What's the most effective way to get rep?
Is the best farming spot for engrams still the "We've woken the hive!" spot?
Been farming for materials on Mars and loot on the Moon here and there, this is what Isabeau looks like right now (wish I was home to take a screenshot):
Isabeau is now ready (or kind of lol) to hit a raid. Now I needa help my other 2 friends get to 26, and find another 3 players to join us. This no matchmaking bullshit sucks. Feel free to add me on PSN if you haven''t done so already. Played with a few of you already and it was a ton of fun!
...hnnnnng. people were hyped for the launch, psssh. I want IN
Is the best farming spot for engrams still the "We've woken the hive!" spot?
Weird? 3 legendaries yet just hitting 26? I only have a legendary chest but I'm nearing a third of 25. Guessing upgrading legendaries makes the difference.
High level strikes.
Do the playlist, Nightfall and weekly heroic.
Is the best farming spot for engrams still the "We've woken the hive!" spot?
Special weapons are killing the Crucible for me right now. The amount of ammo available is freaking ridiculous.
The difference in perspective is fascinating and I thank you. I find leveling, gearing up, static progression, etc. many many times more clear and self-explanatory in Destiny than in the Souls games. I spent 3 hours before killing the Phalanx (rolled Thief first character) not understanding that I hadn't yet unlocked the "hub," and I was getting extremely frustrated with the game because I couldn't even make basic- let alone endgame- progress.I hear ya and I even thought about Demon's Souls when I was typing up my post but the frustration in DS was different. If I died it was because I got greedy or screwed up in some way. The world tendancies were confusing but leveling and upgrading were much more straight forward. maxing out certain weapons and having to farm crazy and rare items weren't necessary for endgame. I get what you're saying though.
I really like Destiny and I'm an extremely patient and forgiving gamer but I think the level 24 plateau is something that needs to be addressed. unless you know what you're doing you're going to be stuck. and stuck to the point where you can't do raids because your gear isn't good enough. i'll say it again... you can play the game a lot of ways but when what you're doing works for the first 24 levels and then suddenly doesn't, something's wrong. that's a design flaw or a lack of communication of game mechanics at the very least. so many people (myself included) saw drops and mission rewards as their way to get better gear. it worked with greens and blues for a very long time. I didn't buy anything from the vendors because i never needed to and like DS, didnt think I'd ever need the vendors.
This. I've expressed this to a few gaffers while chatting in a fireteam. Low drop rates are fine, it's the tease that pisses everyone off. Make the actual legendary and exotic acquiring rates the same as the drop rates, and make the engrams drop an item from their color.
I just imagine a Mario ? block gets dropped when I see an engram, that way I'm not disappointed.
So basically they should change it because RNGesus didn't favor you?
It's fucking hilarious how much of the rage in this game is- not just theoretically, not just technically- but literally because purple engrams are colored purple. That's all on Bungie and I have no clue at all what there were thinking.
I really need 2 guys for the weekly heroic. I want to get my exotic shotgun. It sucks that this doesn't have matchmaking....
there are like a dozen ways to convey what purple engrams are for that are for than... engrams colored purple titled "legendary engram." baffling is the only wordI'ts a pretty baffling design decision. Even doing something simple such as having the engrams have different color schemes than items would have helped counter expectations.
I disagree, and would go as far as to say this is simply not true (unless you are referring solely to PvP). We will see just how much this is the case in the coming weeks.This game doesn't reward you for me being good it just rewards you for time spent. Its a critical flaw for the space its trying to occupy.
So basically they should change it because RNGesus didn't favor you?
This game doesn't reward you for me being good it just rewards you for time spent. Its a critical flaw for the space its trying to occupy.
They don't get reset. You can only earn 100 each week, so the cap is reset every week.
This game doesn't reward you for me being good it just rewards you for time spent. Its a critical flaw for the space its trying to occupy.
This game doesn't reward you for me being good it just rewards you for time spent. Its a critical flaw for the space its trying to occupy.
I swear the only true bullshit things in PVP are the long range fusion guns and blade dancer super. Pretty much everything else can be countered/avoided with proper map awareness and your own skill.
Got a pretty slick shader.
Am I the only one who finds it infuriating in PvP that people when they have activated their supers do not have decreased health, but actually have increased health/invulnerability?
Like running around with OHK ability was not enough, no let's make the OHK wielding person harder to kill...
NopeIs there matchmaking for the daily heroics?
Yep! Choose the lowest level one if you're struggling.If not, can they be reasonably completed solo?
www.destinylfg.com may alleviate thisBeyond the fact that not a single person has responded to an invite I've sent, I simply don't have the time to wait for a group to get together. This game is not friendly to those with a newborn at home... (not a complaint - no game is friendly to those with a newborn at home lol).
I spent a game last night saving up Titan Smash and used it on the same Blade Dancer every time he popped his ability, killing him.
I was hoping he raged every time. I only got one kill from from every activation of it, but, worth it.
RNGesus awarded this behavior with the last game of the night for me on Firebase Delphi. 4 people all on B, trying to cap it, but not yet capping it.
Triple Play + medals galore.
Name of shader and where y'got it?
What? You think people should LOSE health when they use their super?
Anyone else on #teamslideshotgun
Oh lawd there is 3 guys farming at Skywatch outside that cave.
Shall I be a cunt and dance outside the cave so no more enemies will spawn.
Only if you record and post their reactions!
I think just removing supers from PvP would be best. I'd imagine there would still be tweaks, but its a relatively simple step that would put them in much better place.
The supers don't really generate enough interesting gameplay to justify trying to make them work.
Am I the only one who finds it infuriating in PvP that people when they have activated their supers do not have decreased health, but actually have increased health/invulnerability?
Like running around with OHK ability was not enough, no let's make the OHK wielding person harder to kill...
I swear the only true bullshit things in PVP are the long range fusion guns and blade dancer super. Pretty much everything else can be countered/avoided with proper map awareness and your own skill.
Anyone maxed out the Sunsinger subclass yet? How's playing with two grenades?