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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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I can't wait for Iron Banner to become available. Then we can really see how each of these legendary and exotic weapons/armor stack up. I can almost smell the tears from here, it'll be fun.

Oh, and just ran the level 26 weekly with some gaffers and that was crazy. Thank goodness a cheese mechanic was found and we came home with our strange coins lol. Legendary body armor engram dropped for me. Guess what happened at the Cryptarch though...blue. I'm now logged out for a few to take a break lol.


I keep getting disonnected now when trying to do moon stikes :( Almost beat the boss too. Gonna have to run it even more now ;_;


Death, and only death.

That's a lower level, the lev 20 one does 242 damage when maxed out.

Yeah I know. It is level 19. Really hoping a level 20 with good perks drop. But this still one-shots most enemies in the head and two shots elsewhere. Doubt the level 20 one-shots other than headshot. I just love how it handles with the combination of 11 shots, high impact and that reload speed.


Alright, now that I only have some non essential Mars missions left, I thought I'd write down some impressions. I'm at level 22 by the way, so I haven't tried everything the game has to offer, but I feel like I've got a good idea of what's going on. I'll say right off the bat, this is going to be mostly positive.

1. With all the poop slinging, you would think the story missions were some half assed, vapid, monotonous mess. They're not. It's also not Halo CE or 3(my favorites), but you would have a hard time finding something of a similar caliber when it comes to fps campaigns these days. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king? Maybe, maybe more like one and a half eyes. Here are some patently Bungie things that most other games in the genre simply don't do: Enemy variety, level design that encourages dynamism, smart AI and despite the MMO stuff, the health/shield system is still well balanced. I don't mean to write a review sized post or sell you on the game so there's no need to further expound on the mechanics, if you like first person games you've likely played a Bungie game before so suffice it to say, you know this stuff matters. Here's what's been lost/sacrificed in the struggle: weapon variety(not having the ability to quickly swap weapons already in your inventory on the fly is the proverbial last nail in the coffin), a propensity for cannon fodder(and this one is a killer), shitty bosses replacing all climactic encounters(I never knew splash damage could be so grating). And finally, this is a given but, you didn't really expect all of the bespoke Bungie single player stuff AND the rest of Destiny, did you? Resources are not infinite and the homogenization that comes with the RPG stuff doesn't really allow for that.

So, if one were to rip out the story missions and release them as a separate game, where would it be? In terms of design at least, I think it would compare favorably against something like Wolfenstein. Not shooting for the moon, I know, but some people would have you believe it's trash.

2. The hub worlds, strikes and crucible work as ancillary elements. The interesting part here is the open/hub world areas, I even thought the onus for the whole thing to work was on that at the start. I still think it mostly works as a spot to meet other players, maybe do some public events and dial the pace way down when you just want to mess around. The strikes is the weakest of those three by the way. The bosses in this game are a flop.

3. Now on to some stuff that's dull or just plain ugly. The leveling and loot systems are meaningless. I thought it would get interesting with the switch to loot based leveling after 20, but now all the items seem to have light stats, so it's just as transparent a hamster wheel as it ever was. And, oh yea, the story is full on awful. Maybe they thought, "hey, people think Leviathan Wakes is great for chrissake, they'll eat this banal shit up and ask for seconds. Write the most inoffensive, mainstream thing possible". I don't know. But, I think a sizable part of the criticism for this game is just how much people recoil at the shitty presentation and packaging.

So there, I'm running out of steam now, enough rambling. I wonder if I'll still be playing this game 2 weeks or a month from now, that's the next step, I suppose.


So I just tried to do the moon strike.

Wow my team mates were bad.

They didn't even enter the damn boss room. They just stood in the doorway trying to kill the infinitely respawning enemies. I got the boss to 1/3 health MYSELF in the main room and we kept wiping. Ugh, what a waste of time. I ended up with 250+ kills and the last guy on our team had around 40.

So frustrating.

They were killing the infinite respawning enemies and you have 250+ kills?
So.. just been playing the game to have fun. Doing a lot of Crucible (with Bounties) and knocking out some daily missions here and there. Occasional Tiger Strike Playlist.. and had enough Marks and Rep today to pick up two pieces of Legendary armor. Already had one piece from an Engram a couple days ago and I'll have enough Marks by the end of the week to get that last armor piece to be full Legendary.

Then I did the Heroic Daily mission on lvl 24 (I'm currently 26) and got a Legendary Engram that turned into Light/Beware (Legendary Fusion Rifle). So I'm doing pretty well. Only farming I did was running a path around the Moon for Helium to upgrade my purple armor pieces.


was in 2nd to last place the whole game while i ran around with shotgun and fusion rifle trying to get void kills. has to be the most boring way to play this game. trading kills left and right and then someone else comes along to kill the victor. yawn.

so i switched to my sniper rifle and clutched a win


Woah, I didn't know you were Twilight_Gap. Cool beans.
I missed like the last 11 pages. Anything interesting happen?

