we might have to settle for bonking him with the purple beachball...
It's all blues, he never owned purples.
we might have to settle for bonking him with the purple beachball...
What's the best way to get strange coins besides the first public event you complete per day?
Just started the game.
The postmaster has bounty lead for me but I don't have enough space
This shit is amazing. 2d 12h 36m of playtime and not a single legendary helmet.
Gotta grind out 50 crucible marks to just buy the damn thing and get it over with.
So just cosmetic stuff?
Better tweet that fool. I'm stopping by for a visit.RNGesus laughs at your feeble threats! You have no power here non-believer!
The weekly heroic strike for the week is the only guaranteed way.What's the best way to get strange coins besides the first public event you complete per day?
I believe the case is: you can earn a maximum of 9 Strange Coins from Weekly Strikes for the week. If you do the hardest version you can get all 9.To be honest I'm not 100% sure, but I noticed that after I did the first one, it no longer said +3 Strange Coins under the loot column, but it still had strange coins for the harder ones. Was going to test this week unless someone already has an answer.
Go finish a bounty you already have, or go to your inventory and discard one.
yup, one for each class, one weapon, one engram.
here's Datto's video about Xúr:
What's the best way to gain strange coins? I am playing Destiny with some irregularity so I can't always gather a firesquad. Is there a way to do strikes that drop strange coins that will match me with other players?
I'm hoping Xur has Hard Light this week (I need 20 more strange coins), I want Mask of the Third Man but I guess he won't have the same items week after week.
This. There has to be items for doing a raid. Ideally themed ones that can only be gained in that raid.
Turned in two bounties and got a rare ship and a mote of light. How common is that? Rewards on top of bounties?
this exists.This. There has to be items for doing a raid. Ideally themed ones that can only be gained in that raid.
sorry for the formatting.Assault Rifle Atheons Epilogue Shotgun Found Verdict
Hand Cannon Fatebringer Sniper Rifle Praedyths Revenge
Pulse Rifle Praedyths Timepiece Machine Gun Corrective Measure
Scout Rifle Vision of Confluence Rocket Launcher Hezen Vengeance
Fusion Rifle Praetorian Foil
Vex Set (Normal)
Head Mantic Zealot Helm Faceguard of Kabr Cowl of the Hezen Lords
Chest Mantic Zealot Cuirass Kabrs Might Cuirass of the Hezen Lords
Gauntlet Mantic Zealot Gloves Kabrs Defending Grasp Grips of the Hazen Lords
Legs Mantic Zealot Greaves Kabrs Lifegiving Treads Boots of the Hezen Lords
Gold Vex Set (Hard)
Head Prime Zealot Helm Battlecage of Kabr Facade of the Hezen Lords
Chest Prime Zealot Cuirass Kabrs Wrath Robe of the Hezen Lords
Gauntlet Prime Zealot Gloves Kabrs Brazen Grips Gloves of the Hezen Lords
Legs Prime Zealot Greaves Kabrs Forceful Greaves Tread of the Hezen Lords
Do we know that the Exotic engram from Xur will be Exotic and not turn into a Rare or something?
Ok so last night me and a mate were playing PVP.
We both stopped at the same time and went to sleep. When we woke up the next day his crucible marks had reset to zero for the week, yet mine hadnt. My vanguard marks have reset to zero though so, i dunno what's happening.
Mote of light could have just been from the bounty xp giving you a "level", which is motes of light post 20. Never seen a ship (or any other) reward though.
The strike playlist on the upper two levels offers +3 and +6 strange coins per strike.What's the best way to gain strange coins? I am playing Destiny with some irregularity so I can't always gather a firesquad. Is there a way to do strikes that drop strange coins that will match me with other players?
I'm hoping Xur has Hard Light this week (I need 20 more strange coins), I want Mask of the Third Man but I guess he won't have the same items week after week.
I'm doing an exotic bounty that requires me breaking down 10 rare or better fusion rifles. So, I'm in the weird position of preferring rare drops to legendary ones.Are there any legendary or exotic upgrade that requires destroying blue rares? I have been saving all my blues but should I just break them down?
If I didn't already know Bungie made this multiplayer component and someone told me the makers of Halo created the Crucible, I don't know if I would believe them. I mean, it's perfectly competent, but coming off of Halo, the balance and staying power just aren't there for me. It's still fun though, don't get me wrong, but some of these maps aren't doing anything for me...
Your marks should never reset, just the cap- I'm assuming that's what you mean.Quoting for new page.... anyone have any idea what's happening?
Farming if you like causing yourself agony.
Oh shit, is there a time limit for these? I still have to do 17 more strikes for one and need 10 rare fusion rifles for the second.So got an exotic bounty and it disappeared awhile ago.
You know, I didn't realize it until now, but for me, Destiny has totally nailed the "carrot on a stick" thing. I am sitting here at work planning out what I'm gonna do when I get home. Seemingly each activity that you do in the game has a reward at some point or at the end. As much as the game is rightfully critized, they did get a lot right IMO. It can only go up from here, too.
Do we know that the Exotic engram from Xur will be Exotic and not turn into a Rare or something?
Your marks should never reset, just the cap- I'm assuming that's what you mean.
Dumb question but have you both logged in and out of Destiny since noticing this?
PastebinGuys, the guide to endgame leveling (and some other stuff) that I typed up is too long for a neogaf post. Can anyone suggest somewhere I could put it that would be meaningful and accessible to those who might want to read it?
Hold on a second... the weekly heroic strike doesn't have matchmaking????
Guys, the guide to endgame leveling (and some other stuff) that I typed up is too long for a neogaf post. Can anyone suggest somewhere I could put it that would be meaningful and accessible to those who might want to read it?
Guys, the guide to endgame leveling (and some other stuff) that I typed up is too long for a neogaf post. Can anyone suggest somewhere I could put it that would be meaningful and accessible to those who might want to read it?
Anyone up for the Weekly strike? Add Horry43 on PSN.
Reddit?Guys, the guide to endgame leveling (and some other stuff) that I typed up is too long for a neogaf post. Can anyone suggest somewhere I could put it that would be meaningful and accessible to those who might want to read it?
What in the world? I was actually thinking of jumping into the playlist for it this weekend. Assuming it had a playlist, of course. 0_o
Oh shit, is there a time limit for these? I still have to do 17 more strikes for one and need 10 rare fusion rifles for the second.
I'd be happy to help out hereWhat in the world? I was actually thinking of jumping into the playlist for it this weekend. Assuming it had a playlist, of course. 0_o
Alright, I might split it up into 3 mini-guides or so.You could also do it over multiple posts.
at the point you have to do the raid you should already be decked out in largely legendary though, so I fail to see the point unless they have some armor/gear you can ONLY get from the raid that is better than anything that can drop/be bought.
At this point I'm only playing it for the clan achievement and to have fun with friends.
Guys, the guide to endgame leveling (and some other stuff) that I typed up is too long for a neogaf post. Can anyone suggest somewhere I could put it that would be meaningful and accessible to those who might want to read it?
Time to clan up.. And then add people to friends lists...
What in the world? I was actually thinking of jumping into the playlist for it this weekend. Assuming it had a playlist, of course. 0_o
Condense it down, or make a part 1 and part 2 post. Then you can just link back to them. I can nuke the posts in between to make them consecutive.
They aren't farming guides are they?Alright, I might split it up into 3 mini-guides or so.
I worked a bit on formatting and such and there are lots of embedded images so pastebin and reddit are not ideal![]()
Dentist appointment now, watch for it when I get home.