Guess what?
Looking for 1 more for ToO. PSN blazeuk
Still looking?
If the point is to make the CE worth buying, there's no way they'd do this.
Looking for 1 more for ToO. PSN blazeuk
32 PoE anyone?
If there is another person interested, I can run it with you. PSN: iRAWRasaurus
edit: or we can 2 man it. Its up to you. let me know.
If there is another person interested, I can run it with you. PSN: iRAWRasaurus
I could use some boss points! Psn is dorssom.If there is another person interested, I can run it with you. PSN: iRAWRasaurus
edit: or we can 2 man it. Its up to you. let me know.
I'm up for it. Ready whenever.If there is another person interested, I can run it with you. PSN: iRAWRasaurus
edit: or we can 2 man it. Its up to you. let me know.
What is this mysterious period?
Clearly, they think the value of the extras is 40 dollars which is what they're charging for them though. Which is the point Luke was trying to make when he was needling the interviewer.The CE is worth buying because it comes with Taken King + Destiny 1 + Expansion 1 + Expansion 2 + Extras. The "extras" are within a extra $20 value for new owners (over the $60 Legendary Edition), and then that buy-in (for the extras) is increased to $40 (over the $40 Standard Edition) for those of us who have spent upwards of $90-$100 on the game already. The value proposition doesn't align at all and is insulting to year one players, in my opinion. This is talking strictly about the Digital editions that are available.
i'll join you
I'll let you know if I get another
I could use some boss points! Psn is dorssom.
I'm up for it. Ready whenever.
I could use some boss points! Psn is dorssom.
Clearly, they think the value of the extras is 40 dollars which is what they're charging for them though. Which is the point Luke was trying to make when he was needling the interviewer.
just gonna go with PedroLumpy and Lik since they reply first. Getting on LIk.
I give up gaf, played this game since launch, 3 nightfalls a week, 3 weekly heroics 3 HM VoG and when CE released 3 of those per week too, and now POE and STILL no Gally.
And with the way that groups in LFG are now, its damn near impossible to get a group for anything without one, even with the level of experience I've got in the game and the other weapons I have, its all down to having this one Exotic Rocket launcher that continues to elude me, yet the groups of New guys I help with the Vault and Crota every week end up getting at least one in Every run.
Sigh, guess I'm just destined to never ever get this RL
Well, another way to look at it is that they are pricing Destiny, TDB, and HOW at 20 dollars if you buy the bundle I guess. lolBut they aren't charging $40 for them. They are effectively charging $20 for them for new players. It only costs you $40 if you're a year-one player (because of the double-dip they expect you to do).
maybe let us choose an exotic of our choice.....
If the point is to make the CE worth buying, there's no way they'd do this.
How about: People who own the base game and both expansions get the LE digital content as their thank you.
Bam, done, overblown controversy over. There's no need to slice and dice this.
Year One players won't get the same perks as people who buy the collector's edition. They'll get something better.
Tune in to the Weekly Update for more.
Ugh going through the story a 4th time is so drainingI just want my titan to be level 20 already.
When does the reef unlock? I was hoping to use an armor core for my titan to purchase a piece today and then tomorrow....
TTK SKUs are shit for day one players. I am buying the CE on all four platforms.
Come on! LiK needs that Hawkmoon!Everything except Hawkmoon.
You're missing the point as you're all caught up in this stupid trendy "oh you're just so entitled" rhetoric. People don't even know what that word means any more it get's thrown around so much as a lazy argument to try and hush up legitimate complaints.
Could someone jump into my game real quick just to revive me? I was doing the daily and killed the boss with a late grenade while I was dead and now the mission won't end because there's no one to revive me.
If someone hasn't done the daily yet it is an easy complete.
PSN bownser88
I think that's a big part of the problem. The goal should be to have the CE entice new players to the game, rather than leverage a small slice of content to extract a lot of money from hardcore existing players. That should not have gotten out of the first marketing meeting.
The simplest way to satisfy everyone - which Deej thinks is impossible but is actually not that hard - would be to do what I said, or alternately to take up MrGreencastle's suggestion and make a digital CE that includes the taken King, plus the new digital content, for a bit more.
What's really weird is the entire idea of the packages they are putting together is to re-baseline everyone with the same set of DLC. But that philosophy has not extended to the extras in the packages, which they are slicing up into old and new players. Just...give everyone the same thing.
I hate marketing so much.
Thanks!I can help. Let me sign on. I will send you a friend request.
Could someone jump into my game real quick just to revive me? I was doing the daily and killed the boss with a late grenade while I was dead and now the mission won't end because there's no one to revive me.
