Actually interested in this too. I wonder if he'll have different gear. I want that hunter helm lol.Speaking of Xur, what are his prices for his gear or does it change all the time?
Patrols are faster and easier.
If Strikes were more mechanic based than a straight DPS fight against a spongey boss, we wouldn't have this problem. The boss fights are just giant versions of enemies that have way too much health even if you're at the recommended instance level. There's no thought to the fight except for when you decide to fight trash to get ammo because your guns are going empty. Granted, sometimes the firefights get intense, but that's because of the trash being at a harder difficulty. Having to pop shots at them is fine with me, but that means I'm enjoying fighting the adds than the boss, who is just shooting at me or running around like an idiot.
This kind of thing makes me wonder why bosses are even in this game. If they're only bigger versions of normal enemies, why bother?
Someone in this thread mentioned that you get 5 Vanguard marks for 50 Spinmetal turn ins, no? Not exciting but it seems like you could get a good turnaround farming Spinmetal and doing bounties/patrolling and get rep and marks that way, rather than Strike playlist.
Guaranteed? I don't know about that.
Patrols are faster and easier.
If Strikes were more mechanic based than a straight DPS fight against a spongey boss, we wouldn't have this problem. The boss fights are just giant versions of enemies that have way too much health even if you're at the recommended instance level. There's no thought to the fight except for when you decide to fight trash to get ammo because your guns are going empty. Granted, sometimes the firefights get intense, but that's because of the trash being at a harder difficulty. Having to pop shots at them is fine with me, but that means I'm enjoying fighting the adds than the boss, who is just shooting at me or running around like an idiot.
This kind of thing makes me wonder why bosses are even in this game. If they're only bigger versions of normal enemies, why bother?
Target patrols give 25 rep and take 5 minutes. Lvl 24 Strikes give 25 rep and can take up to 40 minutes. Patrols are the way to go for Vanguard Rep.
Don't know about that. My roommate has a great group that he runs with and can knock out most raids in 10 - 15 minutes. More enemies = more drop chances as well as the guaranteed rare^ gear on completion.Because the Level 24 Strike gives only +25 Rep upon completion, and that takes anywhere from 30-45+ minutes. Compare that to patrol missions where a single Kill The Target mission gives you +25 Rep for 3 minutes of work.
It's easy to just patrol a huge zone and keep getting +10 and +25 Rep and you'd probably have 3-4x the Rep in the same amount of time as a Strike.
The Strike playlist rep rewards need to be boosted by 400% in my opinion.
Actually interested in this too. I wonder if he'll have different gear. I want that hunter helm lol.
Need dem strange coins. Has the weekly strike changed?
Not gonna lie, you shouldn't have to clear a Raid to get loot at all. Considering this is a Raid, every boss encounter should drop a guaranteed purple for everyone's respective class or dish out a bunch of Marks so people can buy Legendary Gear.
Not fun in the slightest but easy enough.
At least your moving around, WoW raids constant of stacking and dpsing a spongey boss. So why is everyone hating on Destiny for doing it in strikes? At least the raid has different mechanics and requires more than just killing a boss.
How long has this Gothalion stream been going??
They think they just figured out how to beat the Final Boss, lets see if they can do it.
For me, this is indicative of what's so frustrating, there are odd spikes like this. Why do you go from XP/Mark bounties right to Exotic. Why aren't there Legendary bounties? By the time I get 26 for the Raid, I'll already have a mostly full set of gear. At that point, what can they reward me with other then cosmetic changes to said gear?
That's gets to the meat of my point. The barrier to raid is to already have that stuff. Hell, I can't even do Nightfall strikes without Raid loot.
Bungie said the real game starts at 20 hours and from my experiences, the real game is apparently killing Valus Ta-aurc 20 times a day for junk blues, so I don't know if I trust Bungie anymore.
Everytime I do the Strike Playlist I get the Cabal one on Mars. I think that one is fine all things considered, since the tank is an alright fight and it has the vehicle stuff, but doing it 4 times in a row is maddening. Also 50% of Strike matchmaking sessions for me have someone AFKing and then disconnecting leaving it to a two man team that can't talk to each other to finish it.
