Oh, hah, yeah. I've just had horrible luck when trying to start or join a Raid group. I either just miss a group or just never get any responses for starting a raid and get discouraged/bored of asking people to join. 1. it always feels like I'm spamming the page and/or begging, and 2. It brings back flashbacks of old WoW, idling in Ironforge, spamming "LFG STRATHOLME NEED 1 TANK" in chat, which is just the most awful way to spend my free time. I'm getting a little proactive this time and trying to set one up 12 hours in advance
EDIT: New Page, New Post!
Owensboro's "OHGODWHATAMIDOING" Vault of Glass (PS4) 1st Time Run. Thursday, June 18th @~5pm ET. have not decided normal or hard mode yet!
1. Owensboro (PSN: OwensboroEsq) [Level 33 Titan] (No Mode Vote)
2. Jignx (No Mode Vote)
X. silver.tongue (PSN: silvertonguebr) (Hard Mode Only)
X. iRAWRasaurus (Will Help If Online)