We knock that out fastIf he busy playing ToO, that means no Gorgon CP yet?
Ok thanks
We knock that out fastIf he busy playing ToO, that means no Gorgon CP yet?
Ok thanks
Alright. I'm going into the Nightfall. Need two more.
(PSN: The_Sacred)
It's just such a shitty thing to do, considering the quality of Poe in general. Oh well, I got my 2 34s with balanced stat's thanks to IB. I guess I'll roll judgement chances this week, I got strength boots last week from one :|
Strength stat is gross.
With a game starved for unique loot I don't see them ever wiping old exotics. Especially because they made such a point about being able to upgrade them and bring them along for your Destiny career. They just need to make the new exotics as good as the old ones. Which is what they started to get with HoW as some of the new exotic armor/weapons actually are exotics performance-wise.
Sure you have the Gjallarhorn & Thorn for PvE & PvP, there will always be a best-in-class exotic for those game modes (it used to be Suros for instance in PvP before its fall from grace), but there are more good alternatives now. They just need a slight rebalance on some exotics, like a slight AR buff to bring back those exotics as viable for PvP (like what they did with pulse rifles & PvE shotguns). Buff FR a bit to counter those pesky shotgun abusers. And bringing a Gjallorhorn-like heavy legendary (doesn't have to be a RL) will make people use other exotics in high-end PvE more frequently too (like Black Hammer did for Icebreaker). But really, if someone is not switching up from their Gjallarhorn that is their own 'fault' . Just as much as the close-minded Gjallarhorn-only LFG posts.
Str is great on warlocks and hunters.
Glad someone agrees. Strength on titans can fuck off though.Str is great on warlocks and hunters.
Fuck yes! i got the new hunter boots!
Fuck yes! i got the new hunter boots!
Nice noomi, I want that quadruple jump!
All that's left now is a solar handcannon and you're set!
From nightfall? Congrats.
Nice noomi, I want that quadruple jump!
All that's left now is a solar handcannon and you're set!
My assumption is that they'd pack a ton of new exotics to replace the old ones by Destiny 2 or whatever.
Need 1 for nightfall.
Gjallahorn and Thorn will probably still rain supreme
They have really dropped the ball on exotics IMO, by making them way too week
All the new PoE exotics we've seen are gimmicks at the most. Queenbreakers Bow, Lord of Wolves, and Dregs Promise are simply outclassed by other exotics and even legendaries in the same slot. Instead of being this cool strong weapon, at the most they're just a week weapon with a gimmick. It's as if Bungies too afraid to make something good.
So what ends up happening is that the same 3-5 exotics are still the best, in PvE or PvP, IE Gjalla, Thorn, Last Word....etc.
Just like old times![]()
I'm up for running it 3 times if you want to start a group.Nightfall x3 time! Anyone still need a third?
Fate of all Fools seemed like one of the best exotics potential-wise, but it's weird that is still nowhere to be found. Like they are indeed afraid that it will ' too-good'.
That's not because launch stuff was "too good" though. DLC weapons are just bad. A lot of the new armor is up to Vanilla standards and are part of many popular load outs. Don't Touch Me, Obsidian Mind, The Ram, Nothing Manacles, Ruin Wings, Celestial Nighthawk, new Hunter gauntlets are all really cool and can stand their ground comfortably.Exactly. The launch exotics seem really too good compared to DLC and I feel like that kills variety. That there isn't a new Praxic Fire or Saints 14 makes me think Bungie didn't balance the launch exotics too well perk-wise. An exotic wipe would give them a second chance at setting the base power levels for everything and hopefully allow for a larger pool of viable exotic armor.
My assumption is that they'd pack a ton of new exotics to replace the old ones by Destiny 2 or whatever.
Not when I'm trying to hit that 100%/100% on int and disc!
is the perk still a modified heartseeker? Or did they change it recently?
Was waiting for Sentinal to reply but he hasn't so I'm in for NF 3x.Well, I'm up for nightfall. Will be running it 3 times.
Not sure what you mean by heartseeker lol.
I actually mixed up Vesta Dynasty & Fate of all Fools.
Vesta Dynasty has the David ("Precision kills temporarily increase Agility stat for 15 seconds.") & Goliath ("Non precision kills temporarily increase Armor stat for 15 seconds.") perks.
Fate of all Fools has the chain body shots for increased precision damage perk. Which also has the potential to be really really good depending on how much bonus damage you can stack.
Not sure what you mean by heartseeker lol.
I actually mixed up Vesta Dynasty & Fate of all Fools.
Vesta Dynasty has the David ("Precision kills temporarily increase Agility stat for 15 seconds.") & Goliath ("Non precision kills temporarily increase Armor stat for 15 seconds.") perks.
Fate of all Fools has the chain body shots for increased precision damage perk. Which also has the potential to be really really good depending on how much bonus damage you can stack.
Sent you an invite.Was waiting for Sentinal to reply but he hasn't so I'm in for NF 3x.
edit: getting eris bounty first.
At the final part in nightfall, one spot.
Edit: fuck fack ahhhhh
At the final part in nightfall, one spot.
Edit: fuck fack ahhhhh
We knock that out fastand btw normal gorgon.
Did you guys make it to 5 after I was gone?
After playing and failing at ToO the entire weekend I have come to the conclusion that it´s fundamentally broken.
Sure, I´m below average, but I always had 2 really good guys with me and we had no chance.
I have the feeling that the audience is becoming smaller and all that´s left is a pretty small elite.
I kept running into the same teams!
A nice hotfix would be to open up ToO to matchmaking so there are more crappy teams running around.
Allowing 5 losses would probably also be a good idea.
I guess this expansion was not for me.
Reading on the Destiny app that the PoE34 boss name is Gulrot. Thats carrot in Norwegian, wonder if he is orange.
Reading on the Destiny app that the PoE34 boss name is Gulrot. Thats carrot in Norwegian, wonder if he is orange.