Yeah, I'm thinking the raid will require a higher level to complete. The fact that theres a heroic raid is also insane lol.
26 can get you in to try it and get a feel for it. Training, if you will.
But completing it might be best for like 28+
I got to level 20 last night.
So to level up even more I just have to do strikes/raids and hope to get equipment with Light in it? Or something?
How do you even do that?Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I accidentally deleted my only long cloak while looking through a bunch I bought from the Cryptarch. Now I'm stuck with crappy half length cloaks.
I am incredibly bummed out about this.
Finally, my first one. Getting ready for the Cryptarch to screw me over though.
How do you even do that?
Finally, my first one. Getting ready for the Cryptarch to screw me over though.
Where are you lol
I kinda like this due to it implying actual progression.
Like I said, Bungie just needs to fix the rest of PvE and we may be on to something.
What sort of mechanics are expected in the raid?
I thinking taking up one of the factions is much easier than buying from either vanguard or the crucible guy since all rep gets converted to faction rep not just crucible or vanguard. Got myself some nice New Monarchy boots and saving up for day nice AR. Then onto dead orbit for thier chest piece...
So what's the better farming location - Skywatch on Earth or Temple of Crota on the Moon?
How do you even do that?
Wat...?LEG HELM!!!!!!
I think I have a problem. Last night I dreamt of farming for engrams
That is a possibility. I received my exotic bounty randomly. Though it was after completing some carry over bounties, which I can't remember if they completed a full day's set or not.I completed all the bounties on the list then got an exotic bounty. Haven't tried it again yet but it may be a sure fire way.
Oh? So you'll get crucible marks + FWC rep?
Anecdotal and based on no facts but I've had better luck on the Moon.So what's the better farming location - Skywatch on Earth or Temple of Crota on the Moon?
I think future OT's need to lay out some information. Every new thread page has people asking about how to " join " a faction or asking about details on how to gain faction rep and marks.
You just buy the class item from the faction for 2500 glimmer. Then wear that item, and from now on any Vanguard / Crucible rep or marks you would of earned will go toward the Faction.
Anyone know what difficulty these farm spots should be played on.So what's the better farming location - Skywatch on Earth or Temple of Crota on the Moon?
Ok, but how do I get them? I'm 25 almost 26.
Thx : )
I like it too. The heroic one must be insane.
I've been reading theres a stealth mechanic for one section, a platforming area, and something about being teleported through time and shit.
I was watching the stream and was so confused
Correct. Ascendant items plus planet-level mats are required to upgrade the higher level gear.Cømet;130265747 said:I take it ascendant energy is used for exotic/legendary upgrades the same as the shards right?
Jesus christ, how many engrams do you have lying around on the ground in that shot??
It's true that vanguard rep gets converted, but marks don't. So unless you got your 100 crucible marks for that week, doing vanguard stuff is kinda useless for your faction.
Farming for engrams. I stay back and let the Hive come towards me. I found what what I got from the Legendary engram too, 2 Strange Coins. Could've been worse I guess.
Thanks a bunch man, you got a link to the pcp thingy?
Finally, my first one. Getting ready for the Cryptarch to screw me over though.
It took a team 16 hours to beat the raid? Seriously?
Just got on StreamerHouse and people are saying they've been playing for 8 hours and are not even close to finishing it.
So when you have a ton of engrams on the ground like this, what happens if your inventory gets full? Will the postmaster really send you dozens of missed engrams?
My problem with this method is letting the Knight kill me, I refuse to lay down and just die!