Two purples from PvP earlier within 30 minutes, both turned out to be level 16 blues.
oh well, i'll just buy dark orbit gear instead.
oh well, i'll just buy dark orbit gear instead.
Lol, I'm running around Skywatch doing missions while some guys are farming, and on a whim I decide to hop into the cave as well. Fucking Legendary Engram was waiting for me, baby.
Yes. Yes it does.This is embarrassing. What the hell is the point of raiding if you don't get at least some guaranteed loot? It doesn't have to be exotics but a few legendaries with a chance of something special? I mean come the fuck on.
Finally. The moon strike for this was 1000x harder than the weekly, and totally ridiculous. You NEED solar and arc damage to even stand an iota of a chance.
hold my dick, PvE
If they didn't get loot, why did PrimeGuard's twitter say the reward was loot for days? https://twitter.com/PrimeGuardHQ/status/511980833398599680
denialIf they didn't get loot, why did PrimeGuard's twitter say the reward was loot for days? https://twitter.com/PrimeGuardHQ/status/511980833398599680
Hahahaha, what a waste of time.
Are there any legendary or exotic upgrade that requires destroying blue rares? I have been saving all my blues but should I just break them down?
What about having fun?Hahahaha, what a waste of time.
is there a level cap for scumbag cryptarch?
If they didn't get loot, why did PrimeGuard's twitter say the reward was loot for days? https://twitter.com/PrimeGuardHQ/status/511980833398599680
If they didn't get loot, why did PrimeGuard's twitter say the reward was loot for days? https://twitter.com/PrimeGuardHQ/status/511980833398599680
If they didn't get loot, why did PrimeGuard's twitter say the reward was loot for days? https://twitter.com/PrimeGuardHQ/status/511980833398599680
Not necessarily have less health, but is there even one good reason for having MORE health when activating a OHK superpower? Where is the balance in that?
Yeah, I think there's a disconnect here. If I remember, folks said that they got loot from the individual bosses etc. but maybe they just didn't get an official end of raid loot drop?If they didn't get loot, why did PrimeGuard's twitter say the reward was loot for days? https://twitter.com/PrimeGuardHQ/status/511980833398599680
I got an exotic auto rifle for being good at Crucible
Accidentally dismantled my autorifle...just a blue but that hurt. Thought I had another in the bank but I guess not. Have to run scout rifle until I can find a replacement.
The raid isn't any fun at all? LIke no fun . Not worth doing unless you get a prize? Is that the case?
13 Motes of Light and 13 Strange Coins. This weekend Xur better have some good items.
Seems like another thing that should just be in a menu in game so that people can actually see it without signing up on some website.
But they're not mutually exclusive-- you could be earning rep and credits AND finding shit. And no, you're not entitled to it just because you invested a ton of time. Sorry, but RNG doesn't care. Someone spending a thousand dollars on the lottery is no more entitled to winning it than someone who spent a dollar. Yes, tis thread has a lot of complaints about it but the people who find stuff (and there's a lot of those posts too) aren't going to pop on and complain about it.
Wait, 13 Motes of Light could buy something from Xur last weekend? I have that much also and though stuff would cost more.
Well, it wasn't a waste of time if they had fun.
What about having fun?
Edit : Dax gets it.
Wait, 13 Motes of Light could buy something from Xur last weekend? I have that much also and though stuff would cost more.
Wait, 13 Motes of Light could buy something from Xur last weekend? I have that much also and though stuff would cost more.
Didn't sound fun to me in the article.
Wait, 13 Motes of Light could buy something from Xur last weekend? I have that much also and though stuff would cost more.
I hate seeing that shit. I was having so.much fun and then 5 level 25s appear and just stand there shooting at a cave entrance. All of my enemies simply despawned. Got that shit on video. Praise ps4 video recordin.
That doesn't mean others don't have fun with it.
The Exotic Chest Engram he sold last week cost 23 Motes of Light.
Yup. Some mechanics in this game are Dark Souls-levels of obscure/unexplained.
is there a level cap for scumbag cryptarch?
The Exotic Chest Engram he sold last week cost 23 Motes of Light.
Legendary (and Exotic) gear gets +2 to Light for every upgrade to Defense. I have an Exotic helmet that started as 21 Light and is now 27 after three upgrades. My Legendary gauntlets went up +2 with each defensive upgrade. Those ones from the Vendor should max out at 28 Light each.
That's fine, what sounds fun to you is what you should do.Didn't sound fun to me in the article.
“We were very, very pleasantly surprised,” said Smith. “It was a big, major difference. If people think the raid is just a tougher version of the strike, I’ve got news for them. They’re going to be completely blown away."
Exotic engrams from Xur are guaranteed exotics. May not be for your class.Would you really ever trust any engram? Even an exotic one?
Seems like a big risk.
what a joke
I was going to start buying legendary faction armor today, but that Giant Bomb article about the end-game raids not offering any rewards is really killing Destiny for me.
Bungie, I want to like this game. So hard.
You know this game is big when you have 35 year old men at work asking if "you became Legend last night."
Last week it was 13 strange coins for items and 23 motes of light for the exotic engram.