Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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RNG was kind to me today. I hit rank 3 Vanguard and they mailed me a reward, which contained a legendary scout rifle. So that saved me two weeks of gathering marks. On top of that, got my Cryptarch up another level and he gave me 3 legendary engrams. Got a new legendary Warlock bond, a mote and a coin or two from the endeavor. Super, super stoked.


See, this right here is why I hate you right now. I would grovel for an Exotic Auto Rifle, especially Suros Regime or Hard Light.
You will hate me even more if you knew how incredibly lucky I have been so far with legendary engrams.
Are you RnGJesus?
No, I'm just incredibly lucky! :D
Why do you think I still haven't die from carrying around the First Hokage's necklace? :p
Please don't tell Tsunade I lost it.

No, just ninja jesus.
That too. Just call me Narujesus.
just doing a regular story mission on mars (still haven't finished the story) and a legendary engram drops and ends up being a legendary sniper, got a blue in the same mission. Good way to end the night.


So yeah, Arc Blade needs a nerf. It tracks through a blink! I shouldn't get hit by it if the guy uses the attack and lunges just before I've vanished into the air! It should miss!

On another note, I've got a Hand Cannon that fires explosive bullets that deal half the bullets damage in an AoE. Handy if you miss a guy and he's by a wall or something :D
Played for about 7 - 8 hours for the first time, got the game today after preordering the ghost edition from Amazon and played it during the afternoon. I think the best thing is that I got lucky and managed to match everything in my equipment from Ship, Sparrow to character.



So far I am having alot of fun with the game playing with my brother and/or friends. It's greatest strength certainly is the gameplay, visuals, soundtrack, atmosphere and general feeling of playing with friends. Reached Venus and finished the first level of Venus only. Also, finished all the levels + strike/patrol missions of Earth and Moon.

It's disappointing that the story is so weak and the general feel of the world while amazing to look at it's just empty, reminded me of the first Borderlands alot. I hope they do fill it up or do something with the updates + upcoming DLC but looking back at the Halo games, Bungie certainly have done way better. Don't know what went wrong there. Another thing that is lacking is the repetitive nature of the game. The game is basically just defending your Ghost about things the player doesn't care about because the story didn't bother to flesh them out more, It's like Bungie didn't care to do so and in turn we the player don't as well. All the cut-scenes in the game make me want to skip them just so I could get back to killing with my friends again.

Never got a legendary/Exotic yet and my brother who played with me for the majority of the time found just 2 legendaries lol. It seems that it takes way too much time to gain such loot and it doesn't bother me that much to be honest, I learned that with MMO's even if I don't play them, you need to have lots of patience basically. What bothers me though is going through a tough strike only then to get NOTHING, come on atleast drop something. From all the strikes I did, the boss didn't drop anything. Not even one engram or something. Not for me, nor my bother lol.

Played the crucible for 20 minutes and the matchmaking is broken. Basically I am being thrown into rooms filled with 18 - 22 leveled players and damn, I can't even breath. I kept dying in one shot or two by everything lol! Too confusing at the moment but I am guessing the crucible is made to be played after you have DRAINED everything else and got the best of the best unless they fix the matchmaking because it sucks currently from what I played.

In short, I am enjoying this game alot in terms of the gameplay,atmosphere, design plus playing with the people I know but everything else about it is disappointing because of the fact that Bungie did way better with the Halo games and that's a FACT.
Played for about 7 - 8 hours for the first time, got the game today after preordering the ghost edition from Amazon and played it during the afternoon. I think the best thing is that I got lucky and managed to match everything in my equipment from Ship, Sparrow to character.


So far I am having alot of fun with the game playing with my brother and/or friends. It's greatest strength certainly is the gameplay, visuals, soundtrack, atmosphere and general feeling of playing with friends. Reached Venus and finished the first level of Venus only. Also, finished all the levels + strike/patrol missions of Earth and Moon.

It's disappointing that the story is so weak and the general feel of the world while amazing to look at it's just empty, reminded me of the first Borderlands alot. I hope they do fill it up or do something with the updates + upcoming DLC but looking back at the Halo games, Bungie certainly have done way better. Don't know what went wrong there. Another thing that is lacking is the repetitive nature of the game. The game is basically just defending your Ghost about things the player doesn't care about because the story didn't bother to flesh them out more, It's like Bungie didn't care to do so and in turn we the player don't as well. All the cut-scenes in the game make me want to skip them just so I could get back to killing with my friends again.

Never got a legendary/Exotic yet and my brother who played with me for the majority of the time found just 2 legendaries lol. It seems that it takes way too much time to gain such loot and it doesn't bother me that much to be honest, I learned that with MMO's even if I don't play them, you need to have lots of patience basically. What bothers me though is going through a tough strike only then to get NOTHING, come on atleast drop something. From all the strikes I did, the boss didn't drop anything. Not even one engram or something. Not for me, nor my bother lol.

Played the crucible for 20 minutes and the matchmaking is broken. Basically I am being thrown into rooms filled with 18 - 22 leveled players and damn, I can't even breath. I kept dying in one shot or two by everything lol! Too confusing at the moment but I am guessing the crucible is made to be played after you have DRAINED everything else and got the best of the best unless they fix the matchmaking because it sucks currently from what I played.

In short, I am enjoying this game alot in terms of the gameplay,atmosphere, design plus playing with the people I know but everything else about it is disappointing because of the fact that Bungie did way better with the Halo games and that's a FACT.

