Free trip to mercury?
Sure why not.
One Mercury run down!
Can't complain on that free win. Got a Solar Jewel, except I got a Solar Six Dreg Pride earlier this week.
Free trip to mercury?
Sure why not.
One Mercury run down!
If you need another, I don't mind joining up.I'm going to be up for a while so if you guys want to run it again or someone else.
I was told there was a new way to convert my mote of light into strage coins in one of the latest updates. IS THIS TRUE? And if so where is the vendor located?
Is anyone up for a 9-0 run to Mercury?
I need that Elemental Jewel of Osiris!
Ok cool.Yup. PSN: siaynoqq.
I'll roll RAIDERSfan_808Is anyone up for a 9-0 run to Mercury?
I need that Elemental Jewel of Osiris!
I'm going to be up for a while so if you guys want to run it again or someone else.
If I kill the 34 boss three times in the same match, will I complete the elder cipher bounty?
You can go other way around. Xur sells 1 mote for 2 strange coins
Damn, was seriously hopeing that wasn't the case. Need 3 more before Xur leaves. Is he gone Sunday morning or night, can't remember it's been awhile lol.
Man I want to do this but I feel the the sun is about to come up and I should really sleep.When my sniping is on it's on. I have an attention span of a goldfish so I can get easily distracted.
My favorite kill is right a the beginning of a round when I didn't see the enemy and just used my instincts.
I actually feel like doing VOG or CE. Hard Crota or VOG anyone? I still need gorgons.
I still need gorgons.
Pretty bummed out right now. Just feel like this community isn't really what it used to be for gathering together and doing stuff anymore. Maybe it's because HoW just came out but it seems like it's impossible to gather a consistent Nightfall group unless you play with your regular squad of threes and it's even more difficult to get a Trials group going. I tried to gather groups last week and this week and it's just difficult to get something going anymore. Maybe I'm just not getting on at the right times but considering the game requires you to invest time into playing with others and wait on others and stuff I just don't feel like playing Destiny anymore.
Even just now when I thought I was going to play an Iron Banner with 5 other people, I find out that I was just replaced because there was another person who just happened to join even though the group of 6 including myself had just finished Crota's End and agreed on getting an IB train together. I just feel like this community just has a churn and burn status and everyone's pretty much a number. Maybe I just can't invest time into a multiplayer game or there's just something wrong with the community but me being burned on not even getting a spot on an Iron Banner group was just the last straw. Sorry guys. Hope you guys enjoy the game.
Can I grab it too?
Don't have to ask mate.
Also guys, so what's the deal with the Fate of all Fools?
I thought Bungie would ''ninja'' put the bounty into this weeks ToO, with the most recent patch, but as of today, i haven't heard of a single person getting the bounty from the Mercury chest?
Anyone got any ideas what's going on?
Anybody want to do PoE Lv34 w/ me and a non-Gaf buddy? We could do 1-3x, do some 32 PoE also, w/e.
Thanks Rufus.
Thanks ruthless!
Is anyone up for a 9-0 run to Mercury?
I need that Elemental Jewel of Osiris!
Got purifier robes on my 15th chest engram![]()
Pretty bummed out right now. Just feel like this community isn't really what it used to be for gathering together and doing stuff anymore. Maybe it's because HoW just came out but it seems like it's impossible to gather a consistent Nightfall group unless you play with your regular squad of threes and it's even more difficult to get a Trials group going. I tried to gather groups last week and this week and it's just difficult to get something going anymore. Maybe I'm just not getting on at the right times but considering the game requires you to invest time into playing with others and wait on others and stuff I just don't feel like playing Destiny anymore.
Even just now when I thought I was going to play an Iron Banner with 5 other people, I find out that I was just replaced because there was another person who just happened to join even though the group of 6 including myself had just finished Crota's End and agreed on getting an IB train together. I just feel like this community just has a churn and burn status and everyone's pretty much a number. Maybe I just can't invest time into a multiplayer game or there's just something wrong with the community but me being burned on not even getting a spot on an Iron Banner group was just the last straw. Sorry guys. Hope you guys enjoy the game.
Hey there, obviously depending on timezones please please feel free to add me or I can you right now on psn. I don't like people feeling this way, I myself play with as many different gaffers as possible to ensure help or just to have a fun time.
I'm currently moving house so I'm on and off a lot right now but I'm always looking to do NF/pvp/pve with peeps. You only have to wing a msg to me or I'll see you in orbit and I can get you straight in for whatever.
That goes for anyone who posts here or just lurks.
My psn is Assassio and I set up a lot of IB/Trials trains with the community. We may not always win but we will have a lot of fun.
Just went 9-1...damn that hurts so much.
Are you telling me ive had you on my friends list forever without knowing?! Man, we need to play together some day!
I don't really know how to put this nicely so I'll just be blunt. If your only contribution to this thread is asking for groups, it's probably going to be hard for you to find groups. People make connections and form little cliques and that's just part of a community this large. I would encourage you to be a part of the game and balance discussion that happens here often. I would encourage you to try to use any sort of connections you have. For example, I knew Kadey from the SF community, and I watch and chat in Unstable's stream all the time. That helped me become more established here, even though I've only been posting for a month.
If no one joins you in like 10 min, I definitely will.Need 1 for trials psn Hellgast
don't have a regular reset group, Nightfall/Raid team.