If someone hasn't done the daily yet it is an easy complete.
PSN bownser88
Demanding special treatment as an older player isn't entitlement? Otherwise I agree that this word is too cliched to use anymore.
Having paid $60 for Destiny and $35 for Expansions I and II I don't see how they could charge any less for Expansion III if it is as large as implied. We don't know enough yet to really judge this though. And this is the thing that should matter. Is the content worth the price of admission? Not when it was developed, not how, now what brand new players are paying, but is what you're getting worth your time and money?
As for year one players getting "screwed over," I've put hundreds and hundreds of hours into this game. I have almost played it for a year straight. This is unprecedented for me by a large margin. Although the game and its expansions have been disappointing in many ways I have certainly received my money's worth in the form of hours (not a good way to measure value but there it is), countless memorable experiences, and a great community of players in addition to being part of the zeitgeist from the beginning. Not to mention the ability to participate in events and obtain a lot of gear that is almost, if not completely, impossible for new players to obtain. That's what I paid for and that is what I have received.
Games get cheaper as time goes on. Most things do generally. I understand the apprehension when comparing what new players pay compared to older players but I don't see how this is any different than it has ever been. One year later Destiny should be cheaper. 10 months later Expansion I should be cheaper, especially since it is not quite the same experience that early players had.
You're missing the point as you're all caught up in this stupid trendy "oh you're just so entitled" rhetoric. People don't even know what that word means any more it get's thrown around so much as a lazy argument to try and hush up legitimate complaints. We're asking for Bungie to provide year-one players with an Edition of the Taken King (digital or not) that's pricing takes into account that we've already bought Destiny 1 and Expansion 1 & 2. Why is this so difficult for people to understand? $40 extra is ridiculous for emotes, and that's the only avenue they're providing, because it comes with content we've already purchased. The solution is obvious, make a digital guardian edition like the launch one. $90 or whatever, with TTK + Expansion 3&4. No one would be upset. We want to give our money to Bungie - this is not "entitlement" - we just want reasonable options that don't insult us as a player who has supported the game since day 1. Hell, sell the damn content as a $5-10 DLC - just don't insult us with a $40 carrot over our heads. We will see how they address these complaints this Weekly Update.
Entitled: en·ti·tled
adjective: entitled
believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.
Just read the bungie defends destiny thread. Oh god the cringe. Bungie certainly isn't helping our popularity. Gaming side hates us even more now for liking destiny. They see us all as morons who will pay $80 dollars for mostly the same stuff we already own with a smile on our collective faces. Then there's people who think we're dense for spending $40 on a small expansion. We can't really make a good call on that one yet, but chances are its not going to have enough content to justify the price tag.
Just wait for Thursday everyone! Our Lord and Savior Deej won't let us down!
I don't disagree with you on principle, but the flip side is that I can take my money and give it to people who are willing to accommodate my needs. It's one of the great things about capitalism.Trendy? Trendy would be to start demonizing DeeJ and Luke for decisions they probably didn't make. Or for the way they communicated those decisions to us. Or to accuse a Company of trying to "fuck over" their loyal customers.
Let's look up the word "Entitled" shall we?
A bunch of people think that because they are "loyal" customers or Day 1 "supporters" or whatever, thinks they deserve "special treatment (or pricing)" for a bunch of stuff that Bungie decided is/was worth $40/$20/whatever. That's entitled. That's the "value proposition" Luke refers too.
Who gets to decide what is in your own words, "$40 extra is ridiculous for emotes"? I think $2 is ridiculous for emotes. So what? Clearly, there are many (going by the "sold out" pre-orders) that seem to think that is worth it or have justified spending $40 on it for their own reasons. Read all the mostly negative comments on that Reddit thread and tell me that it isn't "entitlement."
Furthermore, this statement in and of itself is an oxymoron: "We want to give our money to Bungie - this is not "entitlement" - we just want reasonable options that don't insult us as a player who has supported the game since day 1." Really? We want to give money to Bungie for nothing? Oh wait--there's a string attached--"reasonable options." We're entitled to "reasonable options" because we are day 1 supporters?
I'm a Bungie whore. I have all the publicly available content on all four platforms except for Blacksmith and the Gamestop Sparrow on XB1. I only recently started developing my XBL Guardians in the past couple of weeks. I have a Titan with both subclasses maxed at 34 and started the Hunter last night.If they made it so you could transfer your character over to PS from Xbox, they will have sold another copy. But, you can't. So, I won't.