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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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After 2 hours of farming, finally got a legendary weapon and armor. They really need to find a better way to get legendary engrams/gear. I have been stuck at lvl 24 for the last three days :/.

there is a better way. You can get your rep up and get marks from strikes/public events. Once you're at level 2 in w/e faction of your choosing, with the default being Vanguard, you can start buying legendary gear from the representative.

I've literally gotten no gear from the legendary engrams, and my warlock bond, boots and gloves have been bought from them. So all of my gear, outside of weapons, come from buying them


After 2 hours of farming, finally got a legendary weapon and armor. They really need to find a better way to get legendary engrams/gear. I have been stuck at lvl 24 for the last three days :/.

You're supposed to level up your faction reputation and get vanguard/crucible marks to buy the stuff.


Had a stupid amount of luck today. Farmed earth for a few hours off and on. Ended up with at least 10 legendary drops. I got my Hunter his full set, and working on the other two classes now.


There is. Get Vanguard/Crucible rank 2 and get Marks. Buy the stuff you want with the stats that fit you.

there is a better way. You can get your rep up and get marks from strikes/public events. Once you're at level 2 in w/e faction of your choosing, with the default being Vanguard, you can start buying legendary gear from the representative.

I've literally gotten no gear from the legendary engrams, and my warlock bond, boots and gloves have been bought from them. So all of my gear, outside of weapons, come from buying them

Stop farming and do strikes and bounties.

I'm doing those but it's REALLY slow to rank up. i just got to rank 1 :/.


Golden Boy
About the grinding: I am one of the unfortunate ones who havnt gotten any legendary yet. However i know from Diablo that it can sometimes take a while.
The only thing i want bungie to fix is that legendaries can turn out as items for other classes. No other engram classes do that and it doesnt make sense either.


Awww yissss Grimoire Score of 2000



I went on the forums in the Destiny app (presumably just a mobile version of the Bungie forums) and there are tons of people defending the story/lore, calling it deep and amazing. One person said it was the best story he had ever seen, with tons of people saying they were glad he understood how great the story was. Like, I can get finding the game fun or beautiful (because to some degree that's subjective) but the story is objectively thin with little context for anything, with no character development at all.

Honestly the lack of a story or explained lore is probably one of my bigger gripes with this game.


I went on the forums in the Destiny app (presumably just a mobile version of the Bungie forums) and there are tons of people defending the story/lore, calling it deep and amazing. One person said it was the best story he had ever seen, with tons of people saying they were glad he understood how great the story was. Like, I can get finding the game fun or beautiful (because to some degree that's subjective) but the story is objectively thin with little context for anything, with no character development at all.

Honestly the lack of a story or explained lore is probably one of my bigger gripes with this game.
Lol classic bungie forums

There are mostly fanboys and idiots, as a year long Halo fan you learn this the hard way.

Not Spaceghost

There is as much story in Destiny as there is nutritional value in cotton candy.

I remember sitting there with my friend on our headsets playing through the story and at least once per planet we asked each other why we were here again?

The story as far as I'm concerned is.

We were fighting dudes on earth and the moon, then we found the vex, then we were shit we gotta stop the vex, then we went to the queen of the reef because the exo stranger said something about her then her brother told us to fuck off, then she told us how to get to the black garden, then we did that, then we had a fight in the black garden, then it was over?
I am pretty sure the first part of the raid requires at least three people, are there any other parts that require more people? Only have 3 other friends that got the game on 360, so 4 total


I'm gonna come right out and say Warlock is massively OP in the Crucible.

How so? Beyond sunsinger being able to toss out tons of 1 hit kill grenades, I don't see it. Warlocks are the easiest guys to kill in there. Void bomb is like a rocket launcher, slightly more effective, but it doesn't change much.

