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Destiny |OT24| Dances with Wolves

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HM05 is currently trying to solo Crota.
On Hard.
With no guns.

...I'm bad at this game.

No guns meaning super only, melee only or rocket launcher only? DS will time out, Crota will enrage every time right?
I would think

Got invited into a 6 man group. Crota's End. I have no mic.

I've never done it before. Pray4me.

Shoot all the things. Stay alive. :) The bridge might be challenging, but you can do it.

Bold One


The usual Bungie Vidoc, lots of good details.


Lads, I am excite!!!

Seriously, if they keep their promise and deliver what they are saying, then..



Got to Mercury last night.
Bought 1000 weapons parts from Brother Vance.

I don't get to Mercury too often.
And I got plenty of shards still.

GAF: Should I buy another 1000 weapons parts before reset?

the cost is approx 1000 shards per 1000 weapons parts... And ten trips back and forth from the tower to the reef.... Maybe I could buy another 500 lol.

man wish i could this... never got to 7 wins....
man wish i could this... never got to 7 wins....

Oh, Im absolutely terrible at trials. I fell off the stage twice in a row last night. I couldnt time my jumps.
I do fine in clash or control, but when I do trials I get really nervous and mess up the simplest things.
You just need to find some nice and really good players to carry you.
I had Unstable and Wicked carry me.

Hyun Sai

I really have the feeling that the new Warlock subclass will be crappy as hell. I don't see anything it can bring to the table apart decimating low level enemies we can get rid of with anything else. It was doing nothing to the yellow we saw on the video.

I may have missed some utility stuff, so I may be wrong.
I really have the feeling that the new Warlock subclass will be crappy as hell. I don't see anything it can bring to the table apart decimating low level enemies we can get rid of with anything else. It was doing nothing to the yellow we saw on the video.

I may have missed some utility stuff, so I may be wrong.

Kinda like blade dancer super then. It'll wreck in pvp
I really have the feeling that the new Warlock subclass will be crappy as hell. I don't see anything it can bring to the table apart decimating low level enemies we can get rid of with anything else. It was doing nothing to the yellow we saw on the video.

I may have missed some utility stuff, so I may be wrong.

Maybe better jumps? Thatd be cool. Everyone always complains about them.

Hyun Sai

Kinda like blade dancer super then. It'll wreck in pvp

Yeah, I didn't think of that as I don't play PVP. From a PVE point of view, I really wish to have something new as useful or more than the Invisibility, Bubble or Self Rez for high end activities.

I don't even talk about the fact that that Gjallahorn will likely still be in 99% of setup, broken at it is.
Well here comes an early morning rant...

It kind of bothers me that people are really excited about the new dlc. Expectations have been really low for this game.
I say this because I expected new subclasses(there's been an empty square there since day 1), a new raid and at least one new planet or area in the first(TDB) and second(QR) expansions that we got. I expected at bare minimum that for $20.
But instead we got the same areas...backwards. And areas that had been clearly there the entire time but were sealed off. A raid that wasnt nearly as good as the other one. And for the most part some bad pvp maps. The negative hyperbole that surrounds this game's dlc might be the only legit negative hyperbole on the internet. It's totally justified.
The best things weve gotten from the game have been all the changes theyve implemented to the base game. To the way the game itself works. Those changes have been great and its what keeps me playing. But it has nothing to do with the dlc. I feel that for us who have all the dlc we have been fine with the amount of content because it blends in with all the good changes theyve enacted. We applaud what theyve done with the game, but dont think about the dlc because we think of it as one thing. At least thats what it seems to me.

This past generation weve gotten RDR's Undead Nightmare, Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep in Borderlands 2, and in general the individual Fallout 3/NV and Dragon Age/Mass Effect dlc for around that price. All or most of it new, sometimes better than the main game, and long.
And Ive never played the GTA4 dlc, but I also hear thats good dlc.

But I dont know. maybe Im being greedy and too demanding. I really want to be proven wrong on all this.

At least fix the Necrochasm. It's so bad and it shouldnt be.

Hyun Sai

Maybe better jumps? Thatd be cool. Everyone always complains about them.

I don't know, doesn't seem like an issue for me, but will people sacrifice self-rez for another jump ? Unlikely.

On your rant, yeah, I can relate. I will take the expansion to keep playing with my friends, but I'm not that thrilled, especially at that price. I still don't know what will happen to our old gear either.



All God damn weekend I've been trying to get to 7 wins. ALL DAMN WEEKEND. Getting my ass handed to me by fucking pimped out shotguns. Every damn time I fall short. EVERY TIME. This shit is INFURIATING. I'm about ready to quit this damn game. So fucking sick of constantly losing only to have some douchebag teabag my corpse.


