i was kidding. it's all good.
It's the double banshee this is the code for it RXC-9XJ-4MH
Just started the game.
The postmaster has bounty lead for me but I don't have enough space
I don't like this idea at all. I'm 100% fine with there being no guaranteed legendary/exotic drops, even in a raid. Does everyone just want those items handed out like candy?Bungie, just give me a chest to open after killing a boss in a raid. Let there be a legendary item in it. When I kill the final boss, let me open up a chest where I can pick up an exotic item.
To take this a step further, let these chests have a determined piece already in it. If I kill Boss 1, I know i'll always get Purple Shoes. Boss 2, always purple gauntlets. Boss 3, purple head. So on and so forth.
I've already entered this code, but I've never received it. Is there a specific person I have to talk to, to get this item?
You know it's a MMO when people starting griefing in farm spots.
So...As an Awoken, the whole Awoken meeting cutscene makes no god damn sense. I'm one of them, aren't I?
Any good farming spots for Helium Filaments? Need quite a few to upgrade my Legendary armour.
You know, I didn't realize it until now, but for me, Destiny has totally nailed the "carrot on a stick" thing. I am sitting here at work planning out what I'm gonna do when I get home. Seemingly each activity that you do in the game has a reward at some point or at the end. As much as the game is rightfully critized, they did get a lot right IMO. It can only go up from here, too.
So...As an Awoken, the whole Awoken meeting cutscene makes no god damn sense. I'm one of them, aren't I?
The difference in perspective is fascinating and I thank you. I find leveling, gearing up, static progression, etc. many many times more clear and self-explanatory in Destiny than in the Souls games. I spent 3 hours before killing the Phalanx (rolled Thief first character) not understanding that I hadn't yet unlocked the "hub," and I was getting extremely frustrated with the game because I couldn't even make basic- let alone endgame- progress.
I had to go to people for help with that one, but in this game I'm often on the answering end. No one explained to me what to do- I figured it out this time, and have been able to help others. It's really interesting.
So...As an Awoken, the whole Awoken meeting cutscene makes no god damn sense. I'm one of them, aren't I?
I looked for some explanation in the grimoire, but even then it speaks ofyou and me both.
It's not. Got the bounty and got plenty of 5 kill streaks with a fusion rifle but it didn't count toward it.
Can somebody help me with what do I need to do in this crucible bounty, "Earn 10 Buckshot Bruiser medals", I'm guessing it has to do something with using a shotgun ?
Thanks !
http://www.destinygamewiki.com/wiki/Buckshot_BruiserBuckshot Bruiser is a Crucible Medal. To earn the medal, player needs to get 3 kills with a shotgun without reloading or switching weapons.
So apparently it's 3 kills with a Fusion Rifle, without reloading, or dying.
Dat world class writing.
The Awoken are such jagoffs. Instantly made me glad I chose Exo. Although it was hilarious when the little bro bro put a knife up to my robot's neck.
Dat world class writing.
The Awoken are such jagoffs. Instantly made me glad I chose Exo. Although it was hilarious when the little bro bro put a knife up to my robot's neck.
So apparently it's 3 kills with a Fusion Rifle, without reloading, or dying.
geez those characters are written so shallow and cliche. Especially the brother.
It's really dumb imo. You get a medal called "Master Blaster" if you accomplish itReloading? That's so odd
So apparently it's 3 kills with a Fusion Rifle, without reloading, or dying.
I've been stuck on level 20 for 4 days now. Everything I have is rare and fully levelled up. No amount of strikes, bounties, or farming are helping me.
Kinda want to give up at this point.
geez those characters are written so shallow and cliche. Especially the brother.
So...As an Awoken, the whole Awoken meeting cutscene makes no god damn sense. I'm one of them, aren't I?
Just have to keep at it. Can buy gear with your marks if you have to as well. My best friend was stuck at 20 for a few days and then he finally got to 21 and went from that to 23 in about two hours. Hope the luck turns your way soonI've been stuck on level 20 for 4 days now. Everything I have is rare and fully levelled up. No amount of strikes, bounties, or farming are helping me.
Kinda want to give up at this point.
I've already entered this code, but I've never received it. Is there a specific person I have to talk to, to get this item?
Yeah, I dunno. I was able to stumble into level 21 pretty quickly with just the random rare drops I was finding along the way while doing other things, forget trying to grind specifically for them.I just hit 20 last night, but I didn't think this scenario was even possible...
That doesn't even make sense. All of those rares must have been on you since level 12.I've been stuck on level 20 for 4 days now. Everything I have is rare and fully levelled up. No amount of strikes, bounties, or farming are helping me.
Kinda want to give up at this point.