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Destiny |OT23| This Train is Bound for Mercury

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The Matador that I got in the Crucible DROPPED with Aggressive Ballistics, Smallbore, Luck in the Chamber and Shot Package. That's pretty good, right?

I'm scared to reroll it and try for Rifle Barreled.

Its good enough to sit on until you get a other to roll for perfection.


Has anyone got a list of best perks for each weapon/type, with a PvP/PvE split anywhere? Getting a bit over googling each drop I get


interesting. i know someone who uses it with nova bomb so they have full health when they super in front of other players. it's not really for me though but i'll keep it around if i ever do crota HM again.

After I got the feel of the sunbro, I had a really hard time going back to void. The nothing manacles have been a fun change of pace, but homing dice can't beat the firebolt.

Having said that, the lock doesn't have the wonderful throwing knife soooo I don't play it as often. It's still worth giving it a shot with the heal helm.


Yeah but what are the possible chances that opening normal then hard gorgon will increase the drop rate? Who knows but I do know it is possible to pull an exotic from normal and hard gorgon chest.

lewd come here ;) I will give you dat ass :p

I didn't get jack, but thanks so much for letting us grab that checkpoint from you. :)


After last night I swore I would never try Skolas again. but my friends talked me into it. Only took about two hours to do the whole thing not bad they used Gjallerhorn and I used black hammer. Got myself a six dreg pride in Arc. Any chance they will let us reroll these in a future update? Would really love for it to be solar.


First, just to make sure I'm not confused about some mechanical aspect- both the servitor bonds breaking and the mine waves spawning are based on hard HP thresholds for Skolas. i.e., you can't have the mines spawn without the bonds having been broken first.

I'd love to admit to you that something was being done wrong. I'd love to be able to say that in hindsight I simply held our group back by failing to do something or giving incorrect instructions. But I can do nothing other than generically disagree. Watching Mindlog's video in particular it is clear we were approaching the encounter in the same way. On our best attempts we came close to simply succeeding, in the same way, but did not. Even in the context of that success, there are a couple of lucky "rolls" as far as which mine spawns where and which guardian is tainted at which moment. I would love to hear that there was some inherent problem with the approach, because I would have been rather reassured if it seemed that we were doing something wrong. I'd prefer the notion that we could have just changed tactics and succeeded- rather than acknowledging we were doing everything right, but not well enough. It just seems like the latter was the case.

There was no "main issue" I could identify. We made "regular" progress (we were getting him closer to dead more frequently during the last few attempts than the first). All signs pointed basically to our group being able to beat him, with continued persistence, adaptation and a little luck on the RNG aspects, but simply ran out of time to be able to continue trying.

The biggest pain point for me was that sometimes he'd "slip by" during our first DPS phase and teleport, sometimes even twice in a row, and thus be way too close and hard to hit to do the damage necessary to even break the bonds before needing the second servitor. If we were able to do that every single time the progress would have felt more natural, but for ever 3 or so runs where the necessary DPS was done to break the bonds, there was one where he started teleport-hopping and we had to hunt for the second servitor. I still have no concept of where the inconsistency with this part was coming from. But it would be totally unfair to call that the "main issue" because we did get past that phase, sometimes very easily, a number of times, and still couldn't quite make it through the rest of the fight.

It was a group formed of three people who had never completed it before, and fatigue was an issue at least for me. I didn't hit every single headshot. Sometimes I missed captains on my radar. Got wire rifled a lot.

You're free to consider 4 hours insane... for my first Atheon kill it was 6, HM Atheon was somewhere around 4 or 5. HM Crota was over 10. All of the above over two or more nights. I honestly don't have the slightest issue with those numbers. It ought to be hard, and require patience and perseverance. It ought to be a significant barrier to overcome. My main frustration right now is that I simply can't go back and try again, even if my fireteam was willing. It's a rather different fight as of reset, with all of the key HP thresholds shifting in importance due to the extra persistent DPS afforded by Black Hammer and Gjallarhorn, and of course with the extra danger that comes with his Scorch cannon being solar. I don't mind taking my stab at this challenge, but it isn't the same one I've been trying to conquer, and so I just have to put all that empty progress on hold, and that feels pretty bad.

