Woo, that pic brings back memories.I'm just touchy. This is how I feel reading the thread.
Woo, that pic brings back memories.I'm just touchy. This is how I feel reading the thread.
On that note.
I'm Ghaleon_EB on PSN (note the tragic underscore). Feel free to hit me up folks, if you are so inclined, I have like, ten friends. :lol
I'm still doing the campaign solo but will dabble in strikes, and will do co-op stuff on the Earth and the Moon since I've completed them.
Lowly level 11, though.
HoW do you know this?The Awoken of the Reef aren't too fond of the Awoken from Earth/The City.
Wish I was there. Enjoy the red planet!Doing a Mars mission right now.
Right. Now.
I've been stuck on level 20 for 4 days now. Everything I have is rare and fully levelled up. No amount of strikes, bounties, or farming are helping me.
Kinda want to give up at this point.
or level up your legendary boots, they'll gain more light.
where did you get said legendary engram?
Thank you RNGesus for the blessing you have bestowed upon our fellow guardian Ark. Oh and grats!
I've been stuck on level 20 for 4 days now. Everything I have is rare and fully levelled up. No amount of strikes, bounties, or farming are helping me.
Kinda want to give up at this point.
That doesn't even make sense. All of those rares must have been on you since level 12.
He actually did it for free.Oh my god how much did they pay Paul McCartney for this horrible song
what a waste of money
SeriouslyYou should be at 24 then. You may have to ditch the rares that you have and equip and level up rares with + light.
Says in the grimoire thatHoW do you know this?
I just got the exotic bounty, and I'm leaning toward the bad juju pulse rifle or the thorn hand cannon. Anyone have either of these weapons and can share their impressions or which one they feel is a better pick?
So for this exotic bounty I need to kill Xyor, the Unwed which apparently appears if you kill enough minions at the Summoning Pit boss fight. Does anyone know if you have to play at a certain difficulty or not?
I was stuck with some uncommon gloves for the longest time before some +light rares dropped for me. Just keep on the lookout.Nope. Been getting rares worse than the ones I have. Two of them have light on them. My arms and chest. Yet to find a rare set of legs with light. I got my first rare at maybe level 16 or 17.
If anyone can search my profile on bungie.net my PSN is SirMossy. Maybe I'm doing something wrong??
So where on this map is the cave farming found at? Hoping to kill two birds with one stone
He actually did it for free.
Now that I am level 20, will all new rares that I get have Light on them?
From my experience, yes.Now that I am level 20, will all new rares that I get have Light on them?
Someone said exotic bounties expire a couple pages back.
Is that true?
Seriously. He's embarrassingly bad. I had difficulty watching his scenes.
How do you get exotic bounties?
You can run a strike from the playlist of your level and get guaranteed gear upon completion. Even by Bungie RNG standards, you'd never go 4 days without coming across anything better than pre 20 equipment. You have to be actively throwing stuff away.I was stuck with some uncommon gloves for the longest time before some +light rares dropped for me. Just keep on the lookout.
So, is my game bugged, or am I missing something? My vanguard rep at the vendor is stuck at 1440/1500; I'm level 24, been doing strikes and bounties like crazy, but the vanguard never upgrades. Am I doing something wrong?
two lvl 27 missing a third player for weekly heroic.
add me : Gullyaume
The regular strikes have zero options though - in terms of level or difficulty or modifiers.
Story missions do, but there's no matchmaking. The strike playlist has level ranges and matchmaking but chooses the actual mission at random, I think.
Its just a hodge-podge.
geez those characters are written so shallow and cliche. Especially the brother.
reposting for new page. anyone lvl 22 or higher please ?
Got my first Legendary engram
Exotic Weapon Bounty to beat a weekly strike. Tried 8 times so far and none of my teams can beat the last boss. Damn wizards!
Any advice?