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Destiny |OT23| This Train is Bound for Mercury


$40 is too much.

What am I saying, of course I'll buy it.

it is but ever dlc has been...

It needs 6 maps or 7, 2 big ones
2 raids lol yeah right
the story needs to be twice as long as HoW with NEW motherfucking levels/areas
200+ weapons Marks cap and glimmer caps doubled.
at least 3 new strikes... (new)
Also they should have new bounties for single and PVP... more creative ones...

Also LET me fucking BUY weapon parts or rework what I get for dismantling weapons....
Stop giving level 34s blue armor in anything so I just waste my time dismantling them its ridiculous.
but yeah I still say even though it basically brought me back to the game.. all the DLC has been to much...15 tops... also stop calling them expansions..bungle...
Gotta say, I am digging the new IB gauntlets.

Titan w/ToO shader


Hunter w/Bittersteel

The boots, not so much.

*not pictured - Hunter pirate boots


I've yet to complete a 34 PoE. My schedule has been crazy lately and never can get a team together. I haven't even had a chance to look into what the boss is like this week. Anyone want to run it with me? PSN


yea, i got the Hunter IB gauntlets with ToO shader. makes it all white and gold. looks freaking rad. i love my Hunter. she's my PVP specialist.

my Titan is for PVE and my Warlock is retired.


The Taken King, Greencastle's wishlist:

  • Europa, Jupiter Moon - Patrol, Story, Strike
  • Titan, Saturn Moon - Patrol, Story, Strike
  • Old Chicago, Earth - Patrol, Story, Strike
  • Raid Social Space on Mercury with Raid bounties and gear NPCs
  • Revamped Vault of Glass and Crota's End Raids for the new level caps, with new set of gear for both.
  • At least 1 new 6-person Raid (on Oryx's capital ship?)
  • At least 3 Strikes
  • At least 10 Story missions
  • At least 5 PvP maps
  • A new 3-person Arena activity somewhere
  • In-game grimoire NPCs in the City to chill and read.
  • Level cap increase to 50.
  • New Faction mechanics with Dead Orbit, New Monarchy, and Future War Cult.
  • Sparrow Upgrade and customization mechanics. Exotic sparrows, perks, abilities, etc.
  • At least 1 new weapon class per slot: 1 new Primary class, 1 Special class, and 1 Heavy class. Rares, Legendaries and Exotics of each of these new classes.
  • Ascending system for Rare weapons and gear into Legendaries, along with crafting of Rare weapons and Armour with mats.
  • Legendary Armour rerolling at Eva Levante.
  • At least 5 new Exotic armours per class. At least 1 Exotic Warlock boots, come on.
  • At least 10 new Exotic Weapons, with bounties for all of them. At least one of those is a Void Special.
  • New Music.

I'd pay $40 for the above.

And then have ALL the Playstation content available day 1 for Xbox One users, for the love of god no more of that shit...

lol much better list

Sofa King

How many extras will PS get in comet? I fear the PS E3 presentation saying something such as, "We're excited to continue our relationship with Bungie and Destiny and we are pleased to announce a PS exclusive raid coming with The Taken King this fall." I sure hope I'm wrong.


Steroid Distributor
Looking for one more for two runs of PoE 32. I just want the helmets for my Hunter and Titan.

We could try 35 as well. Just need my gear first pls.

Xbox One: Truelize


I'm at 3 wins and I need 2 more wins to get the Trials gauntlets for my Warlock. Anybody up to help me and my friend? Be on in a half hour
Guys were asking to much of Bungie.

i only really want 4 things from Bungie right now

-global voice chat
-access to old gear and ascension of any item we want
-private crucible matches
-brand new content and not reskins. raids with new mechanics; actual new pvp modes; actual new vehicles; new locations and not backwards missions, etc
i only really want 4 things from Bungie right now

-global voice chat
-access to old gear and ascension of any item we want
-private crucible matches
-brand new content and not reskins. raids with new mechanics; actual new pvp modes; actual new vehicles; new locations and not backwards missions, etc

Yes, and a smart vote/kick system :\
i only really want 4 things from Bungie right now

-global voice chat
-access to old gear and ascension of any item we want
-private crucible matches
-brand new content and not reskins. raids with new mechanics; actual new pvp modes; actual new vehicles; new locations and not backwards missions, etc

Downvote a map from playlist.
Wow, we got matched against a Murderer's Row of Pro Teams to start our LT ToO train. Loot prospects looked bleak when he was at 4-2 with the Mercy long gone, but some better match making luck and clutch plays all around salvaged an 8-2 finish and all the packages. Not to mention some really fun games with a couple of fine gentlemen. GG LT and Sentinal!


i only really want 4 things from Bungie right now

-global voice chat
-access to old gear and ascension of any item we want
-private crucible matches
-brand new content and not reskins. raids with new mechanics; actual new pvp modes; actual new vehicles; new locations and not backwards missions, etc

Private crucible or customizable matches....I want a mode with no supers and no thorns....or rocket launcher only...or only grenades....only snipers...whatever

I want PVP to be fun again for me and the only way I can really see that is giving us the power to do what we want


Aw damn I just barely missed the call for Trial. Well if there's anyone else doing last minute Trials please allow me to come with, I'll get some kills I swear.
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