What the hell with this Salvage bounty that keeps coming up in rotation. We can't even play Salvage anymore, what a waste of a slot.
Well, the daily heroics do have boosted rewards for high level completes, but yes, I totally agree with your point about having no shame.This. If there isn't any reward for doing anything at my level or close to it, I do the lowest difficulty I can. I have no shame in this. I've seen how difficult this game can be, so I respect it.
Who has the highest Grimoire score here?
1820I've got 1570. Still need to find the Dead Ghosts on Venus and Mars.
SaltyI didn't know this was a Grimoire measuring contest.
Pics bro. You can't just come and brag about it without pics lolFucking finally!!! A legendary engram turned into an Exotic Helmet!!! First non rare item!
Do the daily heroics on a lower level so that you can still get the marks.![]()
Farmed for countless hours, turned in about 15 legendary engrams.
Mostly blues, one shit scout rifle, gloves for another class and then...
dude please.
When you're playing destiny and suddenly hit the level 24 plateau and you're told that you don't have high enough leveled gear to do the raid it sucks.
this isn't whiny bitching, it's about being able to play parts of the game you need higher level gear for and not being able to get it because of wonky game mechanics. see my other posts. a lot of people hit 24 and get stuck because what had worked for them the previous 24 levels suddenly stops working. I had to specifically change how I played the game and I had to do a lot of reading and figuring shit out to be able to get better gear.
it's not clear at all in the game on how to do this. look at the tons and tons of questions on these boards. a lot of people are confused and frustrated.
i'm enjoying the game overall but it's not perfect and some things could have clearly been done better or at least explained better.
We gotta move away from this mindset of "just buy" as though it's an alternative to the right way where you find them as drops.However, I'm close to having vanguard rank 2 to just buy my legendaries.
I feel your pain. Wife and kid at home means i can't carve out dedicated time to run through heroic weeklies and such.
Also stuck at 20 and I also got my ass kicked by those Minotaurs yesterday 3 times before giving up lol. However, I'm close to having vanguard rank 2 to just buy my legendaries.
That's my recommendation. Bounties, public events and daily heroic missions/strike playlist. I don't have time to waste farming for this crap.
And it was for your class? Nice. Congrats. I'm done with farming for now. Gonna max my Vanguard levels and buy the Purple gear. Get Strange Coins and MoL in the process, then buy my Exotic shit from Xur over the weekend.Fucking finally!!! A legendary engram turned into an Exotic Helmet!!! First non rare item!
People are really too upset about the legendary loot not falling from the sky. I get the engram problem, but really, you know you can get high faction rank super quick by just doing bounties? I'm level 23, 40+ hours, and have not gotten a single legendary engram, and that's absolutely fine. How it should be, even. Calm down, gearing for a raid shouldn't really take a week from release.
I just found such a cheap trick for boosting your completed strikes. Only problem is, it would encourage some really bad behavior from others running strikes and looking to open up the gear they can receive so I'm not sure I should even post it.
Tastes great tooI didn't know this was a Grimoire tasting contest.
Has anyone come up with an efficient method of gathering upgrade mats for Legendary/Exotic items ( Ascendant Energy, for instance) other than the dismantling of legendary gear ?
Exactly. It's anti-American! If I'm a poor-ass Warlock, I should be able to win the lottery to make it big. I don't want to have to work for it! How else am I going to move out of my double-wide jumpship?
When you melee does it use the bayonet?
That's the PS4 exclusive one. I asked about it earlier yet no one answered.
You got it via PvP you say?
Who has the highest Grimoire score here?
Fucking finally!!! A legendary engram turned into an Exotic Helmet!!! First non rare item!
Tastes great too
Save 'em for the guy that sells on the weekend. You can buy legendary engrams.alright, I have 23 motes of light, what can you buy besides lame things by the Speaker
Found or bought?
Do the daily heroics on a lower level so that you can still get the marks.![]()
Yes, please. It's as if people are intent on going about things one way, even though there's a perfectly simple other way to do things, and then getting angry when their way (which relies heavily on RNG) doesn't favor them.We gotta move away from this mindset of "just buy" as though it's an alternative to the right way where you find them as drops.
Buying your first set (important distinction) of Legendary gear the intended path in this game. Random drops of endgame gear here and there are lucky shortcuts- not the route.
