Unconfirmed Member
Yeah it's random. I got it in a rumble match. It's 4 in the morning, I'm playing like ass
Well, that's an interesting coincidence.
Yeah it's random. I got it in a rumble match. It's 4 in the morning, I'm playing like ass
cant unsee angry red cat chestplate
I thought hiding in the ante room was girlie man so ran around inside, you can survive but you need to be quick, and never stand still, and kill those annoying high snipers all the time.We did it legit up to that point, but I don't see how anyone could actually go in the room and kill the adds AND dodge his beam without wiping.
LOVING how my Warlock looks now.
Depends on the range of the shotgun, but generally you have to be practically touching them for a one-shot kill. However, you can be about 4-5 steps away and do enough damage to follow up with a quick melee.
Well, i've got spinal muscular atrophy so my reflexes aren't beautiful...but that might work. How close should I be with shotguns?
Sweet. Thanks for the advice guys. Doing alright with the shingen C, but i'm really not used to the (albeit minimal) recoil yet. All about the hand cannon in PvE.
Pretty much. Thus why you have afks in Rumble.
I thought hiding in the ante room was girlie man so ran around inside, you can survive but you need to be quick, and never stand still, and kill those annoying high snipers all the time.
Does no one use voice chat on PS4? Even in crucible with random its dead silent.
Cydonia is a bit easier on the recoil if you find one, be sure to try it out.
There is no voice chat in-game. Unless you invite them to your fireteam and they accept.
Even in Crucible matchmaking without a fireteam?
Even in Crucible matchmaking without a fireteam?
Jesus, that crouch invis the Bladedancer has is HOT FUCKING GARBAGE. You have to crouch for two seconds so you get like 4 seconds of invisibility? Really, guys? In what the actual fuck situation is that even useful.
WOW. I actually have a Cydonia-AR3 with a reduced recoil perk. Looks like i'll be giving that a try soon![]()
Jesus, that crouch invis the Bladedancer has is HOT FUCKING GARBAGE. You have to crouch for two seconds so you get like 4 seconds of invisibility? Really, guys? In what the actual fuck situation is that even useful.
Jesus, that crouch invis the Bladedancer has is HOT FUCKING GARBAGE. You have to crouch for two seconds so you get like 4 seconds of invisibility? Really, guys? In what the actual fuck situation is that even useful.
There is no voice chat in-game. Unless you invite them to your fireteam and they accept.
Raid has been going ok lately with my guys. I think will get past a tricky bit today when we aren't so tired, that seems to be the case each day we play and get refreshed
Man I wonder what gear we shall get should we complete it at some point.
Note: Once you become invisible, you do NOT have to stay crouched. You can jump, double jump, sprint, whatever... as long as it's not melee or a weapon shot, you stay invisible.
PVP finally clicked for me yesterday and started wrecking people. The secret? DAT Handcannon baby. A monster in PvE and PVP.
PVP finally clicked for me yesterday and started wrecking people. The secret? DAT Handcannon baby. A monster in PvE and PVP. Kinda regret throwing away my exotic handcannon bounty. Dreaming of that Hawkmoon handcannon now. Does it only drop in the exclusive raid/multiplayer map?
Hope it works out for you. Kinda wish I could find another Cydonia that's at my level myself.
Good Morning, yeah it was really tiring yesterday. But know that we know how to do it, I think we go past that spot in no time.
But before we can continue that raid, I have to farm some glimmer to buy lots of heavy ammo synthesis.
Doesn't the game kick AFK'ers in PvP and PvE? Seems like such a strange thing to forget especially for a game like this. Kinda dumb, Bungie.
Dear Bungie, fuck you.
... And to think I almost bought the Gold Wireless Headset just for this game. It is useless, I barely get anyone into fireteams. Glad I didn't waste money on that.
I reccomend 27 for the raid, you can get to the final boss at 26 but his adds are 28 and you do way more damage as a 27Looking forward to tomorrow. If all goes well I should get an exotic from Xur that brings me to lvl 27.
I guess then I could sometimes jump into some raid groups with you guys?
Dear Bungie, fuck you.
I don't think it's a k/d of 25. Just that you have to kill 25 times more than you die. So for example you will complete it if you're combined after, let's say 3 games, 61-36.Dear Bungie, fuck you.
Dear Bungie, fuck you.
Dear Bungie, fuck you.
Am I reading this right? You can die 25 times in a row, 25 times? Haha.
In there
So what are today's Vanguard bounties?
So what are today's Vanguard bounties?
I'm about to be so happy I didn't delete that bounty...
Sorry for using bad words Bungie, but you should probably edit that typo. (I can pretend they're reading this if I want to)
Yup! This is the weapon I made a video of and posted in the thread earlier. I love it!