I actually think hardcore gamers who frequent these boards are more likely to be confused. I'm fairly certain an average player would just assume leveling after 20 depends on earning Marks. You can go for Vanguard/Faction or Crucible depending on whether you'd rather do PvE or PvP. Or both if you're in a hurry.dude please.
When you're playing destiny and suddenly hit the level 24 plateau and you're told that you don't have high enough leveled gear to do the raid it sucks.
this isn't whiny bitching, it's about being able to play parts of the game you need higher level gear for and not being able to get it because of wonky game mechanics. see my other posts. a lot of people hit 24 and get stuck because what had worked for them the previous 24 levels suddenly stops working. I had to specifically change how I played the game and I had to do a lot of reading and figuring shit out to be able to get better gear.
it's not clear at all in the game on how to do this. look at the tons and tons of questions on these boards. a lot of people are confused and frustrated.
i'm enjoying the game overall but it's not perfect and some things could have clearly been done better or at least explained better.
Hours upon hours following YouTube farming guides for a shitload of often disappointing engrams sucks hard. But it's a frustrating experience only gamers like us would encounter.
Every single vendor in the Tower has Legendary gear. I'm sure all players will notice this within their first hour playing. Sure it takes time but you can measure your progression. No frustration, no surprises.
I got 100 Crucible Marks the first week, and 100 more after it reset. This enabled me to get 3 Legendary armor pieces at 65 Marks each. I have 5 left over and I'll only be able to make 100 next week so the 120 mark Helmet will take a while. Will I pray to RNG gods until then by farming? Nah. I'll have fun playing with friends and getting upgrade materials. If in that process something happens to drop, then great! But it's a bonus, RANDOM drop, not something to count on.
No exotic drops? A few strikes and I'll have the currency for Xur to hook me up. Dependable, measurable progress towards a goal. Seems more reasonable than praying on engrams and jumping off the Tower when they're no good no?
Just two cents