Shingen-E if you can find it, but if not that probably the cydonia never tried the Shingen-C.
As to shotgun it doesn't matter really, damage is normalized all you need to do is get close, shoot and falcon punch
I did the Skywatch Engram farming for 40 minutes.
At this point I firmly believe characters are assigned a random luck stat when you create them. Fuck you Bungie.
23 Motes can get you an Exotic Engram from Xur on the weekends. At least that's what he had for the first weekend.
You can spend motes of light at Xur on the weekends, he sells exotic engrams
At level 19, you'll absolutely blitz the campaign. Just power through itI'm still not finished with the campaign ;(
Any Xbox one players need another guy for raids, I'm available....
I would also like to have a go at the raid.. GT: AnX IReCoiLz
Need a team for Weekly Heroic. Anyone up for it?
whats it do!?
legibility of screenname inversely proportional with skillnakdfljaoewjfkdsnlfkle
Anyone fancy some patrol on Mars? Got some grinding to do....
Just got this doing a chest run on Mars, didn't know you could get ships in chests too, is there anything you can't get in those things?
I got 3 legendary engrams... Pop em or wait and pray for fix?
Auto Rifle with bonus accuracy from the hip and as you do damage your melee cools quicker, etc
High Caliber rounds, Kinetic damage. Im still powering it up.
Killed 200 dude in the moon grind
And guess what I GOT FUCKING NOTING. This is some bs. All I want to do is play the fucking raid but it seem I the game doesn't want me to. Fuck this game.
They desperately need to fix/change how maps are rotated in Crucible. I just realized there's 2 maps I haven't even seen yet, even with having spent 8 hours in Crucible. That's insane. A friend and I were forced to play one Mars map 4 times in a row on Sunday afternoon during our Crucible binge. That shouldn't happen!
I got a (my first!) purple weapon from a blue engram! Thanks, BFF Cryptarch <3
Well I managed to get three legendaries yesterday two of witch where for the warlock class, I'm a Titan and the other turned into a rare helmet. But I did randomly get an exotic auto rifle and my god is it awesome. I'm still stuck at lvl 24 and can't seem to find anything to move on.
Agreed. Also coming in last in a match should not grant you the best items. Its ridiculous.
I think the moon and the stars have to align for me to ever see mercury. Must be a legendary map :/...
Lol, 200. The average is around 1 legendary per 1000 kills (my own experience). Put on a podcast and just shoot everything mindlessly for 1-2 hours.
Yes, it sucks. Maybe you should grind marks instead. It's what I'm doing now after going 0/7 on legendaries.
Wait. There's a Mercury map?I've gotten two PVP legendaries and never seen that map.
I got 3 legendary engrams... Pop em or wait and pray for fix?
Nah man, easy as pie. Did it on Mars against the Cabal and it was quick to finish. I guess take a Heavy Machine Gun as your Heavy Weapon?note to self: defend the ghost/stay in the circle public event (defend the warsat?) sucks dick when you do it solo. I couldn't do it. Too many fucking generals, knights and wizards spamming explosive weapons and since you have to stay in one spot you're gonna get killed. Jesus Christ. Fuck that.
note to self: defend the ghost/stay in the circle public event (defend the warsat?) sucks dick when you do it solo. I couldn't do it. Too many fucking generals, knights and wizards spamming explosive weapons and since you have to stay in one spot you're gonna get killed. Jesus Christ. Fuck that.
I got 3 legendary engrams... Pop em or wait and pray for fix?
Do you have to stay in the circle to get the gold rating?
You've got to give it to the Ship vendor in the Tower to get the real look, the preview doesn't show the unqiue colors of the ship, just a generic one. I had the same thing happen to me with a different ship name.
So little faith.Chances are they won't fix the chances you have of getting non-legendary or somebody else's armor.
Lol, 200. The average is around 1 legendary per 1000 kills (my own experience). Put on a podcast and just shoot everything mindlessly for 1-2 hours.
Yes, it sucks. Maybe you should grind marks instead. It's what I'm doing now after going 0/7 on legendaries.
6 hours 20-21 without thi, 2-3 1 hour doing thisSarcasm? Or truth? I'm at work and wondering.
Wait. There's a Mercury map?I've gotten two PVP legendaries and never seen that map.