I'm LV 24 and the Weekly Heroic Strike on the Moon (at LV 22) is fucking bullshit. No place to hide, minions (with infinite respawn) and boss shooting everywhere. That's just unfair.
AddedNeeding more friends for raids/stikes etc. Just about to ding (not said that in a while) lvl 24
PSN. Leon200079
The defense upgrade stat goes hand in hand with light past level 20Does upgrading your armor increase light?
I remember upgrading a piece of blue armor I had and the light level rose 2 points. Lets say from 10 to 12 light. Then I got another armor piece for 12 light before upgrades, I was thinking I might as well switch them out since after I upgrade this one it will be a higher light. But when I fully upgraded it the light level didn't change.
What makes the light level go up in armor upgrades?
What's the point of upgrading your ship and bike? Does it affect gameplay in any way?
Thats just how these games are. Time investments.
Get your vanguard / crucible or other faction rank to 2 and you can then get their Legendary armor pieces with Marks.
I think the marks have reset, or soon will, so can get another 100. The armor pieces are 65 each, the helm is 120. So would take a few weeks time to get a full suit of Faction armor.
Then a long time gathering materials for upgrading.
Marks are pretty easy though. Do the daily mission on 24, which isn't horrible. Do patrols for rep and during patrols, especially on Mars, you'll run into Public events which when you get a Gold, will give you marks and mats. Each day, when you finish a public, you get a legendary mat item from the postmaster also.
Shit like that.
The defense upgrade stat goes hand in hand with light past level 20
I've kind of figured that now, but I've been playing a different game for the last 40 hours and am pretty much too burned out to start over. I thought high level strikes would have bosses dropping high level loot, and then use the factions/vanguard explicitly when I just wanted that specific gun in just the right color with the exact perks that I like playing with.
Because of that I've been wearing a dead orbit cape to someday get a set of white guns. Now I find out that I pretty much NEED to buy something to get to the Raid. Also, I didn't realize that I need crucible marks to buy that stuff, so my rep is high with them, but I don't have any marks to spend and I have a bunch of Vanguard marks, but my rep is too low to buy anything.
Did the armor have light to begin with?Yeah but then why does my light level not move despite upgrading the piece?
I would rather inject my dick with cancer rather than playing another round of rumble. Holy shit.
Did the armor have light to begin with?
At this point in the raid, these guys better get a new fucking character class for completing this.
At this point in the raid, these guys better get a new fucking character class for completing this.
Some people just fucking ask for it.Lol I don't mind it, you just have to expect everyone is running around with a shotgun.
So I was reading this faction guide on reddit. (helps explain alot) as I am nearing level 20. The part that seems to bother me is that 4 out of the 5 faction require Crucible Marks opposed to Vanguard marks. That is terrible. I have PvP, and would like to try some optional factions by playing PvE. Is the only possible way of earning Crucible marks in PvE by exchanging materials to the Crucible Quartermaster?
What the fuck? Why would it not at least be 2 of 5 factions use Vanguard marks? Or better yet, have the optional factions accept both Crucible and Vanguard marks!
How the hell have you played for 40 hours and still have white guns? I'm 26 and I haven't gotten any of my gear from vendors. All my guns are blue and they've been that way for a long time.
Wait public events happen every 15 minutes? Are the areas random or were you driving around?
We don't even know if everyone in the group gets a drop at the end of the raid. Could just be random like everything else. Which I believe console players who don't play MMO's will get frustrated and complain. You aren't guaranteed a item in WoW for raids but will see when someone completes this raid.
guys can you play MP and download a game at the same time on PS4
First person view aside(hate that mode), how is the campaign solo play? Going to get a PS4 for Christmas and might check it out. Just wish you could play in 3rd person view.
Was it from a rare/legendary engram (blue/purple) or was it just a yellow (exotic) weapon drop?
I read it but still am a bit confused. If I hate PvP which is the Vanguard one?So I was reading this faction guide on reddit. (helps explain alot) as I am nearing level 20. The part that seems to bother me is that 4 out of the 5 faction require Crucible Marks opposed to Vanguard marks. That is terrible. I don't like PvP, and would like to try some optional factions by playing PvE. Is the only possible way of earning Crucible marks in PvE by exchanging materials to the Crucible Quartermaster?
What the fuck? Why would it not at least be 2 of 5 factions use Vanguard marks? Or better yet, have the optional factions accept both Crucible and Vanguard marks!
First person view aside(hate that mode), how is the campaign solo play? Going to get a PS4 for Christmas and might check it out. Just wish you could play in 3rd person view.
It's funny because Rumble is my favourite playlist, alongside Salvage when I have a team. I prefer the close quarters maps and I like how there aren't 6 supers all directed at me personally.
Agreed. The good news at least is that the Vanguard has awesome looking gear and they have at least 1 of every weapon type, whereas the factions have only 4 total.
I read it but still am a bit confused. If I hate PvP which is the Vanguard one?
So the raids are up now I guess? Man if only there was 1) matchmaking or 2) the friends I have that do have Destiny were at a level where they could actually do the raids and actually survive
It still really rubs me the wrong with how Bungie is going "YOU NEED TO PLAY THIS WITH FRIENDS OR IT'S GONNA BE BAD" as if they're admitting their game isn't as good if it's played solo, and if you're a primarily solo player (like myself) then you're just fucked.
I wish we could choose to apply shaders to specific pieces of gear. I usually prefer my helmets and gauntlets without them but want them on my warlock robes.
So I was reading this faction guide on reddit. (helps explain alot) as I am nearing level 20. The part that seems to bother me is that 4 out of the 5 faction require Crucible Marks opposed to Vanguard marks. That is terrible. I don't like PvP, and would like to try some optional factions by playing PvE. Is the only possible way of earning Crucible marks in PvE by exchanging materials to the Crucible Quartermaster?
What the fuck? Why would it not at least be 2 of 5 factions use Vanguard marks? Or better yet, have the optional factions accept both Crucible and Vanguard marks!
I am sure just getting the marks and rep with any faction is going to be a grind, so I imagine it will be a while before I even try one of the optional factions. I understand the glaring imbalance. But then again, there seem to be a lot of head scratchers in this game that Bungie overlooked.
How do you "join" a faction?