Anyone doing the Nightfall and willing to bring my 29 Titan along? I have a max Icebreaker so I won't be completely useless lol
PS4 BurningNad
PS4 BurningNad
I'll join for 32.
PSN: El_Bombastico
1 spot for IB train.
I need at least one NF. PSN is the same as gaf.Anyone for IB or NF?
Our Skolas run from like 30 mins ago. Things got intense at the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz0oMrQX1bQ
Made so many orbs.
First time doing Poe level 35. Got the cipher..
Anyone else need to do the nightfall strike?
Any IB trains going?!
Grats! Gao gaoFirst time doing Poe level 35. Got the cipher..
we got room, PSN?
Need one more for a quick nightfall run if anyone is down. Psn akademik209
Wow, OT 23...
I need some advice. I'm trying to find a great Hand Cannon for PvE, and I just got my Timur's Lash to get a nice roll of Zen Moment, Field Scout, and Crowd Control. Then I noticed that an old Devil You Know that I had laying around has those exact perks (With Send It instead of the extra bullet from Field Scout).
Which of these hand cannons would actually be better in PvE content?
I don't. =/I would just stick with the Fatebringer. If you have one, of course.
Wow, OT 23...
I need some advice. I'm trying to find a great Hand Cannon for PvE, and I just got my Timur's Lash to get a nice roll of Zen Moment, Field Scout, and Crowd Control. Then I noticed that an old Devil You Know that I had laying around has those exact perks (With Send It instead of the extra bullet from Field Scout).
Which of these hand cannons would actually be better in PvE content?
Anyone up for 32 / 34 PoE?
PSN BelmakoR
I wish the two Elder Ciphers I got didn't both activate at the same time. I think by the time i finish, I'm gonna have two Queenbreaker's Bow.
Anybody up for POE 32 - 35?
You get to choose at the end.
You get to choose at the end.
If you choose at the end, why does it have you choose at the beginning when you first go to Variks?
If you choose at the end, why does it have you choose at the beginning when you first go to Variks?
Reverse psychology.
Sept which class you bringing? Don't want it to be three warlocks. I can bring my hunter for mines.
I can bring either Hunter or warlock. Don't really mind which one.
You don't choose then. Biggest misconception, it just shows you the rewards, pressing X completes it, so you can click anywhere on the screen at the start.
how did you kill the special target in round 4?
he keeps getting away from us too fast, and the adds then kill us while we're trying to get him down.
Ascended Hunger of Crota to 365. Feels more like 265, but I had to do it.
Where is my Gjallarhorn?
Just dismantled one. Feels bad man.
Shotgun the heck out of him as soon as he spawns from that same door on waves 2 and 3. Then gtfo and get to safety on the other side of the map to slowly clear the adds. A blind bubble in front of the spawn door also helps.
there is a worse one.fucking finally
hope the other exotic bounties aren't as tedious and annoying as this.
Just dismantled one. Feels bad man.
Ascended Hunger of Crota to 365. Feels more like 265, but I had to do it.
Where is my Gjallarhorn?