The whole pvp is a complete mess with too many nerfs, buffs and balance issues. Its wont change for the better or worst at this point.
Yep, crucible only drops. Felwinters possible IB vendor item in the future.
Still patently ridiculous IMO with its Exotic perk.How's Plan C in PvP? Thinking of using Messenger/Plan C.
The whole pvp is a complete mess with too many nerfs, buffs and balance issues. Its wont change for the better or worst at this point.
more like bungie wont change it
nerf thorn
fix the last word
slightly rebalance the vex mythoclast
increase pulse rifle spread
tighten fusion rifle spread but keep range dropoff
buff auto rifle damage
buff scout rifle accuracy
increase shotgun range dropoff
increase blink cooldown
there. games perfect.
yeah that would be a start however i am also considering the maps, supers, lags and everything else as a whole.more like bungie wont change it
nerf thorn
fix the last word
slightly rebalance the vex mythoclast
increase pulse rifle spread
buff auto rifle damage
buff scout rifle accuracy
increase blink cooldown
there. games perfect.
Lets buff everything, instead of nerf this one outlier!
Good game design.
Vex was a fantastic PVE weapon for a difficult challenge. I would've rather it was banned from PVP, then "balanced" by Bungie. Of course they corrected it later, but it was never the same.
nerfing just thorn isn't going to fix the game.
everyone will just use the last word afterwards.
nerf that and everyone will either start blinking with shotguns or just use the messenger or red death.
it's called weapon balance for a reason. thorn isn't the only reason the scale is off
I like the calls for Thorn nerfs are coming out so vehemently during an event for a dumb 6v6 mess of a PvP mode while most comments over the weekend Trials seemed to be just "Pantheon stinks."
.Thorn is broken has been a consistent comment since the first day of trials.
this is like the post I would expect by someone who started playing the game a week ago! I mean... what.I dont know how anyone can be happy about weapons being ruined. I guess my overall mentality in life and video games is to figure out how to overcome problems, not have them changed for me.
That said, I know Bungie will nerf it because of all the people crying.
There will always be a weapon used by everyone.
Hmm. What's the basis for increasing pulse spread?more like bungie wont change it
nerf thorn
fix the last word
slightly rebalance the vex mythoclast
increase pulse rifle spread
tighten fusion rifle spread but keep range dropoff
buff auto rifle damage
buff scout rifle accuracy
increase blink cooldown
there. games perfect.
How could people want to nerf the Thorn when shotguns are the most broken weapon class in the game?
Hell, at least it requires some skill to even get the Thorn in the first place.
That Eastern time? I'll try and report back an hour or two before that.
How could people want to nerf the Thorn when shotguns are the most broken weapon class in the game?
Hell, at least it requires some skill to even get the Thorn in the first place.
the popular pulse rifles (Red Death and the Messenger) are two shot kills that stagger a player's aim. if we weren't being Last Worded up closed and Thorned from far away, we'd all probably be spamming across the map with pulse rifles. Increasing their spread would put these weapons' effective ranges closer to autos and hand cannons, which gives both of those a fighting chance. Scouts would then edge out pulse rifles for the longer ranges.
I understand, I just want my BR heaven back.
I understand, I just want my BR heaven back.
Hawkmoon > Thorn. Hawkmoon master race.
I completed my cipher bounty today and been staring at my reward options for a while. Lord of Wolves or Queenbreakers' Bow?
Get in here Bungie
Of course. All those lovely stories of father and son bonding.DeeJ only likes Reddit
Yea, the game's netcode is pretty baffling. Reach, while not a good Halo game to me, had the best netcode I'd ever played on consoles. I sometimes wonder if the game just can't keep up with 12 people doing all of this crazy shit, I dunno.
My favorite nerf is the Nerf Bow and Arrow.
Perfect...patently ridiculous was exactly what I wanted...May try invective too.Still patently ridiculous IMO with its Exotic perk.
I just reached level 32 and I've never done a single raid, weekly nightfall or PoE that requires friends and I am participating in my first IB now. I am in dire need of Etherics (I think). Can some people add me to their friends list and help? I usually play around 8 pm EST on PSN for a few hours. ID is Zechs34. Thanks! This thread moves fast.
hip firing with scouts was amazing during the beta. i wish destiny could have stayed like that but then the rest of the classes were unlocked and that went out the window.
Of course. All those lovely stories of father and son bonding.
How could people want to nerf the Thorn when shotguns are the most broken weapon class in the game?
Hell, at least it requires some skill to even get the Thorn in the first place.
Deej has been in here before. It's not impossible.
They were simpler times.
Blink did the most damage as far as having a decent mid-range play field.
neither will removing specials off of spawn.
I remember one of the Halo 5 design leads saying that Blink was broken and ruined Destiny.
Quinn maybe?
How could people want to nerf the Thorn when shotguns are the most broken weapon class in the game?
Hell, at least it requires some skill to even get the Thorn in the first place.