Also, I noticed this purple ball that had physics similar to a beach ball of some sort. Is that new? I've never seen or heard of it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
So.. just been playing the game to have fun. Doing a lot of Crucible (with Bounties) and knocking out some daily missions here and there. Occasional Tiger Strike Playlist.. and had enough Marks and Rep today to pick up two pieces of Legendary armor. Already had one piece from an Engram a couple days ago and I'll have enough Marks by the end of the week to get that last armor piece to be full Legendary.

Then I did the Heroic Daily mission on lvl 24 (I'm currently 26) and got a Legendary Engram that turned into Light/Beware (Legendary Fusion Rifle). So I'm doing pretty well. Only farming I did was running a path around the Moon for Helium to upgrade my purple armor pieces.
and how many strange coins and motes of light have you got?
so you can for sure only get one ascendant material per day by doing one event? This is going to take forever to level stuff up. This seems to validate faming now, since you can dismantle legendaries for ascendant materials


Bungie really needs to address the issue of people dropping and then the game not replacing them. Nothing more frustrating then getting 3/4 through a hard strike only to have someone rage quit leaving you essentially screwed.
and how many strange coins and motes of light have you got?

Only 11 Strange Coins and 15 Motes of Light. Didn't do the weekly last week but hopefully I can get at least the lvl 26 one done this week. That and a few rolls that some would consider "unlucky" and hopefully I'll have enough coins to buy an Exotic Primary (if he's selling a good one).


man, my xbox rep is going to tank what with the skywatch grind. i have no problem sharing with others, but when people are dicks to get you to bug out i have no qualms about throwing a lone dance party in a cave while i play around on GAF. i have so many angry messages on live, lol

Why are people trying to get others to bug out? I've seen engrams pop for me when others got the kill when I was just shooting in the general direction of the cave. There was a bit this afternoon that there were six of us hanging around there. I did get one guy send me a message to move back further which was odd because they were still spawning. Most people seem fine though (even that guy because he was nice about it) and everybody gets into a rhythm which is nice.

Haha.. I've not encountered any Skywatch trolls yet, did have some peeps go sit in the cave for a while... I just kept shooting them in the face until they got the message...

I wish chat bubbles existed sometimes, "Get out of the cave please" would have been easier to say than 10000 bullets to ones grill.

There need to be more emotes. Although I have found pointing works pretty well a lot of the time.

Has Skywatch yielded any Legendary engrams for anyone lately?

I farmed it with 2 peeps last night for a couple hours, got none... got quite a few rare engrams though, mostly turned out to be crud :p

I find farming quite relaxing... like a massage of loot.

The relaxing is the only reason I 'm doing the farming. I was originally trying to get my level up for the raid as I have a few friends that are high enough and I want to be able to help them out. But now I'm not in a hurry and like the meditative aspect of it. Great way to get my gear and subclass up as well and weapon parts for later. No legendaries for me but plenty of decent rares and getting the cryptarch level up which did get me a legendary.


Finally got rank 2 in crucible rep. Bought some legendary gear. Still only Level 25. Grr. How are there 28's out there? What do they have equipped?

Wow. My legendary machine gun is crazy OP in PVP, I don't even want to know how hard you can wreck shop with an exotic.
Gonna rank that badboy up while I get Vanguard marks now. It's got a buff that skyrockets its stability. I can't even imagine...


Huh, did the Dust Palace for the first time as a level 24 Vanguard Strike.
Despite it being only my first time and the 3rd guy dropped out near the beginning, managed to finish it pretty quick - the other guy never died and I only died like 3 times.
Randomly booted the game on 360 (I own it digitally on Xbox one). I was pleasantly surprised that the achievements sync between the consoles. Now if only I could use my character on ps3 also...



Found this guy on the moon. He didn't make it. There's actually a ghost just above him as well.

Also found another legendary while doing patrols on the moon. Haven't turned it in yet.

And, when I stopped over in Skywatch earlier, I wasn't paying attention and the damn Warsat landed right on my head and killed me. Didn't know that could happen.


Attempted to do the Raid with a bunch of anons with no mics LOL.

I have to give it to Bungie, they were right to disallow matchmaking, but only because they designed the Raid so that it's impossible to complete without mics. What a bunch of dicks.



Which one?

Damage gets scaled so a level 1 rifleand a level 20 rifle with the same stats (the bars looking the same) does the same damage.

Vanguard Marks can get done in a few hours doing events in Old Russia. Combined with Daily/Weekly if it gets too boring.


Got my Thunderlord yesterday as a random engram drop. It's my most sought after gun along with the Hawkmoon. I'm so happy now. :]

Btw, it takes ages to level up exotic guns.


Got to level 4 and gained the supercharged grenade skill as a warlock, which is pretty badass.

I have to say that I'm having fun just running around the maps and killing enemies and looking for loot. I found that loot becomes much better if you play a map one level above yours. Pretty cool. Stuff was dropping pretty regularly.
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