As for Titans, only the defender is particularly OP in control and salvage. They can lock down circles for long periods of time, only a smash or void bomb can stop em considering the overshield you can get regens if you just leave the bubble and come back in. Striker's smash can be frustrating, but it doesn't turn the tide of battle, it's just a panic button to get a titan out of a tight spot. It's near impossible to dodge, so it's a cheap shot, but it's not very effective in the grand scheme of things. Their 1 hit melee is cheap, but anybody with a shotgun can wreck them while they try to run up on them.

The real OP class for every mode is blade dancer. You can lunge from a decent range and take down 4 people spread out people easily, and it takes 2 point blank shots from a shotgun to kill you. Not to mention they can cloak and blink. Compared to Gunslinger only getting a consistent 1-3 kills, blade dancer just destroys.

In terms of Opness it goes: Bladedancer>Defender>sunsinger, the rest are reasonable, if annoying.


Here's pics of my Titan. I'd figure I take some final screens of him, because once Friday comes around he'll be decked out in legendary and exotic armor. I really like the orange/black/blue shader, some Vanguard pride right here.

So, are the weapons from a Faction random or class based? I've seen people with a New Monarchy Hand Cannon, but all I see from them is a Auto Rifle and a Scout Rifle.


Um, okay when I launch the game my PS4 pops up a window saying "Use of user-generated media is not allowed for your account." When I hit X another window pops up, "Use of this application's chat and messaging features is not allowed for your account." Then it won't sign in. Tried resetting my console and internet to no avail.

Day 2, done. Played for 5 - 6 hours and got to level 20. Finished the story as well and here is my reaction to it.


The marathon trilogy makes more sense than Destiny.
Unless you get your ass to the internet and read notes about everything in the world, BOOOO!

Aside from that, gameplay, OST, atmosphere and especially the scenery are all top notch. I just wish we had more exploration and more meaning to everything that is available around us. In Halo, the scenery were a service to the ongoing pace of the epic story but here since the story is almost non existent, everything just feels empty/dull with no drive but not to mention we are playing a game where we find good shit to make our character better and there aren't any hidden cool chests in the world to find as they respawn randomly. When I mean cool, I mean they actually give you epic shit. It also boggles my mind why they are no vehicles(ground or air) only a sparrow and a pike when Bungie clearly made alot of them with the Halo series.

I don't know what went wrong but something did. It's a fun game especially with friends, no doubt but it could have been so much more. Come MCC and people will echo the statements of how Destiny could have been so much more because Bungie did better. I tried out crucible after getting to level 20 and it's definitely much more fun to play. Don't know if my stronger weapons or armor make things better but it certainly felt I had a fighting chance in a match. I'll be spending more time there now + vanguard playlist I'm guessing. I will also farm but I'm thinking i'll do that much later, don't want to be burnt out by the game.

Overall, It's a fun but disappointing game. My order of worlds from favorite to worst are Venus > Moon > Earth > Mars(Except for the final level on mars). Mars reminds me of one of my favorite levels in Halo 3, The Ark.I keep finding myself thinking about Halo the more I play Destiny. Can't wait to play the MCC, going to be fanfuckingtastic.

Edit: My post is at the bottom of the page, shit.


So, are the weapons from a Faction random or class based? I've seen people with a New Monarchy Hand Cannon, but all I see from them is a Auto Rifle and a Scout Rifle.

i think it might just be that some faction weapons aren't sold but decrypted. i have a shotgun from one of the factions that i got from an engram.


Man this client is the most finicky I've seen in a console game. First one to generate tons of NAT-related errors according to my router logs, and it's dropping me from patrol missions.

PS4 has a static IP address, configured appropriately on the router. All of the port forwarding Bungie suggested is set up. Every other game works absolutely marvelously, no errors or drops or anything. But Destiny kicks me nonstop hour with the error code "groundhog". Christ. This didn't start until their update.
I am pretty sure the first part of the raid requires at least three people, are there any other parts that require more people? Only have 3 other friends that got the game on 360, so 4 total

You gonna need the full 6 people Fireteam. Further into the Raid there is no way you guys can make it due to the mechanic you have to use for the boss. It's impossible.