What's the best way to level the cryptarch?
I can't speak on WoW much, but I know that 'Don't stand on fire' came from it, so I dunno how prevalent dps fights were in WoW's raid or dungeon bosses.
I also can't speak on Destiny's Raid. I haven't gotten in it.
However, I can speak on the Strikes and they're pretty awful and have shitty gains. A boss fight shouldn't take longer than the path to get there simply out of its health bar being that big or having that much defense.
Their inventory is static, for now at least. Once you get to Rank 2 or 3 if you want their weapons, you should either remove their class item or buy another faction's class item. Eventually you probably want to be able to purchase gear from any and all the vendors this way.
I'm 125 rep away from Rank 3 with New Monarchy, then I plan on removing their item and regaining rep with the Vanguard and Crucible vendors.
Is PCP's Moon farm still working? Or did something better pop up overnight while I was asleep?
Much love GAF.
What's the best way to level the cryptarch?
The only one that takes a while is the summoning pits just because of the layout.Eh, strikes doesn't take long with players who know what they're doing.
So I'm trying to do some story missions and I haven't really played with other players yet. But I'm at the mission Chamber of Night on the moon, and I keep getting killed in the second wave. I'm assuming right here is about where they expect me to stop being a loner and get some friends? lol
works fineIs PCP's Moon farm still working? Or did something better pop up overnight while I was asleep?
Much love GAF.
I must still be missing something but they aren't really comparable. patrols do not get you marks at allPatrols are faster and easier.
Yes. They really can go quite quick and will only get fasterEh, strikes doesn't take long with players who know what they're doing.
Target patrols give 25 rep and take 5 minutes. Lvl 24 Strikes give 25 rep and can take up to 40 minutes. Patrols are the way to go for Vanguard Rep.
0/5 on legendaries. All blues. RNG hates me.
Eh, strikes doesn't take long with players who know what they're doing.
works fine
I must still be missing something but they aren't really comparable. patrols do not get you marks at all
Yes. They really can go quite quick and will only get faster
Ha, Nightfall is a lv. 28 thing. Even higher then Raids.
I am at 25 now and will be 26 once I level up my current legendary gear. 1 piece of found legendary gear and another piece of bought Vanguard gear. Lv. 25.
Getting to 26 just takes leveled up lv. 20 rare armor and either 1 or 2 pieces of leveled up Legendary armor. So don't really need that much to get to 26.
Just takes time. Of course everyone is in a hurry to get the best stuff, but really ... it hasn't been very long yet lol.
Currently 1.8% of people playing have even found an Exotic piece of equipment according to trophy data.
Works fine. Got some blues, bunch of greens and a legendary in about 20 mins.
works fine![]()
Not worth it for a measly gain, since upgrading weapons requires a lot of spin metal or other materials.
Me and a friend got to him with a random on the vanguard playlist, then the random decides he didn't want to play anymore and just stood there. Took us ages to kill him.
Then at the end the random got 2 pieces of the playstation exclusive gear, while me and my friend got jack shit.
I was seething.
The only one that takes a while is the summoning pits just because of the layout.
The rest are all cake
Exactly yes. However bounties are the actual fastest source for rep. of course as a result, the 6 patrol bounty is like rep city. reptastic.For Rep they are way faster. Marks you have to do Strikes though.
Patrols for materialsWouldn't it still be quicker to round up 50 spinmetal on a farm route than a 40 minute strike, which you may not complete if someone drops or afks?
Are you implying there's more to strikes than gunning an enemy down by shooting at their weak spot? I must be missing the thought-out mechanics of the Archon Priest fight. Of course, everyone on the strike team could increase their damage output, but that seriously cannot be what Bungie is aiming for when they considered doing Strikes to be fun.
I know some dude piped up about someone on Bungie being a Scarab Lord from WoW. I know a little about that and I'm impressed, but I wonder what he influenced in the design of these encounters, because I see jack shit.