Fuck this mode. Fuck this game.
No guns meaning super only, melee only or rocket launcher only? DS will time out, Crota will enrage every time right?
I would think

Shoot all the things. Stay alive. :) The bridge might be challenging, but you can do it.

Someone left on Crota fight and we're wiping quite a few times :(


I really have the feeling that the new Warlock subclass will be crappy as hell. I don't see anything it can bring to the table apart decimating low level enemies we can get rid of with anything else. It was doing nothing to the yellow we saw on the video.

I may have missed some utility stuff, so I may be wrong.

It'll just be nice not to feel useless in Arc Burn NFs. That seems to be the most common elemental modifier.
I think he got no Mic, so that doesn't help either :(

I don't but that's not the problem. I pick up on what to do pretty quickly and if all else fails I have the wiki/guide on my other monitor...we just did pretty well, Crota down to about 1/4 health then we went back inside and Crota followed us and killed two people.

For some reason I have a trophy for completing a raid but I swear I only ever tried to solo VoG as a joke but...fore a first raid it's quite fun. Going quite well.
:lol gotcha, do you mean the swordbearer is doing too much dmg? welp I can hop in if required. PSN: iRAWRasaurus

Origianlly that was the problem. THe last few times I can't work out what really went wrong. Our swordbearer did 2 hits or so, ran away. Then Crota got up. then Swordbearer randomly died, far as I could tell. Maybe lag or glitch, i dunno.

I don't think (honest) that I'm dragging the team down though so success!



All God damn weekend I've been trying to get to 7 wins. ALL DAMN WEEKEND. Getting my ass handed to me by fucking pimped out shotguns. Every damn time I fall short. EVERY TIME. This shit is INFURIATING. I'm about ready to quit this damn game. So fucking sick of constantly losing only to have some douchebag teabag my corpse.


Fuck this mode. Fuck this game.

It was a bad map selection. One of the good things about Burning Shrine and Widow's Court is that they both have a mix of long range and short range combat. Thieves' Den only consists of winding corridors, which doesn't lend well to long range combat. Round based Elimination lends itself well to changing strategies between rounds, but when the only strategy consists of close quarters combat, just at different parts of the map, then it's not going to be very effective.
Origianlly that was the problem. THe last few times I can't work out what really went wrong. Our swordbearer did 2 hits or so, ran away. Then Crota got up. then Swordbearer randomly died, far as I could tell. Maybe lag or glitch, i dunno.

I don't think (honest) that I'm dragging the team down though so success!
Nah youre not the problem. Since your job is simply to shoot rockets when required. Its a really simply fight once you get the timing down IMO ( but I personally killed Crota +100x ). The swordbearer should be able to get atleast 3 R2 in before Crota stands up. Lag and glitches are a major issue with fight but anyways let me know if you do need help.


It was a bad map selection. One of the good things about Burning Shrine and Widow's Court is that they both have a mix of long range and short range combat. Thieves' Den only consists of winding corridors, which doesn't lend well to long range combat. Round based Elimination lends itself well to changing strategies between rounds, but when the only strategy consists of close quarters combat, just at different parts of the map, then it's not going to be very effective.

Yup the map is garbage.

This map has everything a good map shouldn't have.

Long tubes, weird obstacles that you can't shoot through, shitty path ways that people camp around corners with shotguns and also doors. Fucking doors.

Then the different sections of the map are also really cramped which means getting double tagged by a firebolt/arcbolt is definitely possible with no way to escape.

I would really enjoy either Asylum or Anomly next weekend. Both maps have clear sidelines that allow both sniping and shotgun/blink. Also matches should go a lot faster especially on Asylum cause there is no way to camp and hold out like in the top part of Thieves' Den.


Happy Father's Day DGAF! I was told that for the first time this year and it felt great! Then I went to play Destiny this morning when my baby decided it was time to wake up by taking a massive shitbomb. Stay losing. My gf is going out to take the car in for maintenance otherwise I might've had time for Trials finally but maybe not. Back to Crucible I go.
Nah youre not the problem. Since your job is simply to shoot rockets when required. Its a really simply fight once you get the timing down IMO ( but I personally killed Crota +100x ). The swordbearer should be able to get atleast 3 R2 in before Crota stands up. Lag and glitches are a major issue with fight but anyways let me know if you do need help.

we won!


What do you think? :p

To be fair I need a 42 chest piece to get to 34 now so not too fussed.

Light of the Abyss (have a maxed Icebreaker) and Unyielding Casque (have a maxed Achlyophage SYmbiote)

Edit: My golden gun boost from Achlyophage is nice but I might swap it for an exotic chest piece I have...

Both exotic hunter chest pieces are only good for PvP really. Don't touch me and the new bug gauntlet that Xur just sold are really good for PvE.
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