Playing the purple engram lottery is for chumps. I've bought 3 pieces of armor, will be able to buy weapons next week. Get that rep up, bros
Do higher difficulty strikes have a higher chance of giving you legendary gear?
Lol - no way. Raids are for people without obligations? Or am I missing something?
Yeah, this is ridiculous. The raid is content for a very tiny fraction of the player base. Too bad, I will just have to watch it on streams. I will never be able to commit that kind of time.
Anyone for doing the level 24 daily and/or level 26 weekly?
So when you have a ton of engrams on the ground like this, what happens if your inventory gets full? Will the postmaster really send you dozens of missed engrams?
nah you get PvE marks toward your faction too
Playing the purple engram lottery is for chumps. I've bought 3 pieces of armor, will be able to buy weapons next week. Get that rep up, bros
Yeah, this is ridiculous. The raid is content for a very tiny fraction of the player base. Too bad, I will just have to watch it on streams. I will never be able to commit that kind of time.
If you have a good group of friends, you can do it an hour at time. It does save at certain checkpoints.
(This is assuming that you can get to the next checkpoint in an hour which from the news so far is seeming extremely unlikely)
Finally, my first one. Getting ready for the Cryptarch to screw me over though.
My problem with this method is letting the Knight kill me, I refuse to lay down and just die!
So are public events and strikes the only way to get Vanguard marks?
I have never received Vanguard marks for bounties, only rep.
Looking to get my rep to 3 and get enough marks to get my next legendary item after work.
Also, are there only exotic weapon bounties or are there armour ones too?
And I SWEAR TO FUCK if Xur returns this weekend and he needs something other than strange coins I will FLIP. Been farming those all week in preparation for Friday and Saturday.
I'm almost at level 2 for dead orbit. What did you find is the quickest method to up your reputation?
Anyone for lvl 26 weekly or daily?
Anyone for lvl 26 weekly or daily?
Anyone for lvl 26 weekly or daily?
Level 9.This is the first moon mission right when the gate opens? What difficulty do you chose?
Seriously fuck the postmortem bounty. In at 4/5 and have been trying to get just one damn postmortem for theatre 2 days and can't.
I love Bladedancer with this. I get them with my sticky grenade.Seriously fuck the postmortem bounty. In at 4/5 and have been trying to get just one damn postmortem for theatre 2 days and can't.
Cool addedI'm in in about half an hour.
PSN: Deep_Chord
I'm Level 24 and it's doable so no worries there and addedI would be up for the weekly. I'm on PS4 and only level 25 though
PSN ID same as name here.
PS4 matePlatform?
I don't think that's good game design. My real friends don't play Destiny and a lot of folks on here are on PS4 - plus compound that with my limited time and shit is screwy. I love challenging content, but Bungie shouldn't balance it towards people with no daily obligations.
Yep.Did the weekly crucible marks reset yet?
Playing the purple engram lottery is for chumps. I've bought 3 pieces of armor, will be able to buy weapons next week. Get that rep up, bros
yes, everything reset. Tuesday 5:00AM ESTDid the weekly crucible marks reset yet?
Titan Defender for me. I just walk up, let them shoot me a few times, and throw that sticky grenade of mine. Works 90% of the time.I love Bladedancer with this. I get them with my sticky grenade.
Seriously fuck the postmortem bounty. In at 4/5 and have been trying to get just one damn postmortem for theatre 2 days and can't.
This is the way to do it. You might get lucky a few times but in the long run this is the best way. Start grinding whatever faction you're committed to and put down the work.
"I need stranger coins."
Did the weekly crucible marks reset yet?
What's a good way to get my vanguard rank up. I'm lvl 10 right now and wanna be able to buy some vanguard stuff later on. Also I still cannot find my preorder items. Any help?
"I need stranger coins."
Back from Peggle?![]()
Bounties. Bounties by far. Made it to New Monarchy rank 2 in about 3-4 days. Almost at Rank 3 but I haven't been playing a lot recently.
(for the new page)So what's the better farming location - Skywatch on Earth or Temple of Crota on the Moon (PCP)?
What are factions and how do I join one? And what is this about exotic bounties?