Couple of things about PvP that I still don't understand after 16 games.
- How much does gear matter? I find myself unloading charged up fusion blasts, multiple rounds from pulse rifles, and two shotgun bursts without being to kill some opponents, yet I find myself being absolutely murdered in literally three bullets from a pulse rifle, for example. What gives? Does the Armor stat matter, too? If it does (along with gear), why would anyone choose to play a non-Titan class?
- What is up with these white shields? Seems incredibly unfair for some people to have them and others to not. I've never got a piece of gear that gives me extra shields so far.
- What does match making take into consideration? I just did a Skirmish where it was me (lv. 20), a lv. 8, and another lv. 20 guy up against a lv. 26 and two lv. 24 players. They absolutely brutally stomped us. Like 4k to 1k score. I stay in the matchmaking, and... it's the exact same teams the next match! Yes, please. I'd love another ass-handing while I waste 10 minutes of my life in exchange for a tiny faction experience boost.