I must be out of the loop, what is with the glowing eye fad Rodiard is pushing?
I'm no pusher.

I must be out of the loop, what is with the glowing eye fad Rodiard is pushing?
Looks like this will effect something tangible, I wonder what it will be?
Looks like this will effect something tangible, I wonder what it will be?
The Queen pulse is the only pulse with it's RoF and impact tier in the game and has a very unique feel. It's a weird outlier that statistically has a higher TTK than many others, but has super high AA and still kills in two bursts. It feels really good despite the math not working in its favor. I have one with Third Eye, Stability, and Hidden Hand and it melts. It might be my favorite non-Messenger/Hopscotch pulse.
My titans first ever nightfall.... 9 coins.
Ah yes, things are going just as they should![]()
No one is immune. JJ can never have too much flare.
Hmm? The Queen's pulse has the same impact/rof as Stranger's/55A-Allfate.
I'm no pusher.
Awesome! There's nothing I can offer in terms of gratitude - the best I can do is have you join me for some crucible/ToO/IB etc for some comical deaths and insanely low k/d ratio's
Looks like this will effect something tangible, I wonder what it will be?
Oh god, that dog looks evil.
Red Bull cans.
No. It has the slower RoF of guns like the Messenger but the impact of guns like the Allfate. Some datamining reported it incorrectly (I think that's what I read on Reddit/CruciblePlaybook). Compare the guns ingame and you can see the bars are off from either of the main archetypes.
Some sites report the impact as 37, but others report it as 14. I think some sites are using the pre-HoW Queen's bounty stats:
Interesting. Slower ROF and less impact sounds bad though. I'll try to re-roll one when it's back up from maintenance.
That's the thing--it sounds awful. But with the higher AA I found I really dug it. It's a weird little beast and I think only SOME folks will really gel with it.
I have near-perfect perks on mine which may sway things a bit too.
Patch notes?
Get hyped!
... How funny would it be if it were just about the Redbull thing? ^^
Someone had a funny comment on Bungie.net.
The veteran "Founders Reward" for being a Day 1 player should be a Fate of All Fools..
Indeed haha.
Last chance for loot is to get a judgements chance from 32/34 PoE cores.
Last two chances gave me the same rocket launcher yesterday![]()
He's really a pushover - little yappy dogs bully him at the par. When he's behind the fence "guarding" our house, or if you have a beard, or if you mess with his blanky is the only time you'll see the monster
If I can't get a Red Bull ship or sparrow I'm going to be disappointed.
Whoa, there will be a patch/notes today?
Looking at the redbull quest I think it is probably just a dumb bounty like the one with Eris Morn and the urn. The reward will likely be equally useless as well.
What do you recommend on the lower impact pulses? Usually I go for a reload perk, headseeker, and braced frame.
Destiny Hot Fix - 06/24/2015 - The one about Passage Coins and Demo weapons
This update to Destiny makes two small adjustments to the way Passage Coins are distributed in Trials of Osiris and how weapons behave as players migrate from the Destiny Demo to the full version of the game. Pardon our dust!
-Adjusted the 402 Attack Rating for weapons acquired in the Destiny Demo down to the proper value of 365
Trials of Osiris
-Removed Passage Coins from the Lighthouse reward chest
-Added a chance for Passage Coins to be awarded after match losses
Destiny Hot Fix - 06/24/2015 - The one about Passage Coins and Demo weapons
This update to Destiny makes two small adjustments to the way Passage Coins are distributed in Trials of Osiris and how weapons behave as players migrate from the Destiny Demo to the full version of the game. Pardon our dust!
-Adjusted the 402 Attack Rating for weapons acquired in the Destiny Demo down to the proper value of 365
Trials of Osiris
-Removed Passage Coins from the Lighthouse reward chest
-Added a chance for Passage Coins to be awarded after match losses
I've seen it drop once. Been chasing it for a while. I like Pulse Rifles.I keep harping on it, but Hopscotch Pilgrim with a stability upgrade has max stability, better ADS/handling, more AA, and a bigger magazine (IIRC). And rerollable perks.
Definitely grind Dragon strikes for a couple if you can stomach it.
I've wasted so many Motes of Light trying for a good roll on the Her Benevolence. Seeing mention of the Y-09 Longbow Synthesis made me look at the one I ascended and forgot about. It has Shortgaze/Ambush, Unflinching, Field Scout, Final Round. The rate of fire and impact are the same and it has a little more stability. QuickDraw would be better in the middle tree, but overall it seems like I may have wasted a boatload of Motes.
Just got the boot from the servers as well.
Destiny Hot Fix - 06/24/2015 - The one about Passage Coins and Demo weapons
-Adjusted the 402 Attack Rating for weapons acquired in the Destiny Demo down to the proper value of 365
Looking at the redbull quest I think it is probably just a dumb bounty like the one with Eris Morn and the urn. The reward will likely be equally useless as well.
Destiny Hot Fix - 06/24/2015 - The one about Passage Coins and Demo weapons
This update to Destiny makes two small adjustments to the way Passage Coins are distributed in Trials of Osiris and how weapons behave as players migrate from the Destiny Demo to the full version of the game. Pardon our dust!
-Adjusted the 402 Attack Rating for weapons acquired in the Destiny Demo down to the proper value of 365
Trials of Osiris
-Removed Passage Coins from the Lighthouse reward chest
-Added a chance for Passage Coins to be awarded after match losses
Destiny Hot Fix - 06/24/2015 - The one about Passage Coins and Demo weapons
This update to Destiny makes two small adjustments to the way Passage Coins are distributed in Trials of Osiris and how weapons behave as players migrate from the Destiny Demo to the full version of the game. Pardon our dust!
-Adjusted the 402 Attack Rating for weapons acquired in the Destiny Demo down to the proper value of 365
Trials of Osiris
-Removed Passage Coins from the Lighthouse reward chest
-Added a chance for Passage Coins to be awarded after match losses
Bungie probably just watched all the Hellmouth jumping videos and decided to borrow the inspiration.
I said this days ago too, but nobody took notice
Maybe because I also wanted the 347 Vesta lol.
Since you can't defend yourself yet, maybe Sorsha was tooken? lol
Nilla, you know what to do.
Ingameadvertising.gifThey're replacing Sepkis Prime with a giant Red Bull-themed servitor model.
The first time I read that I thought you were trolling... then i saw it on b.net.... why would they remove passage coins from the LH reward chest? I had no idea the destiny demo gave out 402 attack weapons either...
The first time I read that I thought you were trolling... then i saw it on b.net.... why would they remove passage coins from the LH reward chest? I had no idea the destiny demo gave out 402 attack weapons either...
No Thorn nerf, no auto rifle buff.Destiny Hot Fix - 06/24/2015 - The one about Passage Coins and Demo weapons
This update to Destiny makes two small adjustments to the way Passage Coins are distributed in Trials of Osiris and how weapons behave as players migrate from the Destiny Demo to the full version of the game. Pardon our dust!
-Adjusted the 402 Attack Rating for weapons acquired in the Destiny Demo down to the proper value of 365
Trials of Osiris
-Removed Passage Coins from the Lighthouse reward chest
-Added a chance for Passage Coins to be awarded after match losses