Geez RNG is weird, I have 2 Matadors and a Fellwinters, all with perfect rolls. One Mat dropped that way, heh. I didn't spend an inordinate amount of motes on the others either. Two have LitC and the one that dropped has Kneepads. I don't slide (yet?) and really think LiTC is better for me than FR. I think Reinforced is preferable to Rifled but not enough to reroll for
In the hands of a skilled player these things must be ridiculous, these 3 beauties are wasted in my fumbly grip lol! Hell, I think I've gotten everything but Ash, another BRTD might be safe from insta-shard *wink*...
I'm really shooting for no weapon swapping. Pretty damn close, HM on 'lock, LW on Hunter, and Midas on Titan, and a couple Uppercuts and something else (heh), all perfect. Working on snipers next, maybe purple hand cannons after, with machine guns mixed about. That's PVP sorted, for PvE- 3 upgraded VoCs, 2 FBs, LotA, WoC, FV, SB, BH, 3 Ghally's ... I kinda regret all the BHs, FBs, and HMs I obliterated 0_o