Those knee pads look really goofy.


Played for about 7 - 8 hours for the first time, got the game today after preordering the ghost edition from Amazon and played it during the afternoon. I think the best thing is that I got lucky and managed to match everything in my equipment from Ship, Sparrow to character.


So far I am having alot of fun with the game playing with my brother and/or friends. It's greatest strength certainly is the gameplay, visuals, soundtrack, atmosphere and general feeling of playing with friends. Reached Venus and finished the first level of Venus only. Also, finished all the levels + strike/patrol missions of Earth and Moon.

It's disappointing that the story is so weak and the general feel of the world while amazing to look at it's just empty, reminded me of the first Borderlands alot. I hope they do fill it up or do something with the updates + upcoming DLC but looking back at the Halo games, Bungie certainly have done way better. Don't know what went wrong there. Another thing that is lacking is the repetitive nature of the game. The game is basically just defending your Ghost about things the player doesn't care about because the story didn't bother to flesh them out more, It's like Bungie didn't care to do so and in turn we the player don't as well. All the cut-scenes in the game make me want to skip them just so I could get back to killing with my friends again.

Never got a legendary/Exotic yet and my brother who played with me for the majority of the time found just 2 legendaries lol. It seems that it takes way too much time to gain such loot and it doesn't bother me that much to be honest, I learned that with MMO's even if I don't play them, you need to have lots of patience basically. What bothers me though is going through a tough strike only then to get NOTHING, come on atleast drop something. From all the strikes I did, the boss didn't drop anything. Not even one engram or something. Not for me, nor my bother lol.

Played the crucible for 20 minutes and the matchmaking is broken. Basically I am being thrown into rooms filled with 18 - 22 leveled players and damn, I can't even breath. I kept dying in one shot or two by everything lol! Too confusing at the moment but I am guessing the crucible is made to be played after you have DRAINED everything else and got the best of the best unless they fix the matchmaking because it sucks currently from what I played.

In short, I am enjoying this game alot in terms of the gameplay,atmosphere, design plus playing with the people I know but everything else about it is disappointing because of the fact that Bungie did way better with the Halo games and that's a FACT.

Crucible is leveled out no matter what level you are. Except for your skill unlocks, those matter.
Is there a point to using + light armor if it doesn't raise you another level? I'm level 20 right now with something like +8 light altogether but have better stats on my non light gear.

I orginially only used gear that gave me the bonuses I wanted and was hovering around lvl 20-21, noticed I kept getting gear between lvl 16-19, while my friend who was a lvl 23, got lvl 20 gear. Decided to suck it up and wear the best light gear I had and I started getting higher level gear with higher light values. Maybe its all in my head but I'm sticking with the best light I have


Defend the Warsat in allegedly 10-15 minutes at the Anchor of Light on the moon, allegedly. I just did that in the Hellmouth, though, so I'm betting they mixed it up and it's an extraction crew.


So how is the level 26 weekly heroic supposed to be doable without arc/void/solar burn? Big elite mobs like wizards and knight are so hard to take down. 3 shots from my golden gun takes maybe half the health of a single hallowed knight, and the shield and a third of the health of a wizard o_O

Can someone tell me what modifiers are on the weekly strike this week?

can't remember the name for it, but other than the heroic modifier, the other modifier is one that pretty much prevents enemies from being staggered
Crucible is leveled out no matter what level you are. Except for your skill unlocks, those matter.

Interesting. Knew there was a catch oh well, guess i'll have to spend some time on my character before jumping onto crucible. THOSE DAMN BOUNTIES! *shakes fist*

Those knee pads look really goofy.

I am actually more surprised that everything matched, didn't care for how they looked lol, here is how I looked before getting another set of better leveled armor, got lucky twice. To be honest I prefered how I looked before however, higher levels > looks.



Well Finally I'm starting to come together. Just got my gloves. Now I'm finally level 26. Now to get the materials to finish upgrading boots, chest, and gloves lol.


Got a fair few Purple Engrams today over the different farm options (Moon and Earth), which is weird, given yesterday I got only 2 in lord knows how many hours. Unfortunately only 2 out of like 7 of the Purple's I found today actually materialised in to anything (Legendary Rocket Launcher and Scout Rifle). In any case, here's my character so far.



And one looking out on to some incoming ships.

That has to be the coolest looking guardian I have ever seen

Thanks! I'm sure they won't last long. Almost any time I get something better, I change it instantly and dismantle/scrape the previous gears. However, I got lucky twice by matching everything lol. Any matching gear I keep just for looks on MP but otherwise they are useless in the main game where you get better equipment as long as you play more.
Thanks! I'm sure they won't last long. Almost any time I get something better, I change it instantly and dismantle/scrape the previous gears. However, I got lucky twice by matching everything lol. Any matching gear I keep just for looks on MP but otherwise they are useless in the main game where you get better equipment as long as you play more.

It's mainly the color scheme that I love. What shader is that? Where'd you get it?


if you're talking about as a means to progress, don't worry about looking for engrams. they are random. they drop everywhere but the odds of one being exactly what you need are horrible. focus on earning the various currencies you can (marks, strange coins, motes of light) and buy the gear you actually want. along the way you'll get lucky drops every so often. a basic set of gear to get you to 26 is really not that intensive to get.

So close :>

Random as all hell. Got a blue engram from a level 2 dreg not ten minutes ago.
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