Kor of Memory
Just wait for Brother Vance to sell Tomorrow's Answer. It's perfect out of the box.
Isn't it missing proxy detonation? That's kind of useful.
Just wait for Brother Vance to sell Tomorrow's Answer. It's perfect out of the box.
Just wait for Brother Vance to sell Tomorrow's Answer. It's perfect out of the box.
Isn't it missing proxy detonation? That's kind of useful.
It's why they added all these shitty perks in this expansion, to make it harder to get a perfect roll.
Isn't it missing proxy detonation? That's kind of useful.
It's an amazing RL out of the box, but a perfectly rolled RF or AF will have better velocity/blast radius. It'll make no difference for most practical purposes, but since we don't know when TA will be sold, and not everyone can hit 7 wins, re rolling is the solution for the masses.
It has Hard Launch, Tripod, Javelin, & Grenades and Horeshoes. Can't be beat.
Ash Factory has 39 Aim Assist. TA has 66. Trials guns have OP Aim Assist across the board.
There was a whole article on Reddit. It has to do with bullet curve AND stickiness on target.What on earth would aim assist even do in a RLi don't even aim them, the whole point of having high velocity, blast radius and proximity detonation is shooting it in the general direction of an enemy and getting that kill.
Pretty sure AA only helps your reticule center around headshots more reliably, which means it's meaningless for RLs (like range on Snipers, another useless stat)
Probably total magazine size.What determines whether your RL gets three or four rockets per pickup in PvP (with heavy ammo boots)?
Still don't see how this would help with rocket launchers. I am constantly trying out new weapons and have a strong preference for high AA stuff. I was the original champion of Her Benevolence for its high AA over hereThere was a whole article on Reddit. It has to do with bullet curve AND stickiness on target.
New Machine Gun PvP Reforge thread courtesy of Reddit.
So many perks I thought were crap (and that I kept passing up on my BTRD) apparently are top tier. I wasted so many weapon parts.
Still don't see how this would help with rocket launchers. I am constantly trying out new weapons and have a strong preference for high AA stuff. I was the original champion of Her Benevolence for its high AA over hereBut I really don't see how it'll do anything meaningful with a PvP rocket launcher. Most of the time your rockets won't even hit the target, just explode in their proximity. And again, most of the times you'll be hip firing, if you stop to aim chances are high you'll trade because you give your target time to aim back no?
Wow, Skola's Health nerfed almost 50%.
Ghorn spam may not be necessary, but probably still effective.
Still solar burn?
Wow, Skola's Health nerfed almost 50%.
Ghorn spam may not be necessary, but probably still effective.
I really doubt that.The point of G'horn spam is to down Skolas before the mine.
With his current health adjustment, that's not going to be possible.
No reason to restrict your weapon pool to G'horn because of it.
Small Arms
Weapon damage down by 66% though with the lack of burn. If we ever get Specialist or Small Arms, RL damage would be even further reduced. Ghorn spam is probably never gonna be the best strat anymore.
Small Arms
I really doubt that.
Horn spam will works yet.
I really doubt that.
Horn spam will works yet.
New Machine Gun PvP Reforge thread courtesy of Reddit.
So many perks I thought were crap (and that I kept passing up on my BTRD) apparently are top tier. I wasted so many weapon parts.
damn, i wanted to kill skolas today. it seems that i'm not gonna do it soon then.
Pretty sure the intended way to kill Skolas was to run around the arena for twenty minutes, doing damage every once in while, spending most of your time dodging bullets that curve around corners. So in that respect, Bungie fixed the encounter.Small arms and no burn might make him the spongiest he's ever been. 66% less damage due to no burn, and then Small Arms will further nerf Special and Heavy weapon damage output.
Will have to test, but unless they edited the damage requirements for his stagger, it'll be impossible to stop him from teleporting. A high impact sniper used to do ~8k damage with WoL. They'll be doing like 2k now.
Do we know the percentage of the reduced damage of the weapons when specialist or small arms are on ?
Pretty sure the intended way to kill Skolas was to run around the arena for twenty minutes, doing damage every once in while, spending most of your time dodging bullets that curve around corners. So in that respect, Bungie fixed the encounter.
25%, on top of the 33% from level disadvantage.
That was chaotic.
Basically, they don't want us to try stun locking him high impact snipers this week.
Wonder if we'll see specialist in the mix ever.
I did horn it without burn at the end (my sniper ammo ended... 20 shots) when it has 270k health... the horn did eat his health to death.Impossible. Just losing the burn means doing 3x less damage. Small Arms means you'll be doing even less than that. With a ~75% reduction in rocket launcher damage output (not sure how big the Small Arms effect on RLs is, but the lack of burn alone means -66%) and Skolas still having 56% of his health, it'll be impossible to Ghorn him before mines.
Tandem as shit.
The math is wrong. Solar Skolas never took more than 35.With Sol Burn G'horn did 300% damage, They would have had to of Dropped Skolas' Health to 90K (instead of 150K) for the old strategy to still be viable. As it was, it was usually cutting it close for a lot of people to get that last bit of damage in before the mines wiped the party.
Skolas effectivly got a 66% health INCREASE.
G'horn is still nice for burning down a target, but when you are in it for the long haul, I'd rather have something like Thunderlord that can take out more adds.
Edit: Someone on Reddit did the math: Pre-Nerf Skolas ate 42 Gally rockets. Post-Nerf Skolas eats 70 Gally rockets.