edit: Started at 11 and called it quits at 3:00AM, so it wasn't actually 4 hours on Skolas burn on the PoE 35 in total

Sorry for the late reply but I've noticed on both the solar burn week and void burn week doing skolas that he will key onto a guardian if they're late getting out the airlock compared to the two other guardians ahead. When skolas aggros to the late person we then tended to have skolas teleport up double like you've suggested. (He tends to follow the late person as they run through the tunnel causing the quick teleport). Which of course drives havok to the sniper burn strat if you cannot stagger and push him back quickly enough.

The groups I've been successful with for skolas have timed our walk out the entrance and kept closely grouped as we run out. Also have to avoid holding down the run / walk stick during the cutscene as that further moves you. You can also combat this with someone sniping early without waiting on the bubble to start driving him back.
Whatever... just give us the option. If we go thru MM and get ROLLED by some elit3 cr3w, oh well. It'd still be faster than trying to flirt via LFG, set up a match and, then get ROLLED.

I wouldn't see the problem. Every week I've done ToO by using a LFG system, so playing with randoms. I've never had a problem. If they would just have it so solo players are more likely to get matched with other solo players it would be fine. But whatever, I really don't care about ToO anymore, I've gotten everything I wanted from it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
ltw I am here, actually got started so whenever you're ready. sitting at 2/3 in round 1
Sorry for the late reply but I've noticed on both the solar burn week and void burn week doing skolas that he will key onto a guardian if they're late getting out the airlock compared to the two other guardians ahead. When skolas aggros to the late person we then tended to have skolas teleport up double like you've suggested. (He tends to follow the late person as they run through the tunnel causing the quick teleport). Which of course drives havok to the sniper burn strat if you cannot stagger and push him back quickly enough.

The groups I've been successful with for skolas have timed our walk out the entrance and kept closely grouped as we run out. Also have to avoid holding down the run / walk stick during the cutscene as that further moves you. You can also combat this with someone sniping early without waiting on the bubble to start driving him back.
Never heard this suggested before so thank you a ton.

edit: I took potshots at him a couple times but never just went all in sniping even without the bubble, I shall try that.
Whatever... just give us the option. If we go thru MM and get ROLLED by some elit3 cr3w, oh well. It'd still be faster than trying to flirt via LFG, set up a match and, then get ROLLED.

I imagine your teammates would quit out before you had the chance to be rolled by an elite crew. Granted players are more likely to try when there's a lot at stake, but you still run into the accountability issue that matchmaking encourages. A separate playlist for grouping and "preparing" players for the main event is a smarter solution, unless Bungie has upcoming plans on adding a bunch of social parameters into the game.

Raids would have benefited from it too. there isn't any 6 player PvE content in the game other than Raids. If there was some form of dynamic in-game grouping (maybe gathering in front of the vault), they would have been a lot more accessible.

Maybe they'll announce some changes to that end next week.


PVP is so much more fun when it's normal Crucible and not Iron Banner. Those lobbies were too damn MLG sweaty!

i had too much fun in IB. would like to try Elimination tomorrow with my old raid crew. Zoba? figs?

Two skolas down and no loot to show for it, that kind of sucks.... :(

opened the big chest at the end of 34 and got another Her Mercy and a mark. lame as shit.


ltw I am here, actually got started so whenever you're ready. sitting at 2/3 in round 1

Never heard this suggested before so thank you a ton.

edit: I took potshots at him a couple times but never just went all in sniping even without the bubble, I shall try that.

You ready to roll in about 15 min?


Opinion, would you guys keep this or reroll?

Party crasher +1

1st reroll I got one with shot package, final round, small bore

No accurized ballistics though. It's got linear compensator, soft ballistics, and cqb ballistics


Opinion, would you guys keep this or reroll?

Party crasher +1

1st reroll I got one with shot package, final round, small bore

No accurized ballistics though. It's got linear compensator, soft ballistics, and cqb ballistics
Keep it, and when you get another one get your reroll on. I rolled like 20 times until I got shot package again, it's not worth it lol
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