The Broken Ska Record
I get my first legendary and it's for Titans. 
Anyone have any solutions for fixing network errors?
I am constantly getting booted from the game with various error codes. I'm lucky if I can play 10 mins or more.
I get Fly, Bee, etc.
I get back to orbit and I am instantly connected.
I am hardwired to my router.
It's really annoying.
I've seen pretty much all the cutscenes 10x times. No other games give me issues.
I get my first legendary and it's for Titans.![]()
So did the dark beyond farm really get nerfed?
The fucked up loot system is the only blemish on an otherwise great game. The story is garbage at the moment but that will improve in time, I am confident. Changing the loot system is entirely at Bungie's discretion and the way they have designed it might have been completely intentional.
Nexus didn't so I doubt dark beyond did.....
where is that farming spot anyway?
Got a youtube or something?
welcome to this game
I've got three legendary engrams to turn in... if they're all blues I swear to god... and fuck this game
welcome to this game
Picked up my first ever Legendary Engram drop tonight! I took it over immediately to the Cryptarch and watched as he revealed it to be...
I uhm... I guess it's better than nothing? =/
Isn't your chest shared for all characters? Just put it in there and use it when you leveled a titan.I get my first legendary and it's for Titans.![]()
It's where you wake up the Hive. Lol.
Isn't your chest shared for all characters? Just put it in there and use it when you leveled a titan.
A few questions:
- What is the fan for on top of the postmaster building? Why can I switch it on and off?
- What's in the closed-off area of the Tower with the door you can partially see through?
- When does the raid go live?
I can assure you it can get incredibly challenging in the higher level version strikes 22/24 etc. If those fights only lasted 2 minutes as you suggested, there wouldn't be any of those moments where there is only one guardian left alive , the boss has little to no health and tensions are incredibly high because one screw up means a redo.Well, I'd rather the combat be more interesting than just plugging away for ten minutes. It was neither hard nor fun, and just doing that faster isn't something that appeals to me in any way. I've leveled up to 11 now, and feel more powerful as a result, due to my expanding ability set and gear. So I don't think it's accurate to say you have to have grindy bosses to make you feel more powerful.
At any rate, if that's indicative of the bosses in strikes I'm going to add them to PvP on my list of things to avoid. Which just leaves me with the story missions.
1. I thinks it's there just for fun.
2. That's where the Chief of the Iron Banner resides. So this part will unlock in October when the First Iron Banner Tournament starts.
2. I think in 1 Minute
I can assure you it can get incredibly challenging in the higher level version strikes 22/24 etc. If those fights only lasted 2 minutes there weren't be any of those moments where there is only one guardian left alive , the boss has little to no health and tensions are incredibly high because one screw up means a redo.
I can understand if MMO style fights aren't your thing, but I really don't think the health should be altered. If you want to wage criticism that the boss fights should be more interesting and require more tactics in that amount of time, I have no problem with that. It's a shame because the Devil Walker actually has an interesting mechanic where if you shoot his legs, his weak point core reactor is revealed and allows the player to dispatch of him quicker. These types of ideas are not present unfortunately in other fights.
Little things like that could go a long way. Shoot a gas tank on the back of a boss, have environmental destruct ability that could hurt a boss. You know, something more than shoot the guy in the head a thousand times.
PS4 or PS3?
5 legendary emgrams in one night.Of my 5 legendary emgrams last night... 2 of them produced real legendaries.
That farming spot just outside the Temple of Crota is awesome! Just done it quickly for half an hour, and got my first two Legendaries and a handful of blues. Going to the Cryptarch now...
Quoting for new page.2AM (PST) Raiding Party
As soon as the Raid is unlocked were going to have a group ready and be in the same clan so we can all receive the Raiding Party trophy.
What will I need to do?
Aside from being ready in less than 2 hours you can join the temporary clan here and set it as your PlayStation clan.
How can I join?
Quote this post and send me a PSN friend request, Neverendin. If you're not on and ready at around 1:45AM, we'll move on to the next person.
I'm getting really fed up with this game.
I've played with two friends almost all the way through. We queue for Crucible together, we do strikes together, all that stuff.
I have yet to ever, EVER see a legendary engram. My friends each at least have one legendary and one exotic. I'm stuck using shitty blues that have been maxed for ages. Even if I get it, and it's an exotic for another class, that's something. Can't even get that.
RNG is absolutely killing me and it's killing my enjoyment hearing my friends over voice go "OMG THIS ITEM IS AWESOME EINBROCH COME HELP ME UNLOCK IT".
So, I just woke up. Anyone find what the patch last night was about?
5 legendary emgrams in one night.
>plays 50 hours nob-stop, gets zero legendary engrams.
How did you do it?
Feels good man.
So, what did you get from the Cryptarch?
Sorry, reposting since this thread moves SUPER fast.
I'm at level 19 right now but I totally forgot I unlocked the other subclass for Hunter at level 15. If I switch now is it going to be relatively easy to unlock all the bonuses again?
So, I just woke up. Anyone find what the patch last night was about?
Sooo I hope everybody is getting some of that purple stuff but please remember this is NOT a guarantee. I also just finished another run about an hour ago and it still works, got 2 legendary engrams and a BUNCH of blue/green ones. I guess some people were worried it'd be patched out.
Also here's some more detail on the whole thing:
First off make sure you've smoked the right amount of PCP.
Just kidding please don't smoke PCP.
The last run I mentioned I did it until I died about 150 times..about 2 hours worth of doing it.
The best advice I can give is DON'T kill the seems the game registeres them as the biggest threat there so if they're dead the mission will most likely progress and you'll have to start over again (which is not THAT bad but please watch the end part of the video for more detail) Also you can restart the mission ANY TIME. You can go do whatever else you wanna do, even turn off the console and come'll still be able to just restart and be one cutscene away from LOOT.
Activate your Black Wax Idols for maximum glimmer. This way every round you get an average of 80-100 glimmer so basically every 20 seconds.
USE that glimmer to buy green engrams from the cryptarch!!!
After I did the run I leveled up the cryptarch TWICE so that's 2 more chances for legendary engrams etc.
Please don't tase me if you don't get any purples while doing the run like I said it's NOT a guarantee!
And for anybody asking for the link here it is again:
5 legendary emgrams in one night.
>plays 50 hours nob-stop, gets zero legendary engrams.
How did you do it?
I can assure you it can get incredibly challenging in the higher level version strikes 22/24 etc. If those fights only lasted 2 minutes as you suggested, there wouldn't be any of those moments where there is only one guardian left alive , the boss has little to no health and tensions are incredibly high because one screw up means a redo.
I can understand if MMO style fights aren't your thing, but I really don't think the health should be altered. If you want to wage criticism that the boss fights should be more interesting and require more tactics in that amount of time, I have no problem with that. It's a shame because the Devil Walker actually has an interesting mechanic where if you shoot his legs, his weak point core reactor is revealed and allows the player to dispatch of him quicker. These types of ideas are not present unfortunately in other fights.
Little things like that could go a long way. Shoot a gas tank on the back of a boss, have environmental destruct ability that could hurt a boss. You know, something more than shoot the guy in the head a thousand times.
Great tip for leveling sub-classes and items:
Before finishing a bounty or a quest, switch your subclass and your gear and complete it. Then switch back.