My thoughts on what the community wants:
Transmogrification - I don't know what this is. The idea of making 1 piece of armor look like another piece so you can have a bigger closet, so to speak. Etheric light has made this less important.
Private Crucible Matches - Sure, as long as you can't get stuff from it or ppl would farm the hell out of this.
Gun Skins - Stupid. I don't get it. Similar to Transmog, except with weapons. As the weapon pool grows larger, the need for this will be less important.
Guardian Facial Hair - Stupid. I don't get it. Was a big deal/joke turned serious right before the game came out. Probably not really on their to-do list.
Vault Sorting Options - This is a real necessity.
Crucible Map Voting - No. Leave it random. This would be fine as long as it worked like Halo where you get 1 majority veto option, and are stuck with the 2nd unknown map no matter what. This lets people avoid playing the same map consecutively.
Expanding Faction Interaction - Not sure what this means. Faction wars? I'd like that. Asking for faction vendors to have some purpose besides being another vendor.
Aim Assist Toggle Option - Don't care.
Rotating Stock on Tower Vendors - Why? Just leave alll the options there like it has always been. It sucks that FWC, NM, and DO all have 9 weapons, but only sell 4 of them. The others have to be obtained randomly via rep package.
Dismantle Consumable Items - Sure, why not.
Additional Matchmaking Options - Not sure what this means. The ability to choose matchmaking in modes where it currently isn't available, or disable matchmaking in modes it is. Such as playing Nightfall with matchmaking, or playing the weekly solo.