I swear the only true bullshit things in PVP are the long range fusion guns and blade dancer super. Pretty much everything else can be countered/avoided with proper map awareness and your own skill.
I also don't think you should get shields when reviving in 3v3. I'm not sure how the scoring works, but if you're revived, it shouldn't count as a kill for the other team, but reviving should be a real risk, so dump the shielding mechanic, imo.
I did not expect to love this games PVP, but here I am.
okay...impulse buy much?
If you decide to keep them make sure you download the headset companion app and upload the Destiny profile to your headphones.
alright, I have 23 motes of light, what can you buy besides lame things by the Speaker
I'm totally fine with legendaries being incredibly rare; it's just that the game defeats its own carrot on a stick design by making it possible to get lower-tier gear from engrams. Dangle the carrot, sure; don't swat me in the nuts with it when I get close though.
Don't need my Bladedancer until you nerf titans. Fucking 3 shields? Really?there are lots of things they can do to balance it. it's great when it's working.
i'd rather there not be overshields at all.
Yep, this. I've given up on wishing for the lottery, and instead going the slow and steady route by getting the rep, and being able to pick and choose what legendaries I'll receive rather than cross my fingers while the Cryptarch squeezes open a purple gusher.The game mechanics aren't wonky. They introduce the Vanguard people at the start of the game, while it doesn't directly tell you "grind rep and then buy the gear with the marks you get" it is pretty obvious if you just talk to him and see his inventory and the rep bar.
It's easy to get past the 24 plateau by doing what the game wants you to do and grind for legendary gear through rep and marks. If you're getting upset over drops then blame the RNG Gods. If you want it quicker just play more, the game gives you three factions on top of the crucible and vanguard to choose from as well. Dailies, weeklys, strike playlist, bounties. Bungie has given you all the tools to get your gear.
Your level won't be stuck at 24 once you start getting legendaries, don't expect them from drops.
it definitely needs tweaks and there are lots of things they can do to balance it. it's otherwise great when it's working.
i'd rather there not be overshields at all.
You're right, I apologizeThat is the one I was doing, Ishtar Collective if I recall correctly. I can tear through all the non-vex story missions at 20 but those minotaurs are OP!
You are talking about the story mission that appears on the left of the map right? Because that is what frustrated me yesterday. I thought the only level was 20.
Unexpected favorite thing: Destiny is teaching me a lot about the psychology of game designYes, please. It's as if people are intent on going about things one way, even though there's a perfectly simple other way to do things, and then getting angry when their way (which relies heavily on RNG) doesn't favor them.
Since you can earn Vanguard or Faction ranks and marks through playing, you're not stuck just because your farming comes up empty. Nothing is preventing you from earning the currencies you need to upgrade your gear.
arc blade against a fully shielded titan is the most pathetic feeling ever :<Don't need my Bladedancer until you nerf titans. Fucking 3 shields? Really?
ftfySave 'em for the guy that sells on the weekend. You can buy exotic engrams.
We gotta move away from this mindset of "just buy" as though it's an alternative to the right way where you find them as drops.
Buying your first set (important distinction) of Legendary gear the intended path in this game. Random drops of endgame gear here and there are lucky shortcuts- not the route.
edit: I hope to prove this in a big old guide post shortly.
Save 'em for the guy that sells on the weekend. You can buy legendary engrams.
Xur, the weekend vendor, sells an exotic engram for 23 Motes.
Is it? My badftfy
Dismantling legendary gear you don't need to improve your prized equipment is going to be a big part of endgame
"First Set" perhaps, but we're complaining about "First Piece". I don't want shortcut drops, but a-taste-of drops. Just enough to let me test them and take a peek before buying.
It's an exotic, not sure about the type (weapon, class, etc..), but yes, it can become blue, purple or yellow and it can also give you gear for another class. So, there's that.what kind of engram is this? if it becomes blue when I decode it , i'm going to quit Destiny :/
It's an exotic, not sure about the type (weapon, class, etc..), but yes, it can become blue, purple or yellow and it can also give you gear for another class. So, there's that.
You're right, I apologizeI figured you were trying it at higher than 20.
If you ask in this thread or try (, you're very likely to get help!