Yeah I got one of those ships as well in the Ishtar Commons cause I wanted to see what loot I could yield. I basically killed all the enemies in the middle, hoped for drops, and instead of running back and forth waiting for them to respawn I ran around the Commons in a circle checking all the chest spots because they all reset when you run back to the Commons entrance. 2 for 1 yay.
Are motes of light only used to buy from the speaker? or should I save them to upgrade something at some point?
Something I think would be cool for this is on Xbox when your super is ready it makes the triggers rumble.
Xur, the special weekend vendor, was selling an Exotic Chest Engram for 23 motes of light last weekend. His wares may change this weekend, but I'm betting he'll sell something requiring motes of light again.
Non-gold chests respawn fairly often. And you can get ship schematics in them. I think I've seen...5 different ones thus far. Don't particularly care for them compared to what I bought.
Ok hit Crucible Rank 2 today so I just straight up bought legendary armor:
Once I hit Vanguard Rank 2 I'll buy my chest piece. I also have enough coins and motes to get some exotic stuff once Xur appears. Fuck the RNG!
So, a shader and some ascendent shards for completing the Raid.
Surely there has to be something else......?
Is it a good ship and/or worth whatever effort it costs?
Are motes of light only used to buy from the speaker? or should I save them to upgrade something at some point?
But please Bungie, make the throwing knife a one-hit-kill. I wanna have a reason to try stupid stuff.
Seriously, what, the fuck. Not even one exotic??
Please god no. Hunters are already the majority of players in pvp.
Seriously, what, the fuck. Not even one exotic??
What level is your cryptarch
Nothing in this game is guaranteed. You know this.Seriously, what, the fuck. Not even one exotic??
Please god no. Hunters are already the majority of players in pvp.
AFAIK they said they got loot from the bosses themselves. Raid gear that gave bonus damage to stuff inside the raid.
Go to the MOONAnybody know where any hive majors or ultras might be for this bounty? I haven't struggled with this one before, but I just can't seem to find any today.
Anybody know where any hive majors or ultras might be for this bounty? I haven't struggled with this one before, but I just can't seem to find any today.
Congrats. That's the way to do it. I'm hoping to get to this point by this weekend as well. I have one legendary, so I plan on buying a helmet and chest piece, and then gauntlets from Xur, unless he changes things up. I'll wait and see what he's selling first.
Thx, exactly what I was looking for.Level 4 story on Earth, at the end is a Hive Major so kill it then let yourself be killed. Repeat 10 times.
Anybody know where any hive majors or ultras might be for this bounty? I haven't struggled with this one before, but I just can't seem to find any today.
I don't even know why I tried farming. All the blue stuff I got ended up getting dismantled along with the greens and the purple was a hunter's helmet when I'm a warlock. For fuck's sake.
Anybody know where any hive majors or ultras might be for this bounty? I haven't struggled with this one before, but I just can't seem to find any today.
YepStill needing one?
Yeah that was ridiculous as fuck. I didn't even realize that this strike was the one with Phogoth as the boss or I wouldn't have even tried it, that fight is so fucking dumb. Oh well, at least its taken care of and now I have enough Strange Coins to grab an exotic engram this weekend.
Thanks guys for the help btw, y'all did much more damage than me hahaha
I'm level 19. I couldn't even get in!