Since there seems to be a big interest in Skolas kills for Year One Triumph, and I see Drizz is willing to help out, I'm going to start a Skolas School list. I had one member already PM me about this weekend so he's 1 on my list. To try and get through as many people as possible I am going to leverage some requirements so it doesn't take 3 hours per run. I actually don't run with any exotics, but you will need upgraded weapons.
1. You've never had a Skolas kill
2. Level 34
3. Class doesn't matter, but subclass will. Need a fully leveled Defender, Sunsinger, or Bladedancer.
4. Have a 365 legendary for each slot to be flexible (typical suggestions include an elemental Hand Cannon, arc Shotgun, Sniper, and Rocket Launcher)
Completely optional but will be very helpful if you have the time to start gathering these:
1. Fallen PoE Gear for Armor/Recovery boost
2. Found Verdict or similar arc Shotgun for specialist VIP fallen round
3. Fatebringer for the Arc Burn Cabal round
4. Helm of Saint 14 for Titans, Ram for Warlocks
That's it.
Here's the list:
1. SheHateMe
2. ??
3. ??
Just quote the list and add yourself to it. Whenever I get time to hop on this week and start working kills I'll go top down through the list. This weekend I should have a lot of time to do several runs starting Friday night.
Drizz feel free to grab guys off the list for your own runs and/or we can team up to sherpa people through much faster.