doesn't drop as much as Timebreaker. I had only one drop for me. Just once unlike the 20+ times Timebreaker dropped for me.
not new and a really lazy palette swap
I want to know what's inside the Traveler. I must know.
Still got a spot open for IB train, psn: Broadbandit (ps4)
Bungie really need to have redesigned Sparrows that have encounter-specific elements, like how the Crota Raid ship has Hive armour elements. A simple colour change isn't enough.I'm surprised I haven't seen or heard of a Sparrow dropping in PoE.
new content is great and all but i'll be disappointed if there isn't a new planet at all.
guess they're saving the rest of the solar system for the next game.
NO PLEASE. hope it's new planets
It wouldn't surprise me at all if new planets won't be seen until Destiny 2. Building up new planets from scratch takes time and much of the Bungie team is probably already working on the second game, which is said to be coming out next year, so reusing what they already have for the next expansion is an obvious resource saver.
Prepare your self for disappointment, so that if we do get new planets you'll be surprised, and if we don't then you won't care lol
I'm surprised I haven't seen or heard of a Sparrow dropping in PoE.
I need to do a 32 If you still have room. I've only done a 32 once before so I am not familiar with the encounter. PSN the210
I will run any PoE with anyone on PS4. My PSN is Contramann
Datto goes in on the leaker-
Datto, calma son.Datto goes in on the leaker-
so he's confirming it all
Nice to see a confirmation.Datto goes in on the leaker-
Datto goes in on the leaker-
Datto goes in on the leaker-
$40 huh. #figwasright
so he's confirming it all
So, 8pm pst?
Datto goes in on the leaker-
Yeah. I mean, i get that he's pissed off, Bungie gives him and other 'pros' exclusive access to the game as well as signal boosting their endeavors.
Thanks for the help on the 32 PoE ShikiAoi
NO PLEASE. hope it's new planets
just got this
i didn't know there was another timebreaker from crota. is this new?
Trying to remember the last time I cared about anything Datto said or did........Datto goes in on the leaker-
Trying to remember the last time I cared about anything Datto said or did........
it's funny how butthurt he is about it tho. leaks will eventually happen.
Will be interesting to see what they do with the void bow. Can't wait to see how much this is going to cost us in Australia, $80 is my bet.
The Taken King, Greencastle's wishlist:
- Europa, Jupiter Moon - Patrol, Story, Strike
- Titan, Saturn Moon - Patrol, Story, Strike
- Old Chicago, Earth - Patrol, Story, Strike
- Raid Social Space on Mercury with Raid bounties and gear NPCs
- Revamped Vault of Glass and Crota's End Raids for the new level caps, with new set of gear for both.
- At least 1 new 6-person Raid (on Oryx's capital ship?)
- At least 3 Strikes
- At least 10 Story missions
- At least 5 PvP maps
- A new 3-person Arena activity somewhere
- In-game grimoire NPCs in the City to chill and read.
- Level cap increase to 50.
- New Faction mechanics with Dead Orbit, New Monarchy, and Future War Cult.
- Sparrow Upgrade and customization mechanics. Exotic sparrows, perks, abilities, etc.
- At least 1 new weapon class per slot: 1 new Primary class, 1 Special class, and 1 Heavy class. Rares, Legendaries and Exotics of each of these new classes.
- Ascending system for Rare weapons and gear into Legendaries, along with crafting of Rare weapons and Armour with mats.
- Legendary Armour rerolling at Eva Levante.
- At least 5 new Exotic armours per class. At least 1 Exotic Warlock boots, come on.
- At least 10 new Exotic Weapons, with bounties for all of them. At least one of those is a Void Special.
- New Music.
I'd pay $40 for the above.
And then have ALL the Playstation content available day 1 for Xbox One users, for the love of god no more of that shit...
Like Rhaegar said, Datto probably has a hard on for Bungie and wants to work there. So he's taking up the Mantle of defense for them....
Anyone care to help me get three wins in trials, my titan desires those gloves.
he already did that when he was being all high and mighty about exploits in raids. that was annoying.
Got a few spots just opened on IB train. Any takers?
Still need help?
What would a gravity bow do?