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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Lol - no way. Raids are for people without obligations? Or am I missing something?

Yeah, this is ridiculous. The raid is content for a very tiny fraction of the player base. Too bad, I will just have to watch it on streams. I will never be able to commit that kind of time.
Yeah, this is ridiculous. The raid is content for a very tiny fraction of the player base. Too bad, I will just have to watch it on streams. I will never be able to commit that kind of time.

If you have a good group of friends, you can do it an hour at time. It does save at certain checkpoints.

(This is assuming that you can get to the next checkpoint in an hour which from the news so far is seeming extremely unlikely)
nah you get PvE marks toward your faction too

When you earn what would have been Vanguard marks, it converts them to crucible marks for that vendor if you are aligned with that faction? From what I gather from the optional faction vendors, if I want to buy a FWC armor, I need Rep level 2 with FWC, and 65-120 Crucible Marks.
So are public events and strikes the only way to get Vanguard marks?

I have never received Vanguard marks for bounties, only rep.

Looking to get my rep to 3 and get enough marks to get my next legendary item after work.

Also, are there only exotic weapon bounties or are there armour ones too?

And I SWEAR TO FUCK if Xur returns this weekend and he needs something other than strange coins I will FLIP. Been farming those all week in preparation for Friday and Saturday.

E92 M3

Yeah, this is ridiculous. The raid is content for a very tiny fraction of the player base. Too bad, I will just have to watch it on streams. I will never be able to commit that kind of time.

If you have a good group of friends, you can do it an hour at time. It does save at certain checkpoints.

(This is assuming that you can get to the next checkpoint in an hour which from the news so far is seeming extremely unlikely)

I don't think that's good game design. My real friends don't play Destiny and a lot of folks on here are on PS4 - plus compound that with my limited time and shit is screwy. I love challenging content, but Bungie shouldn't balance it towards people with no daily obligations.


Finally, my first one. Getting ready for the Cryptarch to screw me over though.


This is the first moon mission right when the gate opens? What difficulty do you chose?

N° 2048

So are public events and strikes the only way to get Vanguard marks?

I have never received Vanguard marks for bounties, only rep.

Looking to get my rep to 3 and get enough marks to get my next legendary item after work.

Also, are there only exotic weapon bounties or are there armour ones too?

And I SWEAR TO FUCK if Xur returns this weekend and he needs something other than strange coins I will FLIP. Been farming those all week in preparation for Friday and Saturday.

"I need stranger coins."


Seriously fuck the postmortem bounty. In at 4/5 and have been trying to get just one damn postmortem for the last 2 days and can't.


Really wish more shaders were available to purchase instead of being random drops.

Customization options are something I really wish bungie had addressed. Some of my endgame armor looks hideous compared to the stuff I had at level 10.


I don't think that's good game design. My real friends don't play Destiny and a lot of folks on here are on PS4 - plus compound that with my limited time and shit is screwy. I love challenging content, but Bungie shouldn't balance it towards people with no daily obligations.

Well you could play 2 hours on monday. then an hour on tuesday. then take wednesday off and maybe you have thursday off so you can play a few hours then?

You have 1 week each time for the raid, then your progress resets. As with all raids in MMOs once you get better at the encounter and earn some better gear, you will breeze through the fights more and more.

You're not really supposed to beat the raid first time in one sitting. Unless of course you are extremely hardcore about it or are a streamer who earns moneys with this.


Playing the purple engram lottery is for chumps. I've bought 3 pieces of armor, will be able to buy weapons next week. Get that rep up, bros

This is the way to do it. You might get lucky a few times but in the long run this is the best way. Start grinding whatever faction you're committed to and put down the work.


Seriously fuck the postmortem bounty. In at 4/5 and have been trying to get just one damn postmortem for theatre 2 days and can't.

What class are you using? I got that pretty quick with hunters sticky grenade.

Or just shoot them till their shield is down, wait till they start shooting then throw nade.


This is the way to do it. You might get lucky a few times but in the long run this is the best way. Start grinding whatever faction you're committed to and put down the work.


Just take the game normal guys. Don't burn yourself out so much, geez. I want to be playing weekend events and stuff with you bunch for weeks to come.
Lol, Amazon call me while I'm playing the game, to make sure the code I received for the Red Sparrow actually worked this time. Have to say, wasn't very pleased with their service at first, but that was awfully nice of them. :lol
What's a good way to get my vanguard rank up. I'm lvl 10 right now and wanna be able to buy some vanguard stuff later on. Also I still cannot find my preorder items. Any help?


slept with Malkin
What's a good way to get my vanguard rank up. I'm lvl 10 right now and wanna be able to buy some vanguard stuff later on. Also I still cannot find my preorder items. Any help?

Vanguard Rep? Do your Vanguard bounty missions and then farm Patrol Missions
This is beautiful. Me and 4 other randoms are helping each other farm in the same spot on Earth.

It's amazing how people can come together like this without any form of communication. We're dancing and making the grind fun.


So I just farmed at the spot on earth and got 2 legendaries and shit load of blues in not even an hour. I then decrypted all that shit and got nothing from the 2 legendaries. I then was able to level up my cryptarch 2 levels due to all the shit I decrypted and got about 4 more legendaries and of course they were all decrypted into worthless shit.

Bungie better fix this idiotic loot system or I'm done.
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