I just solo'd the extraction crew public event and it glitched in some way. It didn't seem to recognize that I was participating and I got no reward x.x


Can someone tell me what exactly the Sunsinger's super does?

It says "increases your abilities". So by abilities does it just mean grenades and melee?


Got some ascendant shards from doing a Public event on the moon but I did 4 of them on earth and didn't receive anything except a strange coin from the post office?

Does the planet of the strikes make a difference to the rewards?


How so? Beyond sunsinger being able to toss out tons of 1 hit kill grenades, I don't see it. Warlocks are the easiest guys to kill in there. Void bomb is like a rocket launcher, slightly more effective, but it doesn't change much.

As for Titans, only the defender is particularly OP in control and salvage. They can lock down circles for long periods of time, only a smash or void bomb can stop em considering the overshield you can get regens if you just leave the bubble and come back in. Striker's smash can be frustrating, but it doesn't turn the tide of battle, it's just a panic button to get a titan out of a tight spot. It's near impossible to dodge, so it's a cheap shot, but it's not very effective in the grand scheme of things. Their 1 hit melee is cheap, but anybody with a shotgun can wreck them while they try to run up on them.

The real OP class for every mode is blade dancer. You can lunge from a decent range and take down 4 people spread out people easily, and it takes 2 point blank shots from a shotgun to kill you. Not to mention they can cloak and blink. Compared to Gunslinger only getting a consistent 1-3 kills, blade dancer just destroys.

In terms of Opness it goes: Bladedancer>Defender>sunsinger, the rest are reasonable, if annoying.
The void melee by warlocks and their void bomb are reeeally strong though
Can someone tell me what exactly the Sunsinger's super does?

It says "increases your abilities". So by abilities does it just mean grenades and melee?

You're grenade and melee modifier have an insanely low cooldown, and I believe their damage is increased as well. If you're specced high enough in Discipline, you can lob 5+ grenades within one Super I believe.

And later, you can resurrect yourself. So there's that.


You're grenade and melee modifier have an insanely low cooldown, and I believe their damage is increased as well. If you're specced high enough in Discipline, you can lob 5+ grenades within one Super I believe.

And later, you can resurrect yourself. So there's that.

Yeah, and isn't there one thing that cool down people around you as well?
Got some ascendant shards from doing a Public event on the moon but I did 4 of them on earth and didn't receive anything except a strange coin from the post office?

Does the planet of the strikes make a difference to the rewards?

someone earlier said you only get ascendant material for the first event u do in a day. Seems like it will take forever to upgrade stuff, considering some of them need 8 for one upgrade. That is like 24 days for one weapon to be fully upgrade, and thats only if u get the right kind of ascendant material


Tagged as I see fit
Just in case anyone was struggling with the "Exalted Hive" bounty (kill 10 hive ultras or majors) as it's on the bounty board right now. There's a spawn spot on Venus where a level 11 hive major spawns every 30 seconds. It took me about 10 minutes total to get the 10 kills.

Found the link here

This doesn't appear to be working anymore :(


Lvl26 warlock on PS4 looking for any kind of raid group forming. I have an extremely flexible schedule. Please PM me.
Grenades are almost instacooldown, you can revive yourself from death even in PvP, your melee is basically a one hit kill, and you have a sticky grenade that tracks targets.


So what's the mechanics behind loot drops? Is it just random? Is there any way at all to engineer favourable drops or do I just need to keep grinding mobs forever?


someone earlier said you only get ascendant material for the first event u do in a day. Seems like it will take forever to upgrade stuff, considering some of them need 8 for one upgrade. That is like 24 days for one weapon to be fully upgrade, and thats only if u get the right kind of ascendant material
Naw you can get ascendant materials by doing public events they're a rare drop. And no I'm not talking about the first one in the day. A friend and I were grinding events earlier we got like 4 ascendant shards in about an hour and a half and a few energies
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