Nice and rep doesn't have a cap like marks? Correct?the Purple Engram lottery is foolhardy anyway
BTW, attaining rank 3 in a faction guarantees a legendary weapon. That's something worth sinking time into. No lottery ticket bullshit needed
Nice and rep doesn't have a cap like marks? Correct?the Purple Engram lottery is foolhardy anyway
BTW, attaining rank 3 in a faction guarantees a legendary weapon. That's something worth sinking time into. No lottery ticket bullshit needed
First Legendary Engram... A blue cloak I already had.
I don't think Bungie has the institutional knowledge to correctly design a loot structure that avoids Diablo 3 Vanilla mistakes.
Nice and rep doesn't have a cap like marks? Correct?
Reddit, so pinch of salt and all that but I wasn't getting anything apart from 1 green in 20 minutesWhere did you hear that?
I am at a massive disadvantage using a scout rifle in crucible, But I refuse to use a auto rifle like 99% of the people online.
Most unbalanced game ever.
Sweet and can crucible and VG marks be used for factions?No cap for rep, you get +10 for each patrol mission. +10 for losing in crucible, +25 for winning and bounties range from +50 to 100 I believe.
Reddit, so pinch of salt and all that but I wasn't getting anything apart from 1 green in 20 minutes
Sweet and can crucible and VG marks be used for factions?
Thanks for the info btw.
Good to know!I'm farming Crota right now and getting a bunch of stuff
I so love hand cannons. You can kill shotgunners before they close enough to do any real damage, and long ranged weapons can't get a good enough aim on you with those super high impact stats you're inflicting on the feeling of my skill painstakingly improving... hand cannons ya'll![]()
PLaying a strike and and..........................................
Right and if i'm a Titan what's the best faction to choose? Or oes it matter?No, only crucible marks can be used for factions. Also you wont get vanguard rep if your doing faction rep. You have to choose who u want 1st. Vanguard /Crucible or faction.
Not sure I'm a huge fan of the Warlock blink... Feel like I don't have enough control
yes. You can work on reputation as much as you want. I have a few people on my friends list rank 4 in the crucible. I hit rank 3 vanguard yesterday.Nice and rep doesn't have a cap like marks? Correct?
Right and if i'm a Titan what's the best faction to choose? Or oes it matter?
And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Till touchdown brings me around again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home OH NO NO OH
Burning up his fuse out here alone!
I love the music for that fight.Finished the "campaign." That was a cool fight at the end, very tense, set in an awesome location.
PLaying a strike and and..........................................
This is where you're going to spend most of the fight.
Now the trick with this room is that after a good 10-15 seconds there will be a shrieker that spawns and WILL one shot you. So you gotta head back to the hallway to despawn him. After that you can go back to the doorway and attack Phogoth. Now the shrieker isn't the only problem, you're going to have a TON of adds. When they get close to the doorway head back to the hallway and wait for them to despawn. Though we did encounter some Thralls and Knights that liked to hang out right in front of the door and we had to take them out.
yo dog, you do the vault of glass yet?
scout rifles are viable but auto rifles sadly smoke them. The only gun I'd say is truly unusuable in pvp is the pulse rifle.I dunno, I've been doing alright with a mix of scout and shotgun. Not top of the charts but not bottom either.
Hey me too!i'm hoarding legendary engrams in my vault
It takes some getting used to but it's now one of my favorite anythings everDon't like using it with my bladedancer either, but it can be pretty useful for dodging high level enemies in strikes.
The RNGods were finally good to me after at least 8 thrown away Legendary Engrams.
Also got the Crucible helm via a Rare/Blue Engram.
Purchased the chest/hands pieces from the Vanguard vendor @ 65 marks each.
May the RNGods bless you all. Gonna farm marks for some boots.
Supers and meleeYes choosing a faction matters alot. Depends how do you play. Do you wanna use supers and grenades more? Supers and melee? Grenade and mele?
Supers and melee
it's actually not employing the same structure as diablo at all. it's misleading because of the engrams I know.
Has Skywatch yielded any Legendary engrams for anyone lately?
I farmed it with 2 peeps last night for a couple hours, got none... got quite a few rare engrams though, mostly turned out to be crud
I find farming quite relaxing... like a massage of loot.
scout rifles are viable but auto rifles sadly smoke them. The only gun I'd say is truly unusuable in pvp is the pulse rifle.
man, my xbox rep is going to tank what with the skywatch grind. i have no problem sharing with others, but when people are dicks to get you to bug out i have no qualms about throwing a lone dance party in a cave while i play around on GAF. i have so many angry messages on live, lol
Quick post again for a new page. If anyone on PS4 is looking to do the weekly heroic strike, send me an invite at Crovax44. Level 26 hunter, ready to go!
today for an hour netted me 4 or 5
Thanks what about supers and grenades for my Alt?I believe that's the Monarchy then.