Any mercury group forming?
#believeI love you Luke Smith. Even if you lied about lesbian bears!
This was such a "1up" answer, but with Luke on the dev side instead of the journalist side. lol
The dream is dead.#believegao gao
Well on Friday I went to Mercury with Unstable and my boys got me a $20 PSN card. So all in all, pretty good.Hi! Had a great Father's Day yesterday?
I'm down if we can get a strong third. I do pretty ok, but Titan is my weakest class.Anyone up for helping me get The Messenger? I'm pretty decent (K/D of 1.23). I tried this weekend and went 6-3.
Is he posting in the thread?
But who is Crota's Mom?
I got the worst connection ever in Destiny.
I killed a guy with a Meele and after the match ends it showed I killed him like 10 seconds after lol
No trials for me now... I will try to restart router and PS4.
I can help power level you at some point if you need. Not on right now though...watching the us women's game.Ugh going through the story a 4th time is so drainingI just want my titan to be level 20 already.
When does the reef unlock? I was hoping to use an armor core for my titan to purchase a piece today and then tomorrow....
But who is Crota's Mom?
Any Trials teams forming? I am trying to get the chest piece. PSN D-psipher.
I'll give it a go. MindlogAny Trials teams forming? I am trying to get the chest piece. PSN D-psipher.
Eris Mourn
I can help power level you at some point if you need. Not on right now though...watching the us women's game.
Coming back to destiny after a month away due to vacation and god damn if this stuff on the gaming side is true I thinking I might make this a permanent break. The game was already starting to really annoy me before, but the price points here are too much.
It was fun while it lasted. Very little chance I can come back seriously to this game beyond the odd few crucible matches now
I doubt he would ever go near that thread, they would crucify him.
Just read that interview. The collectors edition was either:
Designed by someone so out of touch with the player base that they thought long time players wouldn't care about new emotes or class specific items with XP bonuses - both of which have never been seen in game before.
Designed by someone who knows the player base will rebuy content regardless, as they will want the new, never before seen items, regardless of what they have to pay.
Either way, it was poorly implemented and a big fuck you to people who have been playing since last year and put up with destiny, when lets be honest, it was as its lowest for quite a while. I personally don't care about the emotes, class items or any content in the CE. What shits me off is that they know people will buy these editions for those items alone, and they are taking advantage of that.
Eris Mourn
Yo momma.
And that is exactly what's wrong with the entitlement attitude so prevalent in our societies today. Crucify the messenger!
It was probably designed by committee of mostly marketing people is my guess. Nothing is as black and white as it may seem to some. They were simply coming up with ideas to sell an $80 Special Edition. There aren't thinking about those that already have the game and have been playing it all this while, but rather how to sell the new expanded Destiny to new patrons.
Isn't this the function of a for profit business? Make money? Does it really have to be a "big fuck you" to anybody? After all, if their pricing and packaging fails, the product fails and they go out of business or make the necessary changes to survive. There's no "government bailout" for Bungie or Activision.
So basically you're upset about something you don't care about, but because other people do and will pay the asking price for it? Look--no one is putting a gun to anyone's head (so-to-speak) to pay for these e-motes or anything at all. It isn't some government mandate that we all have to buy the game.
Luke is exactly right--what is the value proposition for you? If it doesn't work for you, don't buy it, don't play it. Their job at the end of the day, is to make money how they see fit.
I find it extremely curious that players who have spent hundreds and thousands of hours playing a video game like Destiny is crying over some unknown e-motes that in their mind costs too much. I guess all the time they've been playing isn't worth much. Because I would think an average person could, over the course of the year, spend less time figuring out how to make an extra $40 (or save $40 elsewhere) to pay for the e-motes they want. People have paid much more for lesser things.
Are you a Hunter? If not, you can get some extra points with your void subclassFinally got the thorn bounty, but fuck, this 500 void points is going to be terrible to get without a void primary, I'm basically screwed as soon as I run out of special ammo.
Whatever is easiest for you man =DAlso Unstable if you read this I have more ideas for you.
Would you rather I pm, do a party chat at some point or write them up as a blog post?
What level are you? You could do Normal vault of Glass for the Epilogue or hard Crota for the Word of Crota.Finally got the thorn bounty, but fuck, this 500 void points is going to be terrible to get without a void primary, I'm basically screwed as soon as I run out of special ammo.
Are you a Hunter? If not, you can get some extra points with your void subclass
Year One players won't get the same perks as people who buy the collector's edition. They'll get something better.
Tune in to the Weekly Update for more.
"I refuse to pay for what I already have and you should too."
That's your right, and we respect your freedom to make decisions about what you find valuable.
The Collector's Edition is mostly sold out, so the people who found that stuff valuable jumped at the chance. You'll likely see it sold on ebay for much more than what we're asking. But that's not the point. Right?
The real conversation here is: What are we doing to honor you, the players who have been bound to Destiny in this first year of action and adventure? I'm glad you asked. I'm going to answer in the Bungie Weekly Update.
Please stay tuned.
Whatever is easiest for you man =D
second statement:
both statements from the bungie forums.
How about: People who own the base game and both expansions get the LE digital content as their thank you.
Bam, done, overblown controversy over. There's no need to slice and dice this.
The real conversation here is
If the point is to make the CE worth buying, there's no way they'd do this.How about: People who own the base game and both expansions get the LE digital content as their thank you.
Bam, done, overblown controversy over. There's no need to slice and dice this.